- review the route
- Using
to choose the first position. - Using
Single Object Tracking.ipynb
to get all position and tracking them. - Using
to fitting and output.
- Using
- get the methods to set GUI
- rewrite the code
- prepare the example
- Required pytorch libraries:
- For NNs: pytorch...
- For tracking: mmtracking...
- For GUIL: pyQt...
- Code for tracking, code for extracting
- Neural Networks
- For tracking: siamese_rpn
- For finding lines: twist_test
- Pictures
- Examples
- 框选多个起始点
- 最上方输入图片路径
- 中间出现图片
- 框选图片位置
- 自动分组读取框的坐标
- 选取时图片上方显示“第N组”,N为当前选取的组数
- “第N组”右侧显示“下一组”,“取消”字样
- 按图片下方确定键确认,取消键取消
- 选取到足够的数目点击下一组,此时
- 在按钮下方显示框的左上角、右下角值
- 可以删除
- 每选取一个值,列表增加
- 需要显示值属于哪一组
- 超过6个会超出显示范围,需要上下拉动
- 点选起点(0帧)
- 点选终点(输入帧)
- 输出twist