Welcome to the finals phase for CSAW ESC'23! This page will provide additional details about the finals. You will need the following items:
- The provided ESC hardware kit that includes: Arduino Uno board, ESC shield with I2C breakout, Keyboard, Relay module, Vibration motor module, Microphone module, and Passive buzzer;
- A computer with a standard USB port;
- avrdude software running on the computer;
- A serial port interface (such as minicom), with 115200 baud rate to communicate with the board at the corresponding port (e.g., /dev/ttyUSB0).
A short video with assembly instructions for the ESC hardware is available here.
Throughout the next few weeks new challenges will be released. The points from all challenges will be accumulated in the final score of each team. Challenges will be given a different number of points based upon their difficulties.
For information about the deliverables of the final phase you can visit this page.
The challenge leaders will verify the solutions that each team has submitted before the final presentations. Every team should also include in the final report the verification flag received when a challegne is solved.