The official Warfork sounds aren't included in this repository due to their proprietary nature. However, we've created two soundpacks below to contribute to the FOSS community. Over time, some of the Warfork filenames have changed. For example, the Riotgun now has three variants: riotgun_fire_strong_1.wav, riotgun_fire_strong_2.wav, and riotgun_fire_strong_3.wav. Nevertheless, the soundpacks contain only one file, riotgun_fire_strong.ogg. To make it function correctly, you'll need to duplicate riotgun_fire_strong.ogg three times and rename each copy accordingly. We apologize for the manual effort required, but we lack the time to maintain this repository going forward.
Please note that if you release a notable game using the cc0 and ccsa3 soundpacks, please inform us, and we'll provide a link to your game here. Michael 'Tenshihan' Quinn dedicated a lot of time to the ccsa3 soundpack, and we'd be thrilled to see it used in another game.
Creative Commons — CC0 1.0 Universal (Public Domain) by Caine and MaxCarnage (\trailer\MaxCarnage_cc0_processed)- Team Forbidden LLC. /warfork-free-soundpacks/cc0
Creative Commons — CC Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States (CC BY-SA 3.0 US) by Michael 'Tenshihan' Quinn - Team Forbidden LLC. /warfork-free-soundpacks/cc-by-sa-30-us
Creative Commons — CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 by (c) Warsow, Warsow, Team, and Chasseur de Bots. /warfork-free-soundpacks/cc-by-sa-40-warsow