download here
tutorial for labview setup here
imaging new firmware steps here
you must download lab view before imaging roborio
labview 2020 download here
installing RobotPy on roborio here
programming radio here
status lights reference
read the docs here
plumbing overview on page 14 here
[wiring pneumatics]([wiring pneumatics])
most links dont work but some are pretty good here
open terminal and run this command: pip3 install pyfrc, referecne pyfrc docs for 2020 version MAKE SURE YOU HAVE 64 BIT PYTHON OR SOME LIBRARIES WILL NOT WORK
make sure you have updated the roborio and the talon srx firmware
to deploy code to the robot use py -3 deploy --skip-tests
use "ctrl ~" to open powershell in vscode
to open the simulator use python .\ sim
make sure that you have updated both labview on your computer and the roborio image