- JWT Implementation: Used for NHS API authentication
- Algorithm: RS512
- Key Storage: PEM format
- Token Lifetime: 300 seconds
- Headers Required:
: JWTkid
: Key ID
- IHE ITI Profiles Implementation:
- ITI-47: Patient Demographics Query
- ITI-38: Cross Gateway Query
- ITI-39: Cross Gateway Retrieve
- SOAP Headers:
- Content-Type: application/soap+xml
- Namespaces:
- SOAP Envelope: http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope
- Addressing: http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing
- ebXML RegRep: urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:query:3.0
- IHE XDS.b: urn:ihe:iti:xds-b:2007
- Service Description: GP Connect enables information sharing between different clinical systems
- Documentation: GP Connect Documentation
- Environment URLs:
- Integration: https://orange.testlab.nhs.uk/
- Headers Required:
- JWT Token
- Content-Type
- Authentication: JWT-based
- Service Description: National demographics service
- Documentation: PDS Documentation
- Implementation: FHIR-based REST API
- Authentication: JWT-based
- Standard: Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture
- Documentation: HL7 CCDA Documentation
- Implementation: Custom conversion from FHIR to CCDA
- Version: STU3 (for GP Connect compatibility)
- Documentation: FHIR STU3
- Implementation: Used for GP Connect and PDS interactions
- Profiles Implemented:
- ITI-47: Patient Demographics Query
- ITI-38: Cross Gateway Query
- ITI-39: Cross Gateway Retrieve
- Documentation: IHE ITI Technical Framework
- Usage: Main web framework
- Documentation: FastAPI Documentation
- Key Features Used:
- Custom routing for SOAP endpoints
- Request/Response handling
- Background tasks
- Logging middleware
- Usage: Caching and temporary storage
- Documentation: Redis Documentation
- Key Features Used:
- Key-value storage for documents
- NHS number to CEID mapping
- Session management
- xmltodict: XML parsing and generation
- jwcrypto: JWT key management
- pydantic: Data validation
- fhirclient: FHIR data models
- Purpose: Metrics collection and storage
- Documentation: Prometheus Docs
- Key Metrics:
- Request counts
- Response times
- Error rates
- Cache hit/miss rates
- Resource utilization
- Purpose: Metrics visualization and alerting
- Documentation: Grafana Docs
- Features:
- Custom dashboards
- Alert management
- Data exploration
- Annotation support
- Purpose: Log aggregation and analysis
- Components:
- Elasticsearch: Log storage
- Logstash: Log processing
- Kibana: Log visualization
- Documentation: Elastic Docs
- Purpose: Distributed tracing
- Documentation: OpenTelemetry Docs
- Features:
- Request tracing
- Performance monitoring
- Error tracking
- Service dependencies
- pytest: Primary testing framework
- Documentation
- Test discovery
- Fixture support
- Parameterized testing
- pytest-asyncio: Async test support
- aiohttp: HTTP client testing
- testcontainers: Container-based testing
- Redis integration tests
- Service mocking
- locust: Load testing
- Documentation
- Concurrent user simulation
- Performance metrics
- Real-time monitoring
- black: Code formatting
- flake8: Style guide enforcement
- mypy: Type checking
- bandit: Security linting
- Documentation: Docker Docs
- Components:
- Multi-stage builds
- Health checks
- Volume management
- Network configuration
- Documentation: Compose Docs
- Features:
- Service orchestration
- Environment variables
- Volume mapping
- Network setup
- Endpoints:
- /health/live: Liveness probe
- /health/ready: Readiness probe
- /metrics: Prometheus metrics
- Implementation: FastAPI endpoints
- python-jose: JWT implementation
- cryptography: Cryptographic operations
- Key rotation: Automated key management
- Rate limiting: FastAPI middleware
- Input validation: Pydantic models
- CORS: FastAPI CORS middleware
- Security headers: Custom middleware
- mkdocs: Documentation generation
- OpenAPI: API documentation
- sphinx: Python documentation
- pre-commit: Git hooks
- dependabot: Dependency updates
- renovate: Package management
- git-flow: Version control workflow