As of VCMI 1.2 and newer Windows 10 or newer is required since our automated system uses elements incompatible with older Windows.
Install one of following into new folder, same as when installing new game:
- Latest release (recommended):
- Daily builds (unstable):
- Please report about problems on GitHub: Bug Tracker
Since VCMI 1.2 you can skip this step, just run VCMI launcher and it will help you with importing H3 data. For older releases you can follow this step.
- Install Heroes III from disk or using GOG installer.
- Place "Data", "Maps" and "Mp3" from Heroes III to:
Documents\My Games\vcmi\
Create this folder if it doesnt exist yet
- If that's your first installation, connection to the mod repository will be configured automatically, you'll see mods available to install from VCMI launcher -
- We recommend you to install VCMI extras to support various helpful UI tweaks