C program which can solve any sudoku with sizes 4x4, 9x9, 16x16 and 25x25,
using an iterative algorithm as described in the code and here.
Sudoku's are parsed from input, continuous stream of digits for 4x4 or 9x9 sudoku's and
digit separated by a white-space (space or return), both from user input or command line.
A list of 9x9 sudoku's for testing purposes, can be run with _testSudokuFromFile.bat
A 16x16 easy sudoku (copy-paste as user input to test)
A 16x16 medium sudoku (copy-paste as user input to test)
A 25x25 easy sudoku (copy-paste as user input to test)
The previous version with fixed array sizes, 9x9 sudokus only.
The latest version with memory allocation.