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Boolean Wrapper Class in Java


The Boolean wrapper class in Java provides a way to use a boolean value as an object. It belongs to the java.lang package and is useful when working with collections like ArrayList that require objects rather than primitives.

Characteristics of Boolean Wrapper Class

Feature Details
Package java.lang
Default Value false
Immutable Boolean objects are immutable.
Constants Boolean.TRUE and Boolean.FALSE

Boolean value = Boolean.FALSE;
System.out.println(value); // false

Static Methods

Method Description Return Type Example
valueOf(boolean) Returns a Boolean instance representing the specified boolean value. Boolean Boolean.valueOf(true);
valueOf(String) Returns a Boolean instance representing the value of the specified String. Boolean Boolean.valueOf("true");
parseBoolean(String) Parses the String argument as a boolean. Boolean Boolean.parseBoolean("true");
compare(boolean, boolean) Compares two boolean values. int, false);
logicalAnd(boolean boolean) Performs a logical AND on two values. boolean rBoolean.logicalAnd(true, false);
logicalOr(boolean, boolean) Performs a logical OR on two values. boolean Boolean.logicalOr(true, false);
logicalXor(boolean, boolean) Performs a logical XOR on two values. boolean Boolean.logicalXor(true, false);
getBoolean(String) Returns the value of the system property as a Boolean. Boolean Boolean.getBoolean("propName");

Instance Methods

Boolean value = Boolean.TRUE // Using Boolean.TRUE instead of primitive boolean
Method Description Return Type Example
booleanValue() Returns the primitive boolean value of this Boolean object. boolean value.booleanValue();
toString() Returns a String representation of this Boolean. String value.toString();
equals(Object) Compares this Boolean to another object. Boolean value.equals(true);
compareTo(Boolean) Compares this Boolean object to another Boolean. int value.compareTo(false);
hashCode() Returns the hash code for this Boolean object. int value.hashCode();

Boolean Operations

Logical Operators

Operation Symbol Description Example
AND && Returns true if both operands are true. booleanValue1 && booleanValue2
OR || Returns true if at least one operand is true. booleanValue1 || booleanValue2
NOT ! Reverses the value of the operand. !booleanValue1

Relational Operators

Operation Symbol Description Example
Equal to == Returns true if both values are equal. booleanValue1 == booleanValue2
Not equal to != Returns true if values are not equal. booleanValue1 != booleanValue2

Boolean Operators and Their Equivalent Methods

Boolean value1 = Boolean.TRUE // Using Boolean.TRUE instead of primitive boolean
Boolean value2 = Boolean.TRUE // Using Boolean.TRUE instead of primitive boolean
Operator operator usage Equivalent Method usage
== value1 == value2; // true equals(Object) value1.equals(value2); // true
!= value1 != value2; // false !equals(Object) !value1.equals(value2); // false
` ` value1 || value2; // true
&& value1 && value2; // false logicalAnd(boolean, boolean) logicalAnd(value1, value2) // false
XOR (!value1 && value2) || (value1 && !value2); // false logicalXor(boolean, boolean) logicalXor(value1, value2) // false

Key Features of the Boolean Class

  • Immutability: Boolean objects are immutable, meaning their value cannot be changed once created.

Example Code

public class BooleanWrapperExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Static Methods
        // Returns a Boolean object, true
        Boolean b1 = Boolean.valueOf(true); 
        // Converts the string "true" to the primitive boolean type, which is true
        boolean b2 = Boolean.parseBoolean("true"); 
        // Compares two boolean values; returns 1 (since true is greater than false)
        int compareResult =, false); 
        // Returns the result of logical AND operation; false (since one operand is false)
        boolean andResult = Boolean.logicalAnd(true, false); 
        // Returns the result of logical OR operation; true (since one operand is true)
        boolean orResult = Boolean.logicalOr(true, false); 
        // Returns the result of logical XOR operation; true (since operands are different)
        boolean xorResult = Boolean.logicalXor(true, false); 
        // Instance Methods
        // Converts the Boolean object to a primitive boolean; true
        boolean primitiveValue = b1.booleanValue(); 
        // Converts the Boolean object to a String; "true"
        String stringValue = b1.toString(); 
        // Compares the Boolean object with Boolean.FALSE; false (b1 is true, not false)
        boolean isEqual = b1.equals(Boolean.FALSE); 
        // Compares the Boolean objects; returns 1 (since true > false)
        int compareToResult = b1.compareTo(Boolean.FALSE); 
        // Returns the hash code for the Boolean object; 1231 for true
        int hashCode = b1.hashCode(); 

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