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Biomath COVID19-Model: HPC

Copyright (c) 2022 by T.W. Alleman, BIOMATH, Ghent University. All Rights Reserved.

This readme contains a short tutorial on how to setup and execute the BIOMATH COVID-19 model on the Flemish HPC.


Installing Miniconda

First, install Miniconda on your HPC account to setup the model environment. Download the Bash script that will install it from using, e.g., wget:


Once downloaded, run the installation script,

bash -b -p $VSC_DATA/miniconda3

Next, add the path to the Miniconda installation to the PATH environment variable in your .bashrc (vi ~/.bashrc) file. Copy the following command,

export PATH="${VSC_DATA}/miniconda3/bin:${PATH}"

Cloning the COVID19-Model code from git

To acces my personal github repo, I need to use the following commands to 'initialize' github on the HPC. First, I tell the SSH agent where my SSH keypair is located on the HPC.

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/HPC_Github

Copy (or git clone) the COVID19-Model directory to your personal directory on the Flemish HPC cluster. I recommend using $VSC_DATA over $VSC_HOME because there is up to 25 Gb of storage on $VSC_HOME.

git clone 

Finally, install the code developed specifically for the project (lives inside the src/covid19model folder) in the environment (in -e edit mode),

pip install -e .

Now, the environment is ready to be set up using,

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda init bash
conda activate COVID_MODEL


Confidential files for the spatial COVID19-Model

Our spatial COVID19-Model uses confidential data from a Belgian telecommunication provider. Because these data are not available on our public git repository, they must be copied to the HPC. To copy the folder mobility (resides in ~/data/covid19_DTM/interim/) to the HPC, go to the mobility folder on your local Linux machine and use the following command to copy the folder mobility from your local PC to the HPC.

scp -r mobility

Submitting a job to the HPC

An example bash script

The following bash script,, executes a hypothetical python script,, which resides in the ~/hpc subdirectory of the BIOMATH COVID19-Model repo,

#PBS -N calibration-COVID19-SEIRD-WAVE2 ## job name
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=all ## single-node job, all available cores
#PBS -l walltime=72:00:00 ## max. 72h of wall time

# Change to package folder
cd $VSC_DATA/COVID19-Model/hpc/

# Make script executable
chmod +x

# Activate conda environment
source activate COVID_MODEL

# Add additional code to stop quadratic multiprocessing

# Execute script

# Deactivate environment
conda deactivate

Submitting the job

After setting up the job script, the job must be submitted. Currently (2022-01-01) one node of 36 cores is reserved on the skitty cluster. Before submitting your job, switch to the skitty cluster,

module swap cluster/skitty

Then submit to the reserved node using,

qsub --pass reservation=covid19.jb

the job will be given a JOB_ID.

To check what reservations you can currently use:

scontrol show res

To check the job status (R: running, C: completed):


To kill the job:

qdel JOB_ID

Using git on the HPC

To acces my personal github repo, I first tell the SSH agent where the SSH keypair is located,

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/HPC_Github

To show the available branches,

git branch -a

To checkout to a branch,

git checkout some_branch

After making a dummy text file, named hpc_git_test.txt, we must tell git we want to "stage" the change,

git add hpc_git_test.txt,

The next step is "committing" to the change, the user must supply a message to the commit (denoted after the -m flag),

git commit -m “test commit op HPC”

To use the commits on your local PC, we must push the (HPC) locally committed changes to our remote git repo,

git push origin test_branch

and then refresh our git branches locally. The change made on the HPC should then be available locally. If the HPC copy of the branch is not up-to-date with changes made and pushed locally then do,

git pull

If you've made changes on the HPC branch without committing them, git will point out which changes must be committed first before you can perform the above pull. If want your HPC branch to be equal to your remote branch by brute force (all changes made on the HPC are deleted!) do,

git fetch origin test_branch
git reset --hard origin/test_branch

To see the difference between your HPC branch and the origin branch do,

git diff

Some usefull HPC commands

To copy files from the HPC to a Linux PC, enter the following command on your local PC:

scp .

To copy files from your Linux PC to the HPC:
