MetOClient UI implements animator component to present and control Web Map Service (WMS) content in a web page.
Animator component uses [](OpenLayers animation add-in) library to manage animations as layers. Also, animator includes animation controller UI components to control animation content.
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Animator uses configuration object to initialize animation. An example configuration file is provided as components/animator/js/config.js file. Its source code is well commented to give information on how animator can be configured. Also, examples/animator.html shows an example on how to use animator component in HTML.
Notice, examples require that proper FMI API-key is set into URLs in configurations.
FMI WMS service provides visualized observations, radar images and model forecasts that are presented in an animation component in MetOClient UI. Notice, FMI WMS services are not intended as primary means of accessing open data, and direct use of the FMI's WMS service for other than evalutation purposes is not allowed because of the high network bandwidth and processing requirements.
You may register for FMI API-key in [](FMI Open data manual).