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Releases: Tran-Antoine/Atosym

Patch #4 for v1.0

07 Mar 23:26
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This patch contains other bug fixes

Patch #3 for v1.0

07 Mar 22:04
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Since v1.0, a lot of bugs have been discovered (that weren't there previously). This patch fixes all the noticed ones.

Patch #2 for v1.0

06 Mar 22:29
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This patch fixes some issues that appeared after adding support for equations and changing some utils methods

Patch #1 for v1.0

05 Mar 23:26
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This patch fixes a critical bug present in the toNumericValue method

The equation solver

05 Mar 23:08
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This release contains :

  • Systems of equations resolution, while all equations are first degree equations
  • Bug fixes for the 5 operations, only divisions with polynomial denominator are not supported
  • Diverses bug fixes regarding math shortcuts
  • Derivatives calculations, while no fraction is present in the expression
  • A better code organization, separating the different operations into different classes

Derivatives & bug fixes

26 Feb 22:04
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  • This release contains mainly bug fixes about the 5 operations (pow operation not supported in all cases, numeric values badly calculated, ...)

  • It also adds the possibility to calculate the derivative of a polynomial.

  • You can now use a consumer while doing operations so you can use the out result more easily

Here are some funny and overkill calculations you can perform :

  • (x+3)^99 gives you this result in approximately 2s
  • (x+y+z)^50 gives you this result in approximately 243s

The polynomial calculator

24 Feb 17:09
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This first release is basically a copy of the first pre-release, with the majority of the bugs fixed.

  • Most of the math shortcuts are now supported

  • Powered polynomial expressions are now calculated without any issue, except powered parentheses (such as (x+4)^2 for instance)

  • The MaskOperator class has a bit changed, now a bit more intuitive to use

  • Creation of the ExpressionUtils class

  • The five basic operations in the MathUtils class handle almost all the possible cases

The rookie calculator

19 Feb 22:36
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The rookie calculator Pre-release

This first pre-release contains the very basics of the mask API, such as :

  • A calculator able to reduce any numerical expression

  • A calculator able to reduce most of polynomials expressions (distributivity not supported, same for some mathematical shortcuts such as 5x*y instead of 5x*1y or (3x)y instead of (3x) * 1y. Simplifications by divisions are not supported either, thus 2x/x won't be reduced as 2)

  • A method that calculates images of a function from given values. f(x) = 5x^2 + 4x + 6 can be calculated numerically by calling f(5) for instance

A release will be done when the current bugs are fixed. See here for further information