From b61122304101d362b5a2c740b70777c80ec29ea3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Tarazi Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2019 18:20:38 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] electrical updates --- .../ElectricalSchematic-cache.lib | 16 ++- .../ElectricalSchematic.sch | 113 ++++++------------ .../ElectricalSchematic.sch-bak | 12 +- electrical/ElectricalSchematic/power.lib | 3 +- 4 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-) diff --git a/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic-cache.lib b/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic-cache.lib index 69b84ad..8e085fb 100644 --- a/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic-cache.lib +++ b/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic-cache.lib @@ -31,6 +31,19 @@ X +5VD 1 0 0 0 U 50 50 1 1 W N ENDDRAW ENDDEF # +# 11.1V_GND +# +DEF 11.1V_GND #PWR 0 0 Y Y 1 F P +F0 "#PWR" 0 -250 50 H I C CNN +F1 "11.1V_GND" 0 -150 50 H V C CNN +F2 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN +F3 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN +DRAW +P 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 -50 50 -50 0 -100 -50 -50 0 -50 N +X GND 1 0 0 0 D 50 50 1 1 W N +ENDDRAW +ENDDEF +# # 11.1V_IMU # DEF 11.1V_IMU U 0 40 Y Y 1 F N @@ -81,8 +94,7 @@ DRAW S -800 -100 -150 -850 0 1 0 f X 5-12V_input+ ~ -900 -200 100 R 50 50 0 0 W X 5-12V_input- ~ -900 -300 100 R 50 50 0 0 W -X Servo_pwm1 ~ -50 -650 100 L 50 50 0 0 O -X Servo_pwm2 ~ -50 -750 100 L 50 50 0 0 O +X Servo_pwm1 ~ -50 -750 100 L 50 50 0 0 O ENDDRAW ENDDEF # diff --git a/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic.sch b/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic.sch index 3517f8a..e4dce68 100644 --- a/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic.sch +++ b/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic.sch @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ EESchema Schematic File Version 4 +LIBS:ElectricalSchematic-cache EELAYER 30 0 EELAYER END $Descr A4 11693 8268 @@ -388,46 +389,10 @@ F 3 "" H 8900 1650 50 0001 C CNN $EndComp Wire Wire Line 8900 1900 8900 1650 -Connection ~ 8900 1900 Wire Wire Line 9100 1900 8900 1900 Wire Wire Line - 8900 2450 8900 1900 -Wire Wire Line - 9100 2450 8900 2450 -Wire Wire Line - 8800 2000 8800 2550 -Wire Wire Line - 8800 2550 8800 2750 -Connection ~ 8800 2550 -Wire Wire Line - 9100 2550 8800 2550 -Wire Wire Line - 9100 2000 8800 2000 -$Comp -L power:GND #PWR? -U 1 1 5DC957BD -P 8800 2750 -F 0 "#PWR?" H 8800 2500 50 0001 C CNN -F 1 "GND" H 8805 2577 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "" H 8800 2750 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 8800 2750 50 0001 C CNN - 1 8800 2750 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text Notes 9250 2200 0 50 ~ 0 -Drives the balance control -$Comp -L Motor:Motor_Servo M? -U 1 1 5DC8DF14 -P 9400 2450 -F 0 "M?" H 9732 2515 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Motor_Servo" H 9732 2424 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "" H 9400 2260 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 9400 2260 50 0001 C CNN - 1 9400 2450 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp + 9100 2000 8900 2000 $Comp L Motor:Motor_Servo M? U 1 1 5DC8C00A @@ -474,35 +439,12 @@ F 3 "" H 7050 1900 50 0001 C CNN 1 7050 1900 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 7250 1700 7050 1700 Wire Wire Line 7050 1700 7050 1500 -$Comp -L 11.1V:MotorShield_simplified U? -U 1 1 5DCC7808 -P 8150 1500 -F 0 "U?" H 7675 1565 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "MotorShield_simplified" H 7675 1474 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "" H 8200 1650 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 8200 1650 50 0001 C CNN - 1 8150 1500 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 7250 1800 7050 1800 Wire Wire Line 7050 1800 7050 1900 -Wire Wire Line - 8100 2150 8250 2150 -Wire Wire Line - 8550 2150 8550 1800 Wire Wire Line 8550 1800 9100 1800 -Wire Wire Line - 8550 2250 8550 2350 -Wire Wire Line - 8550 2350 9100 2350 Wire Wire Line 5150 3000 5150 4950 Wire Wire Line @@ -531,30 +473,49 @@ Wire Wire Line 7050 5700 7050 5350 Wire Wire Line 7050 5350 4700 5350 -Connection ~ 8250 2150 -Wire Wire Line - 8250 2150 8550 2150 Wire Wire Line - 8100 2250 8250 2250 -Text Label 8250 2100 1 50 ~ 0 + 4700 5650 5100 5650 +Text Label 4800 5650 0 50 ~ 0 Servo1 -Text Label 8250 2550 1 50 ~ 0 -Servo2 +$Comp +L 11.1V:GND #PWR? +U 1 1 5DD84ACB +P 8900 2150 +F 0 "#PWR?" H 8900 1900 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 8905 1977 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 8900 2150 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 8900 2150 50 0001 C CNN + 1 8900 2150 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp Wire Wire Line - 8250 1800 8250 2150 + 8900 2000 8900 2150 Wire Wire Line - 8250 2250 8250 2650 -Connection ~ 8250 2250 + 7250 1800 7050 1800 +Wire Wire Line + 7250 1700 7050 1700 +Wire Wire Line + 8250 1900 8250 2250 +Text Label 8250 2200 1 50 ~ 0 +Servo1 Wire Wire Line 8250 2250 8550 2250 Wire Wire Line - 4700 5650 5100 5650 + 8100 2250 8250 2250 +$Comp +L 11.1V:MotorShield_simplified U? +U 1 1 5DCC7808 +P 8150 1500 +F 0 "U?" H 7675 1565 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "MotorShield_simplified" H 7675 1474 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 8200 1650 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 8200 1650 50 0001 C CNN + 1 8150 1500 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Connection ~ 8250 2250 Wire Wire Line - 4700 5750 5100 5750 + 8550 1800 8550 2250 Wire Bus Line 3250 3900 4650 3900 -Text Label 4800 5750 0 50 ~ 0 -Servo2 -Text Label 4800 5650 0 50 ~ 0 -Servo1 $EndSCHEMATC diff --git a/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic.sch-bak b/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic.sch-bak index 59e0d31..3517f8a 100644 --- a/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic.sch-bak +++ b/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic.sch-bak @@ -544,9 +544,17 @@ Wire Wire Line 8250 1800 8250 2150 Wire Wire Line 8250 2250 8250 2650 -Wire Bus Line - 3250 3900 4650 3900 Connection ~ 8250 2250 Wire Wire Line 8250 2250 8550 2250 +Wire Wire Line + 4700 5650 5100 5650 +Wire Wire Line + 4700 5750 5100 5750 +Wire Bus Line + 3250 3900 4650 3900 +Text Label 4800 5750 0 50 ~ 0 +Servo2 +Text Label 4800 5650 0 50 ~ 0 +Servo1 $EndSCHEMATC diff --git a/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/power.lib b/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/power.lib index ae886e0..3a3c398 100644 --- a/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/power.lib +++ b/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/power.lib @@ -1142,8 +1142,7 @@ DRAW S -800 -100 -150 -850 0 1 0 f X 5-12V_input+ ~ -900 -200 100 R 50 50 0 0 W X 5-12V_input- ~ -900 -300 100 R 50 50 0 0 W -X Servo_pwm1 ~ -50 -650 100 L 50 50 0 0 O -X Servo_pwm2 ~ -50 -750 100 L 50 50 0 0 O +X Servo_pwm1 ~ -50 -750 100 L 50 50 0 0 O ENDDRAW ENDDEF # From a3da01d8f70c0b6d20c4a8a00f1661f3e15c87a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Tarazi Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2019 21:18:30 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] electrical updates --- .../ElectricalSchematic-cache.lib | 18 +++ .../ElectricalSchematic.sch | 52 +++++--- .../ElectricalSchematic.sch-bak | 113 ++++++------------ 3 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-) diff --git a/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic-cache.lib b/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic-cache.lib index 8e085fb..565f92c 100644 --- a/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic-cache.lib +++ b/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic-cache.lib @@ -318,6 +318,24 @@ X - 2 0 -100 100 U 50 50 1 1 P ENDDRAW ENDDEF # +# Device_Fuse +# +DEF Device_Fuse F 0 0 N Y 1 F N +F0 "F" 80 0 50 V V C CNN +F1 "Device_Fuse" -75 0 50 V V C CNN +F2 "" -70 0 50 V I C CNN +F3 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN +$FPLIST + *Fuse* +$ENDFPLIST +DRAW +S -30 -100 30 100 0 1 10 N +P 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 -100 N +X ~ 1 0 150 50 D 50 50 1 1 P +X ~ 2 0 -150 50 U 50 50 1 1 P +ENDDRAW +ENDDEF +# # Motor_Motor_DC # DEF Motor_Motor_DC M 0 0 Y Y 1 F N diff --git a/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic.sch b/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic.sch index e4dce68..182e3a6 100644 --- a/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic.sch +++ b/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic.sch @@ -291,24 +291,15 @@ Wire Wire Line 9050 4150 9050 3850 Wire Wire Line 9050 3850 9450 3850 -Wire Wire Line - 8450 4450 8650 4450 -Wire Wire Line - 8650 4450 8650 3750 -Wire Wire Line - 8650 4450 8650 5800 -Wire Wire Line - 8650 5800 8450 5800 -Connection ~ 8650 4450 $Comp L 11.1V:+11.1V #PWR? U 1 1 5DC86ADF -P 8650 3750 -F 0 "#PWR?" H 8650 3600 50 0001 C CNN -F 1 "+11.1V" H 8665 3923 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "" H 8650 3750 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 8650 3750 50 0001 C CNN - 1 8650 3750 +P 8850 3750 +F 0 "#PWR?" H 8850 3600 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "+11.1V" H 8865 3923 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 8850 3750 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 8850 3750 50 0001 C CNN + 1 8850 3750 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp @@ -516,6 +507,37 @@ $EndComp Connection ~ 8250 2250 Wire Wire Line 8550 1800 8550 2250 +Wire Wire Line + 8850 3750 8850 4450 +$Comp +L Device:Fuse F? +U 1 1 5DDA0F62 +P 8700 4450 +F 0 "F?" V 8503 4450 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "Fuse" V 8594 4450 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" V 8630 4450 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 8700 4450 50 0001 C CNN + 1 8700 4450 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:Fuse F? +U 1 1 5DDA2E37 +P 8700 5800 +F 0 "F?" V 8503 5800 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "Fuse" V 8594 5800 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" V 8630 5800 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 8700 5800 50 0001 C CNN + 1 8700 5800 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Connection ~ 8850 4450 +Wire Wire Line + 8850 4450 8850 5800 +Wire Wire Line + 8550 4450 8450 4450 +Wire Wire Line + 8550 5800 8450 5800 Wire Bus Line 3250 3900 4650 3900 $EndSCHEMATC diff --git a/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic.sch-bak b/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic.sch-bak index 3517f8a..e4dce68 100644 --- a/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic.sch-bak +++ b/electrical/ElectricalSchematic/ElectricalSchematic.sch-bak @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ EESchema Schematic File Version 4 +LIBS:ElectricalSchematic-cache EELAYER 30 0 EELAYER END $Descr A4 11693 8268 @@ -388,46 +389,10 @@ F 3 "" H 8900 1650 50 0001 C CNN $EndComp Wire Wire Line 8900 1900 8900 1650 -Connection ~ 8900 1900 Wire Wire Line 9100 1900 8900 1900 Wire Wire Line - 8900 2450 8900 1900 -Wire Wire Line - 9100 2450 8900 2450 -Wire Wire Line - 8800 2000 8800 2550 -Wire Wire Line - 8800 2550 8800 2750 -Connection ~ 8800 2550 -Wire Wire Line - 9100 2550 8800 2550 -Wire Wire Line - 9100 2000 8800 2000 -$Comp -L power:GND #PWR? -U 1 1 5DC957BD -P 8800 2750 -F 0 "#PWR?" H 8800 2500 50 0001 C CNN -F 1 "GND" H 8805 2577 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "" H 8800 2750 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 8800 2750 50 0001 C CNN - 1 8800 2750 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text Notes 9250 2200 0 50 ~ 0 -Drives the balance control -$Comp -L Motor:Motor_Servo M? -U 1 1 5DC8DF14 -P 9400 2450 -F 0 "M?" H 9732 2515 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Motor_Servo" H 9732 2424 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "" H 9400 2260 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 9400 2260 50 0001 C CNN - 1 9400 2450 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp + 9100 2000 8900 2000 $Comp L Motor:Motor_Servo M? U 1 1 5DC8C00A @@ -474,35 +439,12 @@ F 3 "" H 7050 1900 50 0001 C CNN 1 7050 1900 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 7250 1700 7050 1700 Wire Wire Line 7050 1700 7050 1500 -$Comp -L 11.1V:MotorShield_simplified U? -U 1 1 5DCC7808 -P 8150 1500 -F 0 "U?" H 7675 1565 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "MotorShield_simplified" H 7675 1474 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "" H 8200 1650 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 8200 1650 50 0001 C CNN - 1 8150 1500 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 7250 1800 7050 1800 Wire Wire Line 7050 1800 7050 1900 -Wire Wire Line - 8100 2150 8250 2150 -Wire Wire Line - 8550 2150 8550 1800 Wire Wire Line 8550 1800 9100 1800 -Wire Wire Line - 8550 2250 8550 2350 -Wire Wire Line - 8550 2350 9100 2350 Wire Wire Line 5150 3000 5150 4950 Wire Wire Line @@ -531,30 +473,49 @@ Wire Wire Line 7050 5700 7050 5350 Wire Wire Line 7050 5350 4700 5350 -Connection ~ 8250 2150 -Wire Wire Line - 8250 2150 8550 2150 Wire Wire Line - 8100 2250 8250 2250 -Text Label 8250 2100 1 50 ~ 0 + 4700 5650 5100 5650 +Text Label 4800 5650 0 50 ~ 0 Servo1 -Text Label 8250 2550 1 50 ~ 0 -Servo2 +$Comp +L 11.1V:GND #PWR? +U 1 1 5DD84ACB +P 8900 2150 +F 0 "#PWR?" H 8900 1900 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 8905 1977 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 8900 2150 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 8900 2150 50 0001 C CNN + 1 8900 2150 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp Wire Wire Line - 8250 1800 8250 2150 + 8900 2000 8900 2150 Wire Wire Line - 8250 2250 8250 2650 -Connection ~ 8250 2250 + 7250 1800 7050 1800 +Wire Wire Line + 7250 1700 7050 1700 +Wire Wire Line + 8250 1900 8250 2250 +Text Label 8250 2200 1 50 ~ 0 +Servo1 Wire Wire Line 8250 2250 8550 2250 Wire Wire Line - 4700 5650 5100 5650 + 8100 2250 8250 2250 +$Comp +L 11.1V:MotorShield_simplified U? +U 1 1 5DCC7808 +P 8150 1500 +F 0 "U?" H 7675 1565 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "MotorShield_simplified" H 7675 1474 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 8200 1650 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 8200 1650 50 0001 C CNN + 1 8150 1500 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Connection ~ 8250 2250 Wire Wire Line - 4700 5750 5100 5750 + 8550 1800 8550 2250 Wire Bus Line 3250 3900 4650 3900 -Text Label 4800 5750 0 50 ~ 0 -Servo2 -Text Label 4800 5650 0 50 ~ 0 -Servo1 $EndSCHEMATC