# YDLIDAR ROS2 Package Download and Build ## Step1: create a ROS2 workspace, if there is no workspace, othereise Skip to Step2 #### Linux/OS X $mkdir -p ~/ydlidar_ros2_ws/src $cd ~/ydlidar_ros2_ws/src #### Windows $md \dev\ydlidar_ros2_ws\src $cd \dev\ydlidar_ros2_ws\src
## Step2: clone ydlidar ros2 package $git clone https://github.com/YDLIDAR/ydlidar_ros2
## Step3: Build ydlidar_ros2 package $cd .. $colcon build --symlink-install Note: install colcon see
## Step4:Configure LiDAR paramters
port: /dev/ttyUSB0
frame_id: laser_frame
ignore_array: ""
baudrate: 230400
samp_rate: 9
resolution_fixed: true
singleChannel: false
auto_reconnect: true
reversion: true
isToFLidar: false
angle_max: 180.0
angle_min: -180.0
max_range: 16.0
min_range: 0.01
frequency: 10.0
Note: How to configure paramters, see here
$chmod 0777 src/ydlidar_ros2/startup/*
$sudo sh src/ydlidar_ros2/startup/initenv.sh
Note: After completing the previous operation, replug the LiDAR again.
## Step6:Run ydlidar_ros2 node $ros2 run ydlidar ydlidar_node
$ros2 run ydlidar ydlidar_client
$ros2 launch ydlidar ydlidar_launch.py
$ros2 run ydldiar ydlidar_client
$ros2 topic echo /scan