Styling Use snake_case for css-classnames Never style with ID Use EM with padding/margins etc. Use REM with font-size Use BOOTSTRAP Use SASS, make new file for each viewpage, have one file with common css for all pages where we use variables Mobile-first We will use classes for EVERYTHING, to avoid conflict between different stylesheets
PHP & HTML Use snake_case for classnames Single line comment with //, multiline with /**/ HTML comments Use <?= for inline php Use curlybrackets for control structures Use include for all includes, exept for database connection and head where we will use require Where possible, php should be included in HTML
Files and folders Only small letters for all files except files that contain classes (Auth.php/Comments.php) Only small letters for all folders Files that are sentances should be separated by underscore (database_connection.php)
Database Only small letters in table and column names Separate table and column names with snake_case
GIT Commit message should be able to end the following sentance: "This commit will..." For longer commit messages separate the message into title and body (`git commit -m "This is title" -m "This is body") At least two people in the group should verify the pull request if conflict occurs Start day by pulling from master