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AutoRNAseq: an automated pipeline for paired-end RNAseq data analysis

This pipeline can be used to perform alignment, FastQ and BAM processing, gene expression and differential splicing counts, for paired-end reads. The produced data can then be used in downstream tasks, like DGE and differential splicing analysis.

It is composed of several steps. The user can choose to run any combination of these steps with restrictions defined in Requirements, and given that the correct arguments and containers are provided.

The implementation uses Nextflow for automation and Singularity for containerization. If you are new to these tools, you can find the documentation, respectively, here and here. In particular, it can be useful to consult this section for using Nextflow and Singularity together.

Each step of each pipeline runs on a different container, so that you can just download the containers needed by the pipeline steps you intend to run. Container images ready to use can be found among the assets of the [program release][assets].

Pipelines support both SLURM (default) and local run. However, the second one is not recommended for most demanding pipelines. When run with SLURM, each process is launched as a different job on the cluster. Resources parameters can be adjusted differently for each step of the pipeline.

Table of contents

Pipeline steps

This pipeline implements the following steps (between parentheses you have the functions used for implementation):

  1. Genome Indexing: preprocess the genome for alignment (STAR).
  2. FastQ trimming: trim reads based on length, Phred score and adapters, and run quality control (Trim Galore!).
  3. Alignment: properly align reads to the reference genome (STAR).
  4. BAM Sorting: sort alignment files (SAMtools).
  5. Remove duplicates: remove (or mark only) duplicates in alignment files (picard).
  6. BAM Filtering: filter aligned reads by MAPQ quality score (SAMtools).
  7. BAM Indexing: index the alignment files (SAMtools).
  8. BAM Stats: generate a statistical summary of the alignment (SAMtools).
  9. Gene Counts: quantify gene expression (featureCounts or HTSeq).
  10. Splicing Analysis: comparative splicing analysis between given conditions (rMATS-turbo).
  11. Results Summary: summarize the results (multiQC).

What you will find in this repository

  • This README file: description of the pipeline and instructions to run it
  • nextflow main
  • nextflow.config: nextflow configuration file for parameters
  • modules/: directory containing definition files of all processes
  • config.json: configuration file for user
  • sample_configs/: directory containing some examples of valid config.json


Parameters description

All parameters can be set from the config.json file. Please, do not modify neither nor nextflow.config, unless you are familiar with nextflow.

config.json is organized according to the following hierarchical structure:

  "run_processes": {
    ... boolean variables indicating whether each process should be run or not ...
  "data_paths": {
    ... path variables to input and output data ...
  "processes": {
    "process_1": {
      ... variables specific to process 1 (both SLURM and function call variables) ...
    "process_2": {
      ... variables specific to process 2 (both SLURM and function call variables) ...

  "container_dir" -> string: path to directory with container images

  "nf_work_dir" -> string: path to work directory for pipeline (default: "./work/")
  "run_locally" -> boolean: whether the pipeline should be run locally

  "save_all_bams" -> boolean: whether output BAM files should be saved at each step

Input files

Paths to input FastQ or BAM files must be passed through a correctly formatted txt file, called input_list in this document.

There are three possible scenarios:

  1. If your pipeline contains only steps 1 and/or 11, then you don't need any input files.
  2. If your pipeline starts at step 2 or 3, then your txt file should look like:
    i.e. each line should contain complete path to the FastQ with first read, complete path to the FastQ with second read and condition of the sample, in this order and comma-separated.
  3. If your pipeline starts at step 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 then your txt file should look like:
    i.e. each line should contain complete path to the BAM file and condition of the sample, in this order and comma-separated.

Please check that your txt file does not contain any empty lines, as they would most likely produce an error.

Contrasts file

If you are running the splicing analysis step as part of your pipeline, you need to pass the contrasts you would like to perform through a correctly formatted txt file, called contrasts_file in this document.

The txt file should look like:


i.e. each line should contain the name of the contrast (arbitrary) and the name of the two conditions to be compared, all comma-separated.

The contrast name will be used only to organize the outputs of the splicing analysis: it will be the name of the subdirectory containing the output files.

Notice: the name of the two conditions to compare must be equal to those of the conditions given in input_list. Also, at least one BAM (or FastQ pair) must correspond to each requested condition, otherwise the behaviour of the program is not defined.

Data paths

Particular care must be taken in setting the data_path variables.

If you run only some of the pipeline steps (as it is usually the case), you will only need some of these variables.

The easiest way to check which data path variables are needed by your pipeline is to set the variables in run_processes section of config.json file according to the pipeline you wish to execute, then run:

nextflow run --input_info

A list of all data path variables needed will be displayed.

Alternatively, you can consult the following list, which shows for each data path variable which steps of the pipeline need it to be set (for step reference numbers see this section). If at least one of the steps you intend to run is listed for a variable, then you need to set that variable.

  • input_list: complete path to txt file containing input files described in this section. Required by steps: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

  • index_dir: path to directory for genome index files. Required by steps: 1, 3.

  • fasta_file: complete path to fasta file with reference genome. Required by steps: 1.

  • annotation_file: complete path to GTF/GFF file. Required by steps: 1, 9, 10.

  • trimmed_fastq_dir: path to directory to store trimmed read files. Required by steps: 2.

  • out_bam_dir: path to directory to store output alignment files. Required by steps: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

  • gene_counts_dir: path to directory to store gene counts files. Required by steps: 9.

  • contrats_file: complete path to contrasts file described in this section. Required by step: 10.

  • splicing_dir: path to directory to store results from splicing analysis. Required by steps: 10.

  • report_dir: path to directory to store produced reports and plots. Required by steps: 11.

Please, make sure to use absolute paths.

Process specific parameters

As mentioned previously, inside the processes scope, each process has its own scope for parameter setting.

Common to all processes are the following variables:

"queue" -> string: name of cluster partition to run job on
"time" -> string: maximum time for job (example: "2h")
"memory" -> string: RAM used for the job (example: "2GB")
"container_path" -> string: full path to singularity image for the process
"num_threads" -> integer: number of threads (excluded "FastQ trimming", "alignment" when "algo": "HTSeq", "remove_duplicates" and "summarize_results")

Other process-specific parameteres are:

"genome_indexing": {
  "max_RAM" -> string: maximum RAM for STAR indexing **in bytes** (should be same amount as in "memory")

"fastq_trimming": {
  "quality_thres" -> integer: Phred threshold for quality filtering
  "min_length" -> integer: length threshold (in bp) for reads length filtering (a pair of reads is dropped if
                           at least one of them is below the threshold)
  "multithreaded" -> boolean: whether Trim Galore! should be multithreaded (the number of threads is fixed to
                              4 to make sure the function works correctly)

"remove_duplicates": {
  "remove_seq_duplicates" -> boolean: whether duplicates likely caused by sequencing process should be removed
                                      (if false, duplicates are only marked and not removed)

"BAM_filtering": {
  "quality_thres" -> integer: MAPQ threshold for quality filtering

"gene_counts": {
  "algo" -> string: algorithm for gene expression quantification (allowed options: "featureCounts","HTSeq")
  "strandedness" -> integer: 0 for non-stranded, 1 for forward-stranded, 2 for reverse-stranded

"splicing_analysis": {
  "strandedness" -> integer: 0 for non-stranded, 1 for forward-stranded, 2 for reverse-stranded
  "read_length" -> integer: reads length (not all reads have to be of this length - rMATS-turbo is set to
                            handle varying length reads; in this case a reasonable approach is to use the
                            length of reads before trimming)
  "cutoff_diff" -> float: cutoff difference used in null hypothesis test for differential alternative splicing
                          (ignored if "use_paired_stats": true); example: 0.0001 for 0.01% difference
  "use_paired_stats" -> boolean: whether to use paired stats model
  "detect_novel_splice" -> boolean: whether to detect unannotated splice sites
  "min_intron_len" -> integer: minimum intron length (ignored if "detect_novel_splice": false)
  "max_exon_len" -> integer: maximum exon length (ignored if "detect_novel_splice": false)

All process-specific parameters of the processes you intend to run must be set to some value.

Notice that in config.json some of the parameters are set to a default value. However, the value set is not guaranteed to work.

Output files

The following is a list of the output files produced at each step of the pipeline.

If not specified, the output file is always saved, independently of which steps are run after. Exeption are BAM files: by default only the last version is saved, but they can optionally be saved at each step by setting the related variable in config.json.

  1. Genome Indexing:

    • Various files with indexed and preprocessed genome, saved into inded_dir.
  2. FastQ trimming:

    • Trimmed FastQ files, called as the original FastQ but with suffix _val_#, with # equal to 1 and 2.
    • Trimming reports, saved as text files into "trimmed_fastq_dir/reports/".
    • FastQC reports, saved as html files into "trimmed_fastq_dir/reports/".
  3. Alignment:

    • BAM files with alignment (one per paired-end pair of fastq file), unsorted and saved into bam_dir. The name of the file will have all the information contained before dots in the name of the corresponding FastQ file with first reads followed by the suffix: .Aligned.bam.
    • Alignment log files, saved into "bam_dir/logs/".
    • Alignment tab files, saved into "bam_dir/tabs/".
  4. BAM Sorting:

    • BAM files sorted by coordinates, saved into bam_dir. All files that have undergone this step will contain sortedByCoord in their name's suffix.
  5. Remove duplicates:

    • BAM files with duplicates removed (or just marked), saved into bam_dir. All files that have undergone this step will contain marked in their name's suffix.
    • Duplicate metrics report, saved in "bam_dir/stats/" with extention .dup_metrics.txt.
  6. BAM Filtering:

    • BAM files filtered according to some threshold on quality score, saved into bam_dir. All files that have undergone this step will contain filtered in their name's suffix.
  7. BAM Indexing:

    • Index files of input BAM files (one for each BAM), saved into bam_dir with same name as input BAM plus .bai.
  8. BAM Stats:

    • Statistics summary of input BAM files (one for each BAM), saved into "bam_dir/stats/" with extention .stats.txt.
  9. Gene Counts:

    • Gene expression count files (one for each input BAM), saved into gene_counts_dir with extention .counts.txt.
  10. Splicing analysis: for each contrast listed in contrats_file, the following files will be produced:

    • Files with differential splicing data, saved into splicing_dir/"contrast_name/" with extention .txt.
    • summary.txt containing summary of all differential splicing events detected, saved into splicing_dir/"contrast_name/".
    • Files with summary of BAM processing, saved into splicing_dir/"contrast_name/".
    • Temporary files of rMATS, saved into splicing_dir/"contrast_name/tmp/"
    • Log file saved into splicing_dir/"contrast_name/logs/".
  11. Results Summary:

    • html reports of all steps run, saved into report_dir.

How to run your pipeline

  1. Make sure you satisfy all requirements listed in this section.

  2. Clone this repository, using:

    $ git clone [email protected]:TommasoTarchi/autoRNAseq.git
  3. If your pipeline does not contain exclusively steps 1 and/or 11, produce a txt file listing input files, as described in this section.

  4. If your pipeline contains the splicing analysis step, produce a txt file listing all contrasts required with respective pairs of conditions, as described in this section.

  5. Edit the config.json file as follows:

    • Set variables in run_processes section to true for the processes you wish to execute.

    • Configure data_paths to specify paths to your data following the descriptions in this section. Path variables not needed by the pipeline will be ignored by the program: you can leave them as they are or set them to empty strings.

    • Customize settings for each process you are running under the corresponding processes section in config.json, see here for details. Refer to your cluster's specifications for SLURM settings. Parameters of processes you are not running will be ignored (you can leave them as they are).

    • Set container_dir to the path to directory with container images.

    • Set nf_work_dir to the path to work directory of your choice (choose a directory with sufficient disk available, if running on a cluster, we suggest to place this directory in the scratch/, if available). If you leave it empty, ./work/ (nextflow default) will be passed.

    • Change run_locally variable to true if you want to run the pipeline on your local machine (not recommended for most applications). If you want to run it on a cluster, leave it to false.

    • Change save_all_bams variable to true if you want to keep all BAM files produced along the pipeline (usually not recommended, especially when working with many files). If you only want the final result, leave it to false.

  6. Run the pipeline using:

    $ nextflow run
  7. (optional) If your pipeline was run successfully and you think you will not need any of the temporary files (i.e those not included among the outputs), we strongly suggest to clean nf_work_dir. The program is optimized to use less disk possible, however temporary files could still occupy a lot of disk space.

  8. Error handling: for some debugging advice, please look at the following section.

How to handle errors

Because of their complexity, debugging Nextflow programs can often be pretty challenging.

Because of the very high demand for resources by some of the processes implemented in this pipeline, an automatic failure strategy could often lead to an excessively large, sometimes impossible to satisfy, resources requests. For this reason we chose not to implement it. Therefore, is up to the user to find the appropriate amount of resources to assign to each process (some defaults can be found in config.json, however they are not guaranteed to work).

Finally, here are some suggestions on how to debug your pipeline:

  1. Check the output of the nextflow program.
  2. Check the .nextflow.log file, which can be found in the same folder as
  3. Check the files, .command.out, .command.log and .command.err in the working directory of the failing process (the location of this directory can be found in .nextflow.log, around the error message).
  4. If you want to "debug by printing", always print to a file, not to standard output. Consider that all files produced by the process will be placed (unless specified differently) in the corresponding working directory.
  5. If your pipeline fails on a process with exitcode 140, then the error can be usually solved by simply incrementing the resources assigned to the process (usually time and/or memory).

How to cite this pipeline

If you use this pipeline in your work, please consider citing the repository:

Tarchi, T. (2024). AutoRNAseq: an automated pipeline for paired-end RNAseq data analysis (v0.1.0-alpha). GitHub repository.


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