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MARTA: Multi-configuration Assembly pRofiler Toolkit for performance Analysis

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MARTA is a productivity-aware toolkit for profiling and performance characterization.

This toolkit performs in two stages: profiling and analysis. The first component compiles, executes and collects information from hardware counters, and the second component post-process that data offline given a set of parameters to consider, applying data mining and ML techniques for classification in order to build knowledge, e.g., in the form of decision trees, analyzing the influence of dimensiones, etc. For instance, having a piece of code or kernel such as:

for (int i = INIT_VAL; i < UPPER_BOUND; i += STEP) {
    y[i] += A[i] * x[i];

It could be interesting to analyze the deviation in performance of same code but varying INIT_VAL, UPPER_BOUND and STEP. Just given that little code and those variables or parameters, MARTA extracts information in the form of a decision tree regarding performance. Decision trees categorize the performance of the kernel (or other target column of the domain) according to the dimensions of interest specified.

MARTA is also a very low intrusive profiler, even though it requires recompiling. It is a header-based profiler, including directives for detailing the start and end of the region of interest (RoI), it can perform different compilations and executions, for instance, using different flags and/or compilers, and generating a readable table with performance metrics. This enables a fast comparison between compilers for a vast set of different combinations of parameters and flags.


  • Python >=3.7
  • Libraries specified in requirements.txt
  • PAPI >=5.7.0
  • Linux environment with root access. Recommended >=3.14 version to allow PAPI use rdpmc for reading hardware counters.

Getting started

This project has two large and independent components:

  • profiler: in charge of compiling, executing and gathering performance metrics such as cycles, time and FLOPS/s for a concrete kernel with regard to a input file specifying all parameters.
  • analyzer: given an input in table form (e.g. CSV) and some parameters, using scikit-learn generates a classification system in order to categorize performance (or other dimension of interest), and reporting the accuracy of the system. Typically, this system is either a decision tree or a random forest classifier/regressor.


MARTA supports out-of-tree execution. This method could be preferred in order to avoid copying files, for instance, in an already existent project.


Install a pre-built package (if any) or build the wheel and install it:

python -m build
python -m pip install dist/<marta-wheel>
# or just
python -m pip install <marta-wheel>

This will install a module named marta, and two console scripts or CLI commands: marta_profiler and marta_analyzer. NOTE: to run these commands it is needed to specify in PATH variable the path where your Python version install applications, e.g. export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin if your Python distribution install packages in $HOME/.local/bin.

Use from the sources

If you just want to use MARTA as a module this can be done easily by just:

cd MARTA/marta
python -m profiler ...
# or
python -m analyzer ...


The Profiler module is designed for parsing the configuration files, compiling all the binary versions specified in them, and running the generated binaries, collecting execution data. The strength of this module lies in its ability to generate as many different executable versions as necessary, as defined by the Cartesian product of the sets of different options in the configuration, e.g., compile-time options (e.g., whether to enable or disable particular optimizations), program inputs, or program features (e.g., -D flags enabling different code paths). The generation of different program versions, which is often a bottleneck in micro-architectural exploration, can be done in parallel.

In order to achieve maximum reliability, the Profiler integrates with several different tested-and-true software packages such as the PolyBench/C library, using their low-level configuration and measuring capabilities. The upper part of Figure~\ref{fig:martaarch} details the design of this module. The Profiler receives two inputs:

  • Configuration file: a structured YAML file containing all parameters related to compilation (e.g. -D flags, compilers and their flags, etc.), execution (e.g. threads to launch and their affinity, number of repetitions, maximum deviation in measurements, etc.), and data collection (e.g. output format, dimensions to include, static code analysis parameters, etc.). For convenience, some of these parameters can be overwritten by using CLI arguments.
  • Source code/application: typically a C/C++ program whose execution prints in standard output values collected from hardware counters, as well as the execution time and values reported by the Time Stamp Counter (TSC). The system helps produce this output format by including a set of functions and macros at runtime.

The output generated by all the executions in the experimental set is encoded into a CSV file, which is passed as input to the Analyzer module.


The Analyzer integrated in the tool is meant for processing raw data, typically the output of the Profiler, and mining knowledge from these data, primarily through the use of scikit-learn. It can also generate relational plots given a set of dimensions of interest.

  • Configuration file: a structured YAML file specifying data wrangling parameters (including filtering, normalization and categorization) as well as classification and plotting parameters. For classification customization, all parameters follow the same naming or API as in scikit-learn.


The configuration file for the profiler is structured in a YAML file. Parameters available for the profiler kernel dictionary:

Parameter Description Type Default
name Name of the kernel or program. str -
path Folder containing the sources. str -
preamble Commands to execute before compilation. Tuning CPUs, allocating huge pages, etc. str ``''
finalize Tasks to execute after the experiments. dict -
configuration Cartesian product of the list of parameters. This includes the list Makefile options, -D definitions, etc. dict -
compilation Compiler configurations (compiler table). dict -
execution Execution parameters (execution table). dict -
output Output options, such as name and format (output table). dict -

finalize parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default
clean_tmp_files Clean temporal files. bool True
clean_asm_files Clean assembly files generated. bool True
clean_asm_files Clean binary files. bool False
command Execute a command after the execution of the set of experiments. str ``''

configuration parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default
kernel_cfg Options to Makefile. str list [``'']
d_features \texttt{-D} flags. Each of them can be described as in table d_features. dict -
flops Expression for computing FLOPS count. This can be expressed dynamically using d_features values. str -

compiler parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default
enabled Enable/disable compilation. Useful for pre-generated binaries. bool True
processes Number of processes to use for compilation. int 1
compiler_flags Dictionary of compilers with a list of specific flags each. dict of lists -
main_src Main source file to be compiled str main.c
kernel_inlined If kernel not inlined, then it need to be compiled from a different source. bool False
loop_type "asm" or "C". Determines the language for MARTA instrumentation insertion. str "asm"
asm_analysis syntax: ASM syntax, count_ins: count the number and type of ASM instructions in the region of interest, static_analysis: perform code analysis using LLVM-MCA dict {}

d_features parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default
type Type of expression: static, dynamic. static for list arguments, dynamic for iterators, e.g. itertools. str ``''
val_type Value of the expression: "numeric", "string". str "numeric"
value Expression generating the list of values, e.g. [0,1,2,3], itertools.product([0,1], [10,20]), etc. Object -

execution parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default
enabled Enable execution bool True
papi_counter List of PAPI counters to read. str list -
time Measure execution time with gettimeofday. bool False
tsc Measure TSC cycles using rdtsc. bool False
nexec Repetitions per each configuration. int 7
threshold_outliers Threshold for outlier detection. int .1
mean_and_discard Compute average values after discarding outliers. bool False
nsteps Number of iterations of the loop containing the ROI if specified. int 1
intel_turbo Enable or disable turbo boost on Intel processors via MSR. bool False
max_freq Set maximum CPU frequency via MSR. bool False
cpu_affinity Logical CPU ID for pinning single-thread measurements. int 0
cache_flush Cache flush enabled for architectures supporting CLFSH. bool False

output parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default
name Name of output file. str -
columns Output columns. If "all", then all dimensions used in the configuration: compiler, d_features, kernel_config, papi_counters, etc. str -
report Generate a log file with all information related to the experiment: host machine, elapsed time, standard output, standard error, etc. bool -

The same scheme follows for the analyzer. Parameters available for this component:

Parameter Description Type Default
input Input data in CSV format. str -
output_path Output path. str -
prepare_data Preprocessing configuration. dict -
plot Plotting parameters. dict -
classification Parameters for classification analyses, e.g., decision trees. dict -
feat_importance Parameters for feature importance analyses, e.g., random forests. dict -

prepare_data parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default
cols Columns or dimensions to consider. list -
rows Values of rows to filter. dict -
target Dimension of interest, e.g. FLOPS. str -
norm Normalization of values for the target dimension: minmax or zscore. str -
categories Dictionary containing meta-information for the categories: num (number of categories to generate statically), grid_search (use KDE and perform grid searching for bandwidth and kernel parameters), mode (if normal, Silverman is used for KDE. If multimodal, Sheather-Jones is used). dict -

plots parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default
sort Dimension to use for sorting values. str -
type Type of plot: relplot, scatterplot, lineplot or kdeplot. str -
format Output format: png, pdf, eps, ps or svg. str -
x_axis Dimension for the X axis. str -
y_axis Dimension for the Y axis. str -
hue Dimension to group by color. str -
size Dimension to group by size. str -
log_scale Apply logarithmic scale. bool -

Examples: cases of study

Under the examples directory there are available examples to better understand how the tool works.


This library uses pytest for unit and integration tests. All tests are located under tests directory. For more information refer to tests/


See the file.

License, copyright and authors

See LICENSE, COPYRIGHT and AUTHORS files, respectively, for further information.


Lili Kudrili/


The author .pdf is available here.

Regular citation:

Horro, M. Pouchet, L.-N. Rodríguez, G. and Touriño, J. MARTA: Multi-configuration Assembly pRofiler and Toolkit for performance Analysis in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software, ISPASS22, Singapore, pp. 79-89. 2022.

Bibtex example:

  author    = {Horro, Marcos and Pouchet, Louis-Noël and Rodríguez, Gabriel and Touriño, Juan},
  booktitle = {2022 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS)},
  title     = {MARTA: Multi-configuration Assembly pRofiler and Toolkit for performance Analysis},
  year      = {2022},
  volume    = {},
  number    = {},
  pages     = {79--89},