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Request Signing (v2)

Signing requests provides a second layer of security on top of the authorisation bearer token and guarantees that the payload has not been tampered with.

Supported Algorithms

We only support ES512 signing algorithm for modification requests to our Payments APIs.

Generate Signing Key Pair

ES512 belongs to the family of Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithms (ECDSA). To sign an HTTP request using ECDSA you will need to generate an Elliptic Curve (EC) key pair. You will need:

  • a public key, to be provided to the verifying party.
  • a private key, to be used for signing requests, which you should not share with anyone outside of your organisation.

ES512, in particular, requires a key pair that use the P-521 family of elliptic curves (also known as secpt521r1). You can generate a key pair using openssl. To generate the private key, run:

docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/out -w /out -it alpine/openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp521r1 -noout -out ec512-private-key.pem

You can then obtain the public key by running:

docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/out -w /out -it alpine/openssl ec -in ec512-private-key.pem -pubout -out ec512-public-key.pem

ec512-public-key.pem is the file you should upload in the NEW Payments Settings page in our Console.

Sign a request

You need to specify a Tl-Signature header in your HTTP request. The header value is a JWS with detached content, signed using the ES512 algorithm.

A JWS with detached content has the following structure:


The payload segment is omitted in the JWS with detached content to generate the signature.

The JOSE header must contain:

  • The alg header parameter, with ES512 as value;
  • The kid header parameter, with the id of the key used for signing as value (i.e. the UUID value shown in the NEW Payments Settings in Console next to your uploaded public key);
  • The tl_version header parameter, with "2" as value;
  • The tl_headers header parameter, with an ordered comma separated list of headers to include in signing (must at least include Idempotency-Key) as value.

For example:

    "alg": "ES512",
    "kid": "9f2b7bd6-c055-40b5-b616-120ccfd33c49",
    "tl_version": "2",
    "tl_headers": "Idempotency-Key"

The JWS payload should be built using the following in order:

  • The HTTP VERB (capitalized), followed by a space, then the absolute path (without trailing slashes) e.g.: POST /payouts, followed by a newline character \n
  • For each header specified in tl_headers, in the same order (and with the same casing):
    • The header name, followed by a colon, a space, then the header value, e.g.: Idempotency-Key: 619410b3-b00c-406e-bb1b-2982f97edb8b, followed by a newline character \n
  • The serialized HTTP request body (if sending a body)

For example:

POST /payouts
Idempotency-Key: 619410b3-b00c-406e-bb1b-2982f97edb8b