diff --git a/code/_helpers/mobs.dm b/code/_helpers/mobs.dm index 0955c0fe2fc..e8b2ea6baae 100644 --- a/code/_helpers/mobs.dm +++ b/code/_helpers/mobs.dm @@ -328,6 +328,7 @@ /mob/proc/can_block_magic() return FALSE + //Find a dead mob with a brain and client. /proc/find_dead_player(find_key, include_observers = 0) if(isnull(find_key)) diff --git a/code/_onclick/hud/_defines.dm b/code/_onclick/hud/_defines.dm index 450b8aef226..0ac98e8607c 100644 --- a/code/_onclick/hud/_defines.dm +++ b/code/_onclick/hud/_defines.dm @@ -117,6 +117,8 @@ #define ui_head "WEST+1:8,SOUTH+3:11" +#define ui_underwear "WEST:6,SOUTH+3:11" + //Intent small buttons #define ui_help_small "EAST-3:8,SOUTH:1" #define ui_disarm_small "EAST-3:15,SOUTH:18" diff --git a/code/_onclick/hud/human.dm b/code/_onclick/hud/human.dm index b59ca155f8a..b871e44c22f 100644 --- a/code/_onclick/hud/human.dm +++ b/code/_onclick/hud/human.dm @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ inv_box.alpha = ui_alpha var/list/slot_data = hud_data.gear[gear_slot] - inv_box.SetName(gear_slot) + inv_box.SetName(slot_data["name"]) inv_box.screen_loc = slot_data["loc"] inv_box.slot_id = slot_data["slot"] inv_box.icon_state = slot_data["state"] @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ if(hud_data.has_hands) using = new /atom/movable/screen() - using.SetName("equip") + using.SetName("Equip") using.icon = ui_style using.icon_state = "act_equip" using.screen_loc = ui_equip @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ static_inventory += using inv_box = new /atom/movable/screen/inventory() - inv_box.SetName("r_hand") + inv_box.SetName("Right Hand") inv_box.icon = ui_style inv_box.icon_state = "r_hand_inactive" if(mymob && !mymob.hand) //This being 0 or null means the right hand is in use @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ static_inventory += inv_box inv_box = new /atom/movable/screen/inventory() - inv_box.SetName("l_hand") + inv_box.SetName("Left Hand") inv_box.icon = ui_style inv_box.icon_state = "l_hand_inactive" if(mymob && mymob.hand) //This being 1 means the left hand is in use @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ static_inventory += inv_box using = new /atom/movable/screen/inventory() - using.SetName("hand") + using.SetName("Swap Hands") using.icon = ui_style using.icon_state = "hand1" using.screen_loc = ui_swaphand1 @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ static_inventory += using using = new /atom/movable/screen/inventory() - using.SetName("hand") + using.SetName("Swap Hands") using.icon = ui_style using.icon_state = "hand2" using.screen_loc = ui_swaphand2 diff --git a/code/_onclick/hud/screen_objects.dm b/code/_onclick/hud/screen_objects.dm index 29c1c5fe79a..606ea7e94ee 100644 --- a/code/_onclick/hud/screen_objects.dm +++ b/code/_onclick/hud/screen_objects.dm @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ usr.hud_used.hidden_inventory_update() - if("equip") + if("Equip") if (istype(usr.loc,/obj/mecha)) // stops inventory actions in a mech return 1 if(ishuman(usr)) @@ -581,18 +581,23 @@ if (istype(usr.loc,/obj/mecha)) // stops inventory actions in a mech return 1 switch(name) - if("r_hand") + if("Right Hand") if(iscarbon(usr)) var/mob/living/carbon/C = usr C.activate_hand("r") - if("l_hand") + if("Left Hand") if(iscarbon(usr)) var/mob/living/carbon/C = usr C.activate_hand("l") - if("swap") - usr.swap_hand() - if("hand") + if("Swap Hands") usr.swap_hand() + if("Miscellaneous") + if(ishuman(usr)) + var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = usr + if(!H.show_inv(H, TRUE)) + return + + H.show_inventory?.open() else if(usr.attack_ui(slot_id)) usr.update_inv_l_hand(0) diff --git a/code/game/objects/items/weapons/soap.dm b/code/game/objects/items/weapons/soap.dm index 9105edefacf..f02a2e47c75 100644 --- a/code/game/objects/items/weapons/soap.dm +++ b/code/game/objects/items/weapons/soap.dm @@ -34,9 +34,6 @@ return if(M.slip_on_obj(src, 2, 2)) reagents.remove_any(3) - if(rustg_rand_bool(0.001)) - to_chat(M, SPAN_DANGER("You slipped so hard that you gibbed!")) - M.gib() /obj/item/soap/afterattack(atom/target, mob/user as mob, proximity) if(!proximity) diff --git a/code/modules/clothing/underwear/base.dm b/code/modules/clothing/underwear/base.dm index 2b0c27be015..f9ef7ae0255 100644 --- a/code/modules/clothing/underwear/base.dm +++ b/code/modules/clothing/underwear/base.dm @@ -103,7 +103,9 @@ /obj/item/underwear/proc/EquipUnderwear(mob/user, mob/living/carbon/human/H) if(!CanEquipUnderwear(user, H)) return FALSE - return ForceEquipUnderwear(H, user) + if(!user.drop(src)) + return FALSE + return ForceEquipUnderwear(H) /obj/item/underwear/proc/ForceEquipUnderwear(mob/living/carbon/human/H, update_icons = TRUE) // No matter how forceful, we still don't allow multiples of the same underwear type diff --git a/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/species/species_hud.dm b/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/species/species_hud.dm index 393b72b089d..b3b52d88500 100644 --- a/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/species/species_hud.dm +++ b/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/species/species_hud.dm @@ -23,21 +23,22 @@ // to be drawn for the mob. This is fairly delicate, try to avoid messing with it // unless you know exactly what it does. var/list/gear = list( - "i_clothing" = list("loc" = ui_iclothing, "name" = "Uniform", "slot" = slot_w_uniform, "state" = "center", "toggle" = 1), - "o_clothing" = list("loc" = ui_oclothing, "name" = "Suit", "slot" = slot_wear_suit, "state" = "suit", "toggle" = 1), - "mask" = list("loc" = ui_mask, "name" = "Mask", "slot" = slot_wear_mask, "state" = "mask", "toggle" = 1), - "gloves" = list("loc" = ui_gloves, "name" = "Gloves", "slot" = slot_gloves, "state" = "gloves", "toggle" = 1), - "eyes" = list("loc" = ui_glasses, "name" = "Glasses", "slot" = slot_glasses, "state" = "glasses", "toggle" = 1), - "l_ear" = list("loc" = ui_l_ear, "name" = "Left Ear", "slot" = slot_l_ear, "state" = "ears", "toggle" = 1), - "r_ear" = list("loc" = ui_r_ear, "name" = "Right Ear", "slot" = slot_r_ear, "state" = "ears", "toggle" = 1), - "head" = list("loc" = ui_head, "name" = "Hat", "slot" = slot_head, "state" = "hair", "toggle" = 1), - "shoes" = list("loc" = ui_shoes, "name" = "Shoes", "slot" = slot_shoes, "state" = "shoes", "toggle" = 1), - "suit storage" = list("loc" = ui_sstore1, "name" = "Suit Storage", "slot" = slot_s_store, "state" = "suitstore"), - "back" = list("loc" = ui_back, "name" = "Back", "slot" = slot_back, "state" = "back"), - "id" = list("loc" = ui_id, "name" = "ID", "slot" = slot_wear_id, "state" = "id"), - "storage1" = list("loc" = ui_storage1, "name" = "Left Pocket", "slot" = slot_l_store, "state" = "pocket"), - "storage2" = list("loc" = ui_storage2, "name" = "Right Pocket", "slot" = slot_r_store, "state" = "pocket"), - "belt" = list("loc" = ui_belt, "name" = "Belt", "slot" = slot_belt, "state" = "belt") + "i_clothing" = list("loc" = ui_iclothing, "name" = "Uniform", "slot" = slot_w_uniform, "state" = "center", "toggle" = 1), + "o_clothing" = list("loc" = ui_oclothing, "name" = "Suit", "slot" = slot_wear_suit, "state" = "suit", "toggle" = 1), + "mask" = list("loc" = ui_mask, "name" = "Mask", "slot" = slot_wear_mask, "state" = "mask", "toggle" = 1), + "gloves" = list("loc" = ui_gloves, "name" = "Gloves", "slot" = slot_gloves, "state" = "gloves", "toggle" = 1), + "eyes" = list("loc" = ui_glasses, "name" = "Glasses", "slot" = slot_glasses, "state" = "glasses", "toggle" = 1), + "l_ear" = list("loc" = ui_l_ear, "name" = "Left Ear", "slot" = slot_l_ear, "state" = "ears", "toggle" = 1), + "r_ear" = list("loc" = ui_r_ear, "name" = "Right Ear", "slot" = slot_r_ear, "state" = "ears2", "toggle" = 1), + "head" = list("loc" = ui_head, "name" = "Hat", "slot" = slot_head, "state" = "hair", "toggle" = 1), + "shoes" = list("loc" = ui_shoes, "name" = "Shoes", "slot" = slot_shoes, "state" = "shoes", "toggle" = 1), + "suit storage" = list("loc" = ui_sstore1, "name" = "Suit Storage", "slot" = slot_s_store, "state" = "suitstore"), + "back" = list("loc" = ui_back, "name" = "Back", "slot" = slot_back, "state" = "back"), + "id" = list("loc" = ui_id, "name" = "ID", "slot" = slot_wear_id, "state" = "id"), + "storage1" = list("loc" = ui_storage1, "name" = "Left Pocket", "slot" = slot_l_store, "state" = "pocket"), + "storage2" = list("loc" = ui_storage2, "name" = "Right Pocket", "slot" = slot_r_store, "state" = "pocket"), + "belt" = list("loc" = ui_belt, "name" = "Belt", "slot" = slot_belt, "state" = "belt"), + "underwear" = list("loc" = ui_underwear, "name" = "Miscellaneous", "slot" = null, "state" = "underwear", "toggle" = 1) ) /datum/hud_data/New() diff --git a/html/changelog.html b/html/changelog.html index 7574a6db12e..243d7ae0302 100644 --- a/html/changelog.html +++ b/html/changelog.html @@ -45,6 +45,23 @@
Починено снимание нижнего белья.
+#12734На интерфейс добавлена кнопка, открывающая инвентарь нижнего белья.
+#12734Исправлены названия у слотов инвентаря в интерфейсе (i.e. "i_clothing" → "Uniform", "storage1" → "Left Pocket").
+#12734На слоте правого уха теперь нарисовано правое ухо.
+#12734Мыло теперь не так опасно.