Releases: UCLALibrary/californica
Releases · UCLALibrary/californica
What Changed
- Add Text direction metadata field with controlled values PR-704
property | iiif_text_direction |
dynamic field | iiif_text_direction_tesi |
label | IIIF Text direction |
predicate | |
required | no |
multiple | no |
type | string (english tokenization) |
import from | Text direction |
searchable | no |
faceted | no |
search results | hide |
item view | show |
grouping | Record info |
Before Deploys
- Travis build passing
- Coverage 96%
- Pull Requests open - 0
- Footer
Californica master; Updated 21 August 2019
- Footer
Californica v2.3.0; Updated 16 August 2019
- Footer
Californica v2.3.0; Updated 16 August 2019
- Footer
Californica v2.3.0; Updated 16 August 2019
Deployed to
- Test
- Stage
- Dev
- Production
After Deploys
- Footer
Californica master; Updated 21 August 2019
- Footer
Californica v2.4.0; Updated 21 August 2019
- Footer
Californica v2.4.0; Updated 21 August 2019
- Footer
Californica v2.4.0; Updated 21 August 2019
- Travis build passing
- Coverage 96%
What Changed
- Use new IIIF service for manifests and thumbnails CAL-724 | CAL-721 |CAL-740 | PR-703
- Creates a helper function which generates IIIF links from access_copy, determining whether they should point to the old Cantaloupe or the new IIIF server.
- Uses this helper function in generating manifests.
- Uses the helper function for thumbnails.
- Fixes to Work and Collection forms
Before Deploys
- Travis build passing
- Coverage 96%
- Pull Requests open - 0
- Footer
Californica master; Updated 16 August 2019
- Footer
Californica access_copy-fix; Updated 08 August 2019
- Footer
Californica CAL-711_ADD_TEXT_DIRECTION_METADATA_FIELD; Updated 16 August 2019
- Footer
Californica access_copy-fix; Updated 08 August 2019
Deployed to
- Test
- Stage
- Dev
- Production
After Deploys
- Footer
Californica v2.3.0; Updated 16 August 2019
- Footer
Californica v2.3.0; Updated 16 August 2019
- Footer
Californica v2.3.0; Updated 16 August 2019
- Footer
Californica v2.3.0; Updated 16 August 2019
- Travis build passing
- Coverage 96%
- Replaces field
- New metadata field
- Adds thumbnails for collections.
What Changed
- On ingest, don't create new record if the title starts with "DUPLICATE" CAL- | PR-692
- This change raises an AttributeError instead, with a useful message that gets stored in the CsvRowImport database and displayed on the dashboard.
- In docker.env, point IIIF_SERVER_URL to cantaloupe-stage CAL- | PR-693
- Remove dependencies on HTTP request for IIIF manifest generation CAL- | PR-694
- Previously, building IIIF manifests could only be done in the context of an HTTP request, from which a URL was extracted for use in IIIF identifiers. This commit derives those identifiers from other sources so that manifests can be generated outside the HTTP request cycle, for example immediately upon ingest.
- Configure .env files so app can be run natively CAL- | PR-695
- This moves most of the environment variables from docker.env to default.env, changing values specific to our docker setup to values that allow a native-running rails process to connect to services running in docker containers.
- To run natively, run $
ln -s default.env .env
to create a symlink.
Before Deploys
- Travis build passing
- Coverage 96%
- Pull Requests open - 0
- Footer
Californica master; Updated 30 July 2019
- Footer
Californica master; Updated 30 July 2019
- Footer
Californica 710_add-an-Author-metadata-field; Updated 18 July 2019
- Footer
Californica v2.0.0; Updated 24 July 2019
Deployed to
- Test
- Stage
- Dev
- Production
After Deploys
- Footer
Californica v2.1.0; Updated 30 July 2019
- Footer
Californica v2.1.0; Updated 30 July 2019
- Footer
Californica v2.1.0; Updated 30 July 2019
- Footer
Californica v2.1.0; Updated 30 July 2019
- Travis build passing
- Coverage 96%
- Images (including thumbnails) are no longer served from Fedora / Hyrax
- Adds metadata field 'Summary'.
- Displays warnings when a File listed in an ingest CSV cannot be found on disk.
- Displays an error when a CSV cannot be parsed on ingest.
- Indexes 'thumbnail_url_ss', with IIIF links for thumbnails.
Make ingest metadata-only CAL-| PR-678
- doesn't pass
to the hyrax actor stack, so that no files will be imported into californica - removes customized characterization logic
- removes command-line fits from Dockerfile and fits servlet from docker-compose.yml
- doesn't pass
Fix Edit page fails to render visibility badge in dev (not on servers) CAL-713| PR-677
- The work edit page failed to render due to an error related to the "discovery"-level visibility badge.
- This happened only in development, not in production. That's because this line is invoked in production:
- But per this discussion:
- it ran once in development but then reset on subsequent requests.
Master path fixes PR-676
- Fix: Index master_file_path as single-valued
_ We accidently used :symbol, which indexed it as multi-valued. This prevented the field from displaying properly in views that expected a single-valued field. - Fix: Add import_file_path='/opt/data' to CsvImport
- This is somewhat vestigal now that paths must be fully specified in csv, but might still be necessary in some places.
- Fix: Use new master-file-path logic for actual file imports CAL-| PR-
- The new master-file-path field uses some new logic to add 'Masters/dlmasters' to the beginning of the paths output from dlcs. In order for file imports to work without a manually specified import path, we need to tap into this logic.
- We will be removing file imports very soon, so I just removed all the affected tests rather than getting them working.
- Fix: Index master_file_path as single-valued
Streamline ingest logging CAL-702| PR-675
- Previously, log messages during ingest ended up in a few different files. This commit moves them to:
- Errors during a CsvRowImportJob end up in the associated csvrow object's "error_messages" field, which is stored in the database and visible in the dashboard.
- Errors that occur outside of any CsvRowImportJob get logged in the ingest_X.log file (also with info-level messages), which is written to the filesystem and visible from the dashboard.
- Previously, log messages during ingest ended up in a few different files. This commit moves them to:
Before Deploys
- Travis build passing
- Coverage 95%
- Pull Requests open - 0
- Footer
Californica master; Updated 18 July 2019
- Footer
Californica v1.17.0; Updated 12 July 2019
- Footer
Californica 710_add-an-Author-metadata-field; Updated 18 July 2019
- Footer
Californica v1.17.0; Updated 12 July 2019
Deployed to
- Test
- Stage
- Dev
- Production
After Deploys
- Footer
Californica v1.18.0; Updated 18 July 2019
- Footer
Californica v1.18.0; Updated 18 July 2019
- Footer
Californica v1.18.0; Updated 18 July 2019
- Footer
Californica v1.18.0; Updated 18 July 2019
- Travis build passing
- Coverage 95%
What Changed
- Docker tweaks - PR-669
- Refactor docker environment variables
- Keep logs on bind mount, not docker volume
- Require full path for "File Name" - CAL-341 | PR-672 & PR-670
- The full path will be stored relative to the "Masters" directory at /opt/data/Masters. In production, this is mounted from the netapp.
- If the input file name starts with "Masters/", it will be used as is. Otherwise, it will be prepended with "Masters/dlmasters/", in order to match the content of DLCS exports.
- Add columns in CSV - PR-673 & PR=671
- CAL-597
- Import the "AltTitle.translated" column in CSVs to alternative_title
- CAL-648
- Import the "Personal or Corporate Name.photographer" column in CSVs to photographer
- CAL-649
- Import the "Personal or Corporate Name.repository" column in CSVs to repository
- CAL-650
- Import the "Alternate Title.other" column in CSVs to alternative_title
- CAL-651
- Import the "Alternate Title.inscribed" column in CSVs to alternative_title
- CAL-652
- Import the "Alternate Title.descriptive" column in CSVs to alternative_title
- CAL-653
- Import the "Alternate Title.creator" column in CSVs to alternative_title
- CAL-654
- Import the "AltTitle.parallel" column in CSVs to alternative_title
- CAL-654
- Import the "AltTitle.parallel" column in CSVs to alternative_title
- CAL-655
- Import the "Personal or Corporate Name.copyrightHolder" column in CSVs to rights_holder
- CAL-656
- Import the "Alt ID.local" column in CSVs to local_identifier
- CAL-657
- Import the "AltIdentifier.callNo" column in CSVs to local_identifier
- CAL-658
- Import the "Alternate Identifier.local" column in CSVs to local_identifier
- CAL-664
- Import the "Subject.corporateName" column in CSVs to named_subject
- CAL-665
- Import the "Subject.personalName" column in CSVs to named_subject
- CAL-666
- Import the "Personal or Corporate Name.subject" column in CSVs to named_subject
- CAL-597
Before Deploys
- Travis build passing
- Coverage 95%
- Footer
Californica master; Updated 12 July 2019
- Footer
- Footer
- Footer
Californica purge-empty-filesets; Updated 05 July 2019
- Pull Requests open - 0
- [] Pull Requests [PR-673, PR=671, PR-669, PR-670]
Deployed to
- Test
- Stage
- Dev
- Production
After Deploys
- Footer
Californica v1.17.0; Updated 12 July 2019
- Footer
Californica v1.17.0; Updated 12 July 2019
- Footer
Californica v1.17.0; Updated 12 July 2019
- Footer
Californica v1.17.0; Updated 12 July 2019
- Travis build passing
- Coverage 95%
- Adds a rake task to purge duplicate and orphan filesets
- Rescues and logs errors that occur during certain portions of file ingest, so they don't cause the task to restart
- adds a rake task which audits works to make sure the number of attached files matches agrees with what is specified in a csv