$dialogsVersion = dialogs-1.4.5
Dialogs is a bunch of BottomSheetDialogs to use in app to show user an information, agreement or list.
- To implement Dialogs to your Android project via Gradle, you need to add JitPack repository to your root build.gradle.
allprojects {
repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } }}
- After adding JitPack repository, you can add Dialogs dependency to your app level build.gradle.
dependencies {
implementation "com.github.Trendyol.android-ui-components:dialogs:$dialogsVersion"}
You can configure your dialog with given extensions with Kotlin DSL syntax.
To show the dialog you just need to call showDialog(FragmentManager)
You can call DialogFragment.findFragment(supportFragmentManager) method inorder to retrieve DialogFragment's instance and use that instance to set click listeners after configuration change.
- Info Dialog:
Simple dialog to show information, error or text.
Field | Type | Description | Default Value |
title |
CharSequence | Title of the dialog | "" |
showCloseButton |
Boolean | Close button visibility | false |
closeButtonColor |
Int | Close button color | false |
closeButtonDrawable |
Int | Close button drawable | false |
animateCornerRadiusWhenExpand |
Boolean | Corner radius will be removed with an animation when set true. | false |
cornerRadius |
Float | Corner radius will be applied. | 16dp |
horizontalPadding |
Float | Horizontal padding will be applied. | 16dp |
verticalPadding |
Float | Vertical padding will be applied. | 0dp |
closeButtonListener |
(DialogFragment) -> Unit | Listener for close button. When clicked, dialog will dismiss and listener will be invoked with dialog. | { } |
content |
CharSequence | Content of a dialog | "" |
showContentAsHtml |
Boolean | If you provided content as Html and set this flag as true, content will be parsed as HTML. |
false |
contentImage |
Int | Drawable resource id of an visual, will be shown on top of content |
0 |
webViewContent |
WebViewContent | If you provide a webview content such as Html data content or url , that will be shown in the webview. | null |
Sample usage:
infoDialog {
title = "Info Title"
showCloseButton = true
closeButtonColor = R.color.sample_color
closeButtonDrawable = R.drawable.sample_drawable
closeButtonListener = { onInfoDialogClosed(it) }
content = SpannableString.valueOf(getSpannableString())
contentImage = android.R.drawable.btn_plus
** Configuring WebView:** To configure the WebView instance of the dialog, you can call the DialogFragment's function named show, which takes WebViewDownloadConfigurator and WebViewConfigurator objects as parameters. These objects must extend Fragments.
These passed objects will be used to configure the webview instance of the dialog. See the sample usage below:
infoDialog {
title = "Info Dialog with WebView Download Listener"
webViewContent = WebViewContent.UrlContent("https://github.com/Trendyol")
showContentAsHtml = true
titleTextColor = CardInputViewR.color.civ_error_stroke
showCloseButton = true
fragmentManager = supportFragmentManager,
webViewConfigurator = WebViewJavascriptEnabler(),
downloadConfigurator = null
class WebViewJavascriptEnabler : WebViewConfigurator, Fragment() {
override fun configureWebView(webView: WebView) {
webView.settings.javaScriptEnabled = true
* Agreement Dialog:
Dialog with buttons on bottom. You can show 2 buttons at the bottom or just one button.
All arguments plus these arguments will be applicable to show agreement dialogs.
| Field | Type | Description | Default Value |
| `rightButtonText` | String | Text of the right button. Will not be shown if given string is empty. | "" |
| `leftButtonText` | String | Text of the left button. Will not be shown if given string is empty. | "" |
| `rightButtonClickListener` | (DialogFragment) -> Unit | Listener for right button's click events. Will be invoked with dialog instance. | { } |
| `leftButtonClickListener` | (DialogFragment) -> Unit | Listener for left button's click events. Will be invoked with dialog instance. | { } |
Sample usage:
agreementDialog {
title = "Agreement Dialog Title"
leftButtonText = "Cancel"
rightButtonText = "Agree"
content = getHtmlString()
showContentAsHtml = true
rightButtonClickListener = {
leftButtonClickListener = {
- Selection Dialog:
Dialog with list that user can select. There will be checkBox on the left side of each line and user can change the selection. All Info Dialog arguments plus these arguments will be applicable to show selection dialogs.
Field | Type | Description | Default Value |
items |
List<Pair<Boolean, String>> | Item list that will be listed on dialog. | null |
showItemsAsHtml |
Boolean | Item texts will be parsed as Html if this flag set as true. | false |
onItemSelectedListener |
(DialogFragment, Int) -> Unit | Listener to notify selected index. | null |
onDismissListener |
(DialogFragment) -> Unit | Listener to notify when dialog is dismiss. | null |
enableSearch |
Boolean | Enables search function in given items |
false |
showClearSearchButton |
Boolean | Shows clean button on the right of the search input line. | false |
searchHint |
String | Hint to show on search input line. | "" |
selectedItemDrawable |
Int | Drawable resource for selected item icon. | null |
selectedTextColor |
Int | Color resource for selected item text color. | null |
showRadioButton |
Boolean | Radio button visibility | false |
titleTextColor |
Int | Color resource for title text color. | null |
animateCornerRadiusWhenExpand |
Boolean | Corner radius will be removed with an animation when set true. | false |
Sample usage:
selectionDialog {
title = "Selection Dialog Title"
content = getContent()
items = getItemsAsHtml()
showItemsAsHtml = true
titleTextColor = R.color.colorPrimary
animateCornerRadiusWhenExpand = true
selectedItemDrawable = R.drawable.ic_check
selectedTextColor = R.color.colorPrimary
showRadioButton = true
onItemSelectedListener = { dialog, index ->
Sample usage with search:
selectionDialog {
title = "Selection Dialog with Search Title"
content = getContent()
items = getItemsAsHtml()
showItemsAsHtml = true
onItemSelectedListener = { dialog, index ->
enableSearch = true
showClearSearchButton = true
searchHint = "Hint for search"
selectedItemDrawable = R.drawable.ic_check
selectedTextColor = R.color.colorPrimary
- Info List Dialog:
Dialog with the list. There are two textViews that are showing key-value pairs. All Info Dialog arguments plus these arguments will be applicable to show info list dialogs.
Field | Type | Description | Default Value |
infoListItems |
List<Pair<CharSequence, CharSequence>> | Item list that will be listed on dialog. | null |
itemDividers |
List | Wrapper that will decorate recyclerView | emptyList |
Sample usage:
infoListDialog {
title = SpannableStringBuilder().color(Color.RED) { append("Info List Dialog Sample") }
showCloseButton = true
cornerRadius = 0F
closeButtonListener = infoDialogClosed
infoListItems = getInfoListItems()
itemDividers = listOf(
ItemDivider.MarginDivider(56, listOf(ItemDivider.MarginDivider.MarginDirection.TOP, ItemDivider.MarginDivider.MarginDirection.BOTTOM)),
- Implement ListDialog.
Implement SelectionDialogImplement search line.- Implement multiple selectable type.
- Provide theme for more styling.
- Update builder for Java.
Stop using DialogFragment's constructor inorder to build DialogFragment
This library is maintained mainly by Trendyol Android Team members but also other Android lovers contributes.
Copyright 2022 Trendyol.com
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.