# | Name | Description | Solution | Test |
1001 | Alpha 2010 (PrefixSet) | Given a table A of N integers from 0 to N-1 calculate the smallest such index P, that that {A[0],...,A[N-1]} = {A[0],...,A[P]}. | ✅💾 | ✅💾 |
# | Name | Description | Solution | Test |
1 | TapeEquilibrium | Minimize the value |(A[0] + ... + A[P-1]) - (A[P] + ... + A[N-1])|. | ✅💾 | ✅💾 |
2 | PermMissingElem | Find the missing element in a given permutation. | ✅💾 | ✅💾 |
3 | FrogJmp | Count minimal number of jumps from position X to Y. | ✅💾 | ✅💾 |
# | Name | Description | Solution | Test |
11 | FrogRiverOne | Find the earliest time when a frog can jump to the other side of a river. | ✅💾 | ✅💾 |
12 | PermCheck | Check whether array A is a permutation. | ✅💾 | ✅💾 |
13 | MissingInteger | Find the minimal positive integer not occurring in a given sequence. | ✅💾 | ✅💾 |
14 | MaxCounters | Calculate the values of counters after applying all alternating operations: increase counter by 1; set value of all counters to current maximum. | ✅💾 | ✅💾 |
# | Name | Description | Solution | Test |
21 | CountDiv | Compute number of integers divisible by k in range [a..b]. | 💾 | 💾 |
22 | PassingCars | Count the number of passing cars on the road. | ✅💾 | ✅💾 |
23 | MinAvgTwoSlice | Find the minimal average of any slice containing at least two elements. | 💾 | 💾 |