Uses cv2 API
- open/close the camera
- Return the camera video feed as images represented by tuples using the bgr channels
- Field of View
- Handle multiple cameras (processes)
- Returns current image frame
- Captures video from the camera itself
- Stores all the camera parameters
- Focal length
- Camera tilt angle
- Ball radius
- Uses the file and file to gather images from the camera(s).
- Use Multiprocessing to treat each camera as a seperate stream of video input (if more than one camera is used)
Involves a collection of shell scripts to run on the Jetson. is in the FRC2022-Vision repository and other setup/preparation scripts are in Jetson-Setup.
Set of videos and pictures from the robot camera perspective for CV testing/training
- Different lighting conditions/shadows
- Different angles and distances from camera to ball
- Both ball colors
- One ball, multiple balls, no balls
- Images with bumpers/other colored field elements
Script to get images using OpenCV when a key on the keyboard is clicked. Will be used to collect test images.
- get_next_frame(self) - returns the next frame from the video file
- is_capturing(self) - returns the capturing variable (the capturing variable tells if the camera is currently recording)
- close_camera(self) - closes the camera