Releases: TfTHacker/obsidian42-brat
0.7.2 Manifest update
Making this plugin compatible with HelpMate
- Can now force a reinstall of a beta plugin. This might be useful when a local file gets corrupted, and you want to replace it with the current file in the release. (Addresses FR #62)
- If the URL ends with .git, the Add New Plugin form will strip the .git extension. This makes it easier to use the GitHub copy code button URL with BRAT (fix for #55)
- updated to the newest esbuild and also all project dependencies
0.7.0 Massive Themes Update
Major updates to THEMES support
- BRAT now supports the Obsidian 1.0+ changes to the way Themes are handled (no longer using obsidian.css, rather using theme.css & manifest.json)
- if a repository has a theme-beta.css file, this will be downloaded instead of the theme.css in the repository. This allows a theme developer to have a theme file for beta testing, while still having a theme.css live for public users not testing a theme. See themes documentation
- When deleting a theme from within BRAT's settings, the theme is removed from BRAT monitoring, but the theme is not physically deleted from the vault. The user can delete in Settings > Appearance
- The ability to "switch themes" is removed as this feature was sherlocked and natively added to Obsidian in the command palette with the "Change Theme" command
- BRAT had the ability to install any community themes from the official community theme list. However, since Obsidian improved the themes UI, this feature became redudant and so was removed.
0.6.37 Bug fixes & updating core libraries
Bug fixes & updating core libraries
0.6.36 Minor code updates for 1.0
This contains just some updates to libraries and also some textual changes in the UI. Likely will be doing some feature trimming in near future since Obsidian has added some BRAT features to core.
Updated for 0.16.x release of Obsidian with more smarts
BRAT has now been tested with the 0.16.x release of Obsidian. In addition, BRAT will be a bit smarter when installing plugins for testing.
Additionally, in settings, there is a setting to enable/disable debugging to the console. This has been improved.
- New: BRAT now compares the minAppVersion in the manifest file to the installed version of Obsidian. Resolution for #38.
- Fix: If enabling or disabling a plugin with BRAT, the enable/disable state of the plugin is being saved by Obsidian. Resolution for #22
- Fix: Errors generated by grabManifestJsonFromRepository are now properly handled in COnsole. Resolution for #42
NEW: Add frozen versions of a plugin by its release tag
NEW: Frozen version is based on a release tag
BRAT will monitor and update plugins as they are updated in their GitHub repositories. However, if you want to freeze the version of a plugin, you can do so by using the command "BRAT: Add a beta plugin with frozen version based on a release tag". This will install the plugin with the version you specify, but not update it when other plugins are updated.
Thanks to the good work of @fyears for this feature
esbuild issue
0.6.33 0.6.32 Updated dependencies, command palette tweak
Update of dependencies and menu tweak
Updated a few library dependencies
Also made it so the GitHub open repository feature would show Plugins first, then themes, which is the most used scenario. Small tweak to enhance navigating the command palette and BRAT
0.6.31 esbuild issue
0.6.3 Quick fix for installation issue