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#TODO: Implement exponential for any arbitrary range
DistFix{W, F}(mantissa)
end""" triangle(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, b::Int)Returns a triangle distribution with a range of `b` bits. A triangle distribution over `b` bits refers to the distributions that assigns probability 0 to 0 and increases linearly with probability 2/(2^b)*(2^b - 1)"""functiontriangle(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, b::Int) where {W,F}
DistFix{W, F}(triangle(DistInt{W}, b))
end""" unit_exponential(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, beta::Float64; reverse=false)Returns an exponential distribution e^(beta*x) in the range [0, 1) of the specified type.For advanced users: `reverse` is used to control the order in which flips are created. `reverse=false` refers to the order of flips from MSB to LSB. """functionunit_exponential(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, beta::Float64; reverse=false) where W where F
DistFix{W, F}(vcat([falsefor i in1:W-F], [flip(exp(beta/2^i)/(1+exp(beta/2^i))) for i in1:F]))
elseDistFix{W, F}(vcat([falsefor i in1:W-F], [flip(exp(beta/2^i)/(1+exp(beta/2^i))) for i in F:-1:1][F:-1:1]))
endend""" exponential(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, beta::Float64, start::Float64, stop::Float64; reverse=false)Returns an exponential distribution e^(beta*x) in the range [start, stop) of the specified type."""functionexponential(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, beta::Float64, start::Float64, stop::Float64; reverse=false) where W where F
range = stop - start
#TODO: Implement exponential for any arbitrary range@assertispow2(range) "Currently the function 'exponential' only supports range that is a power of 2."
new_beta = beta*range
bits =Int(log2(range)) + F
intermediate =unit_exponential(DistFix{bits+1, bits}, new_beta; reverse = reverse)
bit_vector =vcat([falsefor i in1:W-bits], intermediate.mantissa.number.bits[2:bits+1]...)
DistFix{W, F}(bit_vector) +DistFix{W, F}(start)
end""" laplace(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, mean::Float64, scale::Float64, start::Float64, stop::Float64)Returns a Laplace distribution with the given mean and scale in the specified range [start, stop) of the specified type.For more information:"""functionlaplace(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, mean::Float64, scale::Float64, start::Float64, stop::Float64) where {W, F}
@assert scale >0
coinflip =flip(0.5)
beta1 =-1/scale
e1 =exponential(DistFix{W, F}, beta1, mean, stop)
beta2 =1/scale
e2 =exponential(DistFix{W, F}, beta2, start, mean)
ifelse(coinflip, e1, e2)
end""" n_unit_exponentials(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, betas::Vector{Float64})Returns n exponential distributions over the unit range with interleaved bits for a smaller BDD size."""functionn_unit_exponentials(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, betas::Vector{Float64}) where {W, F}
DFiP = DistFix{W, F}
l =length(betas)
ans = [vcat([falsefor _ in1:W-F], Vector(undef, F)) for _ in1:l]
for i in F:-1:1for j in1:l
ans[j][i + W - F] =flip(exp(betas[j]/2^i)/(1+exp(betas[j]/2^i)))
[DFiP(i) for i in ans]
end""" geometric(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, success::Float64, stop::Int)Returns a geometric distribution of the given type with the given success parameter over integers in the range [0, stop).For more details:"""functiongeometric(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, success::Float64, stop::Int) where {W, F}
bits =Int(log2(stop))
@assert W - F > bits
convert(DistFix{W, F}, DistFix{W, 0}(unit_exponential(DistFix{bits+1, bits}, log(1- success)*2^bits).mantissa))
end""" unit_gamma(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, alpha::Int, beta::Float64; vec_arg=[], constants = [], discrete_bdd=[])Returns a gamma distribution of the form x^α e^βx in the unit interval of the given type. The keyword arguments are there to control the order in which flips are created. """functionunit_gamma(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, alpha::Int, beta::Float64; vec_arg=[], constants = [], discrete_bdd=[]) where {W, F}
DFiP = DistFix{W, F}
if alpha ==0unit_exponential(DFiP, beta)
elseif alpha ==1
t = (exp(beta*2.0^(-F))*(beta*2.0^(-F) -1) +1)*(1-exp(beta)) / ((1-exp(beta*2.0^(-F)))*(exp(beta) * (beta -1) +1))
coinflip =flip(t)
if (length(vec_arg) !=0)
(Y, Z, U) = vec_arg
(Y, Z, U) =n_unit_exponentials(DFiP, [beta, beta, 0.0])
endobserve(U < Y)
final =ifelse(coinflip, Z, Y)
α = alpha
β = beta
if (length(vec_arg) !=0)
vec_expo = vec_arg
discrete_bdd =Vector(undef, α)
constants =gamma_constants(alpha, beta, 1/2^F)
t = (exp(beta*2.0^(-F))*(beta*2.0^(-F) -1) +1)*(1-exp(beta)) / ((1-exp(beta*2.0^(-F)))*(exp(beta) * (beta -1) +1))
f =flip(t)
count =0for i in α:-1:1
l =discrete(DistUInt{max(Int(ceil(log(i))), 1)}, normalize(constants[count +2:count+i+1]))
count = count+i+1
discrete_bdd[α - i +1] = l
vec_expo =n_unit_exponentials(DFiP, exponential_for_gamma(α, β))
seq =Int(α*(α^2+5)/6)
x1 =unit_gamma(DFiP, alpha-1, beta, vec_arg=vec_expo[1:seq], constants=constants[α +2:length(constants)], discrete_bdd=discrete_bdd[2:α])
x2 = vec_expo[seq +1]
observe(x2 < x1)
discrete_dist_vec =Vector(undef, α)
count = seq+2for i in1:α
x = vec_expo[count]
count+=1for j in1:α - i
observe(vec_expo[count] < x)
discrete_dist_vec[i] = x
end# l = discrete(DistUInt{Int(ceil(log(α)))}, normalize(constants[2:α+1]))
l = discrete_bdd[1]
t =DFiP(0.0)
for i in1:α
t =ifelse(prob_equals(l, DistUInt{Int(ceil(log(α)))}(i-1)), discrete_dist_vec[i], t)
endifelse(flip(constants[1]), x1, t)
endend""" general_gamma(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, alpha::Int, beta::Float64, ll::Float64, ul::Float64)Returns bitblast distribution for the density function x^α e^(β*x) in the range [ll, ul)"""functiongeneral_gamma(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, alpha::Int, beta::Float64, ll::Float64, ul::Float64) where {W, F}
@assertispow2(ul - ll)
multiply =Int(log2(ul - ll))
start =DistFix{W, F}(ul)
new_type = DistFix{W, F + multiply}
DistFix{W, F}(unit_gamma(new_type, alpha, beta).mantissa.number.bits) + start
end##################################################### Helper functions for `unit_gamma`####################################################functionnormalize(v)
l =sum(v)
[i/l for i in v]
end"""Function to compute the mixing coefficients of distributions while constructing a `unit_gamma` distribution. α, β: x^α e^βx ϵ: 1/2^b depends on the type DistFix{W, F}"""functiongamma_constants(α::Int, β::Float64, ϵ::Float64)
@syms varint
@syms v2
if α ==0
c1 =Float64(sympy.Poly(integrate(varint^α*exp(β*varint), (varint, 0, 1)), varint).coeffs().evalf()[1])
c2 = [Float64(i) for i in sympy.Poly(simplify(v2*integrate(varint^(α-1)*exp(β*varint), (varint, v2, v2 + ϵ))/exp(β*v2)), v2).coeffs()]
p1 =0for i ineachindex(c2)
p1 +=sum_pgp(β, ϵ, length(c2) +1- i) * c2[i]
p1 /= c1
c2 = [Float64(i) for i in sympy.Poly(simplify(v2*integrate(varint^(α-1) * (varint - v2) *exp(β*varint), (varint, v2, v2 + ϵ))/exp(β*v2)), v2).coeffs()]
p2 =Vector(undef, α)
for i ineachindex(c2)
p2[i] =sum_pgp(β, ϵ, length(c2) - i) * c2[i]
endvcat([p1], p2, gamma_constants(α-1, β, ϵ))
endend"""Function to compute sum of polynomial geometric series"""functionsum_pgp(β::Float64, ϵ::Float64, p::Int)
if p ==0sum_gp(β, ϵ)
elseif p ==1sum_agp(β, ϵ)
elseif p ==2sum_qgp(β, ϵ)
sum =0for i =0:ϵ:1-ϵ
sum += i^p *exp(β*i)
endend"""Sum of quadratic geometric series*epsilon%29%5E2+e%5E%28beta+*+epsilon+*+a%29+from+a%3D0+to+a%3D2%5Eb-1"""functionsum_qgp(β::Float64, ϵ::Float64)
ans = (1/ϵ -1)^2*exp(β*ϵ*(2+1/ϵ))
ans += (1/ϵ^2)*exp(β)
ans += (2/ϵ -2/ϵ^2+1)*exp(β * (1+ ϵ))
ans -=exp(β*ϵ)
ans -=exp(2*β*ϵ)
ans *= ϵ^2
ans /= (exp(β * ϵ) -1)^3
end"""Sum of arithmetic geometric progression*epsilon%29+*+e%5E%28beta+*+epsilon+*+a%29+from+a%3D0+to+a%3D2%5Eb-1"""functionsum_agp(β::Float64, ϵ::Float64)
ans = (1/ϵ -1)*exp(β*(1+ ϵ))
ans -=exp(β)/ϵ
ans +=exp(β*ϵ)
ans *= ϵ
ans /= (exp(β*ϵ) -1)^2
end"""Sum of geometric progression*+epsilon+*+a%29+from+a%3D0+to+a%3D2%5Eb-1"""functionsum_gp(β::Float64, ϵ::Float64)
ans = (exp(β) -1) / (exp(β*ϵ) -1)
end"""This function returns parameters of exponential distributions used in unit_gamma"""functionexponential_for_gamma(α::Int, β::Float64)::Vector{Float64}if α ==0
elseif α ==1
[β, β, 0.0]
v = []
for i in1:α
v =vcat(vcat([β], zeros(i-1)), v)
endvcat(vcat(exponential_for_gamma(α-1, β), [0.0]), v)
endend############################################## bitblasting any general distribution#############################################""" bitblast(::Type{DistFix{W,F}}, dist::ContinuousUnivariateDistribution, numpieces::Int, start::Float64, stop::Float64, blast_strategy=:linear; kwargs...)The function deploys the appropriate bitblasting function based on `blast_strategy`"""# The following is the function for individual piecesfunctionbitblast(::Type{DistFix{W,F}}, dist::ContinuousUnivariateDistribution, numpieces::Int,
start::Float64, stop::Float64, blast_strategy=:linear; kwargs...) where {W,F}
if blast_strategy ==:linearbitblast_linear(DistFix{W,F}, dist, numpieces, start, stop; kwargs...)
elseif bitblast_strategy ==:exponentialbitblast_exponential(DistFix{W,F}, dist, numpieces, start, stop; kwargs...)
elseif bitblast_strategy ==:samplebitblast_sample(DistFix{W,F}, dist, numpieces, start, stop; kwargs...)
elseif bitblast_strategy ==:gammaerror("Not implemented yet")
elseerror("Unknown bitblasting strategy: $strategy")
endend""" bitblast_linear(::Type{DistFix{W,F}}, dist::ContinuousUnivariateDistribution, numpieces::Int, start::Float64, stop::Float64)Returns a bitblasted representation of type `DistFix{W, F}` of the distribution `dist` using `numpieces` linear pieces in the range [start, stop) """functionbitblast_linear(::Type{DistFix{W,F}}, dist::ContinuousUnivariateDistribution,
numpieces::Int, start::Float64, stop::Float64) where {W,F}
# count bits and pieces@assert-(2^(W-F-1)) <= start < stop <=2^(W-F-1)
f_range_bits =log2((stop - start)*2^float(F))
@assertisinteger(f_range_bits) "The number of $(1/2^F)-sized intervals between $start and $stop must be a power of two (not $f_range_bits)."@assertispow2(numpieces) "Number of pieces must be a power of two (not $numpieces)"
intervals_per_piece = (2^Int(f_range_bits))/numpieces
bits_per_piece =Int(log2(intervals_per_piece))
# truncated distribution
dist =truncated(dist, start, stop)
# computing numbers to construct pieces and sew them together
total_prob =0
piece_probs =Vector(undef, numpieces) # prob of each piece
border_probs =Vector(undef, numpieces) # prob of first and last interval in each piece
linear_piece_probs =Vector(undef, numpieces) # prob of each piece if it were linear between end pointsfor i=1:numpieces
firstinter = start + (i-1)*intervals_per_piece/2^float(F)
lastinter = start + (i)*intervals_per_piece/2^float(F)
piece_probs[i] = (cdf(dist, lastinter) -cdf(dist, firstinter))
total_prob += piece_probs[i]
border_probs[i] = [cdf(dist, firstinter +1/2^float(F) ) -cdf(dist, firstinter),
cdf(dist, lastinter) -cdf(dist, lastinter -1/2^float(F) )]
linear_piece_probs[i] = (border_probs[i][1] + border_probs[i][2])/2*2^(bits_per_piece)
end# coming up with discrete distribution to create a mixture of pieces
PieceChoice = DistUInt{max(1,Int(log2(numpieces)))}
piecechoice =discrete(PieceChoice, piece_probs ./ total_prob) # selector variable for pieces# computing flip probabilities for each flip
slope_flips =Vector(undef, numpieces)
isdecreasing =Vector(undef, numpieces)
for i=numpieces:-1:1iszero(linear_piece_probs[i]) &&iszero(piece_probs[i]) &&continue
a = border_probs[i][1]/linear_piece_probs[i]
isdecreasing[i] = a >1/2^bits_per_piece
if isdecreasing[i]
slope_flips[i] =flip(2-a*2^bits_per_piece)
slope_flips[i] =flip(a*2^bits_per_piece)
endend# building each piece with uniform and triangles
unif =uniform(DistFix{W,F}, bits_per_piece)
tria =triangle(DistFix{W,F}, bits_per_piece)
z =nothingfor i=1:numpieces
iszero(linear_piece_probs[i]) &&continue
firstinterval =DistFix{W,F}(start + (i-1)*2^bits_per_piece/2^float(F))
lastinterval =DistFix{W,F}(start + (i*2^bits_per_piece-1)/2^float(F))
linear_dist =if isdecreasing[i]
(firstinterval + unif),
(lastinterval - tria)))
firstinterval +ifelse(slope_flips[i], unif, tria)
z =ifisnothing(z)
elseifelse(prob_equals(piecechoice, PieceChoice(i-1)), linear_dist, z)
endendreturn z
end""" bitblast_exponential(::Type{DistFix{W,F}}, dist::ContinuousUnivariateDistribution, numpieces::Int, start::Float64, stop::Float64)Returns a bitblasted representation of type `DistFix{W, F}` of the distribution `dist` using `numpieces` exponential pieces in the range [start, stop) """functionbitblast_exponential(::Type{DistFix{W,F}}, dist::ContinuousUnivariateDistribution,
numpieces::Int, start::Float64, stop::Float64) where {W,F}
# count bits and pieces@assert-(2^(W-F-1)) <= start < stop <=2^(W-F-1)
f_range_bits =log2((stop - start)*2^float(F))
@assertisinteger(f_range_bits) "The number of $(1/2^F)-sized intervals between $start and $stop must be a power of two (not $f_range_bits)."@assertispow2(numpieces) "Number of pieces must be a power of two (not $numpieces)"
intervals_per_piece = (2^Int(f_range_bits))/numpieces
# truncated distribution
d =truncated(dist, start, stop)
# computing numbers to construct pieces and sew them together
total_prob =0
piece_probs =Vector(undef, numpieces)
expo_beta =Vector(undef, numpieces)
for i=1:numpieces
firstinter = start + (i-1)*intervals_per_piece/2.0^(F)
lastinter = start + (i)*intervals_per_piece/2.0^(F)
expo_beta[i] =beta(d, firstinter, lastinter, 2.0^(-F))
piece_probs[i] = (cdf.(d, lastinter) -cdf.(d, firstinter))
total_prob += piece_probs[i]
end# coming up with discrete distribution to create a mixture of pieces
PieceChoice = DistUInt{max(1,Int(log2(numpieces)))}
piecechoice =discrete(PieceChoice, piece_probs ./ total_prob) # selector variable for pieces
z =nothingfor i=1:numpieces
expo_dist =exponential(DistFix{W, F}, expo_beta[i], start + (i-1)*intervals_per_piece/2^float(F), start + (i)*intervals_per_piece/2.0^(F))
z =ifisnothing(z)
elseifelse(prob_equals(piecechoice, PieceChoice(i-1)), expo_dist, z)
endendreturn z
end""" bitblast_sample(::Type{DistFix{W,F}}, dist::ContinuousUnivariateDistribution, numpieces::Int, start::Float64, stop::Float64, offset::Float64, width::Float64)A modified version of the function bitblast that works with the assumption of lower bits being sampled."""functionbitblast_sample(::Type{DistFix{W,F}}, dist::ContinuousUnivariateDistribution,
numpieces::Int, start::Float64, stop::Float64; offset::Float64=0.0, width::Float64=1/2^float(F)) where {W,F}
# count bits and pieces@assert-(2^(W-F-1)) <= start < stop <=2^(W-F-1)
f_range_bits =log2((stop - start)*2^F)
@assertisinteger(f_range_bits) "The number of $(1/2^F)-sized intervals between $start and $stop must be a power of two (not $f_range_bits)."@assertispow2(numpieces) "Number of pieces must be a power of two (not $numpieces)"
intervals_per_piece = (2^Int(f_range_bits))/numpieces
bits_per_piece =Int(log2(intervals_per_piece))
# truncated distribution
dist =truncated(dist, start, stop)
# computing numbers to construct pieces and sew them together
total_prob =0
piece_probs =Vector(undef, numpieces) # prob of each piece
border_probs =Vector(undef, numpieces) # prob of first and last interval in each piece
linear_piece_probs =Vector(undef, numpieces) # prob of each piece if it were linear between end pointsfor i=1:numpieces
firstinter = start + (i-1)*intervals_per_piece/2^F
lastinter = start + (i)*intervals_per_piece/2^F
# Warning: A potential source of terrible runtime
piece_probs[i] =0for j=1:intervals_per_piece
piece_probs[i] +=cdf(dist, firstinter + offset + width + (j-1)/2^F) -cdf(dist, firstinter + offset + (j-1)/2^F)
total_prob += piece_probs[i]
border_probs[i] = [cdf(dist, firstinter + offset+width) -cdf(dist, firstinter + offset),
cdf(dist, lastinter -1/2^F + offset+width) -cdf(dist, lastinter -1/2^F + offset)]
linear_piece_probs[i] = (border_probs[i][1] + border_probs[i][2])/2*2^(bits_per_piece)
end# coming up with discrete distribution to create a mixture of pieces
PieceChoice = DistUInt{max(1,Int(log2(numpieces)))}
piecechoice =discrete(PieceChoice, piece_probs ./ total_prob) # selector variable for pieces# computing flip probabilities for each piece
slope_flips =Vector(undef, numpieces)
isdecreasing =Vector(undef, numpieces)
for i=numpieces:-1:1iszero(linear_piece_probs[i]) &&iszero(piece_probs[i]) &&continue
a = border_probs[i][1]/linear_piece_probs[i]
isdecreasing[i] = a >1/2^bits_per_piece
if isdecreasing[i]
slope_flips[i] =flip(2-a*2^bits_per_piece)
slope_flips[i] =flip(a*2^bits_per_piece)
endend# building each piece with uniform and triangles
unif =uniform(DistFix{W,F}, bits_per_piece)
tria =triangle(DistFix{W,F}, bits_per_piece)
z =nothingfor i=1:numpieces
iszero(linear_piece_probs[i]) &&continue
firstinterval =DistFix{W,F}(start + (i-1)*2^bits_per_piece/2^F)
lastinterval =DistFix{W,F}(start + (i*2^bits_per_piece-1)/2^F)
linear_dist =if isdecreasing[i]
(firstinterval + unif),
(lastinterval - tria)))
firstinterval +ifelse(slope_flips[i], unif, tria)
z =ifisnothing(z)
elseifelse(prob_equals(piecechoice, PieceChoice(i-1)), linear_dist, z)
endendreturn z
end#################################### Helper functions for bitblasting###################################functionbeta(d::ContinuousUnivariateDistribution, start::Float64, stop::Float64, interval_sz::Float64)
prob_start =cdf(d, start + interval_sz) -cdf(d, start)
if prob_start ==0.0
prob_start =eps(0.0)
prob_end =cdf(d, stop) -cdf(d, stop - interval_sz)
result = (log(prob_end) -log(prob_start)) / (stop - start - interval_sz)
end#Helper function that returns exponentials functionshift_point_gamma(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, alpha::Int, beta::Float64) where {W, F}
DFiP = DistFix{W, F}
if alpha ==0unit_exponential(DFiP, beta)
x1 =shift_point_gamma(DFiP, alpha -1, beta)
x2 =uniform(DFiP, 0.0, 1.0)
observe(ifelse(flip(1/(1+2.0^(-F))), x2 < x1, true))
endend# # TODO: Write tests for the following function# function unit_concave(t::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, beta::Float64) where {W, F}# @assert beta <= 0
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
border_probs = Vector(undef, numpieces) # prob of first and last interval in each piece
linear_piece_probs = Vector(undef, numpieces) # prob of each piece if it were linear between end points
border_probs = Vector(undef, numpieces) # prob of first and last interval in each piece
linear_piece_probs = Vector(undef, numpieces) # prob of each piece if it were linear between end points
reverse=true refers to LSB to MSB order of flips
Line 55 in 4ef0d6e
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: