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Importing partner organisation data to the application


We have enough confidence in our code to run this as a pair on production.

If you want to gain confidence about any aspect and would get that by running the import locally first, feel free to do so. Running the import locally lets you get the data into perfect shape before you have to copy it over to production.

All imports are run in a transaction, if any row fails the whole import is skipped.

Once all the data is imported, zip up the actual files used and attach them to the Trello card (see below), this keeps a record of what might have been modified for the import and the original files.

Cards and source files

We have a Trello card for each import to be run for each

  • partner organisation
  • fund

All of the files will be attached to the card:

For Newton fund:

  • level B activity, actual spend and forecast data
  • level C activity, actual spend and forecast data
  • actual spend data pre formatted for import (no longer used and can be ignored)


  • level B activity, actual spend and forecast data
  • level C activity, actual spend and forecast data
  • level D activity, actual spend and forecast data
  • actual spend data pre formatted for import (no longer used and can be ignored)

Pick up a card as a pair and move it to 'in progress'.

The steps below should be followed in order as they are dependent on each other.


We do not import reports, but activities, forecasts and actual spend require the correct active report in order to run successfully.

Create the report

  • connect to prod:
cf login
cf ssh beis-roda-prod
  • run a rails console
bin/rails console
  • get the organisation id for the partner organisation
organisation_id = Organisation.find_by(name: "NAME").id
  • get the Activity id of the fund you are importing
gcrf_id = Activity.by_roda_identifier("GCRF").id


newton_id = Activity.by_roda_identifier("NF").id
  • create the report, financial quarter and year are read only so we use update_all to bypass those checks! (where FINANCIAL_QUARTER and FINANCIAL_YEAR are the Quarter/Year you want to report for)
report = FUND_ID, organisation_id: organisation_id, state: :active, description: "Onboarding data import")!
Report.where(id: FINANCIAL_QUARTER, financial_year: FINANCIAL_YEAR)
  • Confirm 1 is returned, one record effected

  • Confirm the report is now for Q3 2020:



Import activities in order:

  1. Level B
  2. Level C
  3. Level D

Checking activity data

  • are the headers correct? Use the migration template to verify.
  • are the values coded correctly? Use the migration template to verify.
  • are any values missing? The import will give you errors but look for anything obvious.
  • raise any issues as soon as you can in Slack, the sooner we know the soon we can work together to rectify them.

Prep activity data

  • correct any headers
  • for GCRF activities add a column UK PO Named Contact and set all rows to Must be provided
  • add any missing values if possible - if not raise the issue in Slack
  • save as UTF8 csv file

Import activity data in production

You will need your user account to be associated to the partner organisation for which you are running the import. You will also need to note this organisation ID to run the import.

  • copy the file over to production
cat FILENAME.csv | cf ssh beis-roda-prod -c "cat > FILENAME.csv"
  • find the id of the Organisation that the import is for i.e. the Partner Organisation
  • connect to production:
cf login
cf ssh beis-roda-prod
  • run a rails console
bin/rails console
  • locate your account
me = User.find_by(email: youremail)
  • locate the organisation id you want
Organisation.all.pluck(:name, :id)
  • update your user
me.update(organisation_id: "organisation_id")
  • quit the console

  • run the import

  • smoke test the activities in production after each level is imported


Forecasts are kept in the main activity file along with the activity data.

You will have to extract the forecast columns into a separate file using a script we have for this purpose.

We only import forecast data:

For newton:

  • Level C


  • Level D

Do not import forecasts for level B for Newton data and level C for GCRF data as they are simply the sum of the child forecasts.

Prep forecast data

  • run the script passing in the level, input file name and output file name constructor:
ruby script/convert_import.rb --level C --input /path/to/level/file.csv --output /path/to/level/out

The output will be two files:

  • forecast data file out_forecasts.csv
  • actual spend data file out_transactions.csv

Note how the output path is used to construct the name of the two output files.

The forecast data must start at the next financial quarter after the report we created earlier, so the first column must be FC 2020/21 FY Q4, if the dataset contains anything earlier, delete those columns.

  • if any changes were made to the csv, make sure to save it as UTF-8 csv

Import forecast data in prod

  • copy the file over to prod
cat RELATIVE-PATH/FILENAME.csv | cf ssh beis-roda-prod -c "cat > FILENAME.csv"

Note: cat cannot create a directory. This command will fail if a path is passed to cat > . This also means that the copied file will be found in the home directory of the root user of the remote project(/root). You will need to move the file to the required directory after copying. As you are logged in as root the file will be accessible at ~/.

  • connect to production:
cf login
cf ssh beis-roda-prod
  • run the import
script/import_forecasts.rb  -f FUND NAME -o ORGANISATION NAME -q 3 -y 2020 -i FILENAME.csv

FUND NAME and ORGANISATION NAME are the strings used for Activity.roda_identifier and e.g. "NF" and "Academy of Medical Science".

Actual spend

We only import actual data:

For Newton:

  • Level C


  • Level D

We have to use the front end to run the actual spend import. You will need a login to production and that account will need to belong to the correct Organisation for the import.

The import will fail if you do not have the correct Organisation so we have protection.

Prep actual spend data

  • the actual data is provided as a column for each financial quarter, however the import expects the following columns:

    • RODA ID
    • financial quarter
    • financial year
    • value

You already have the prepared file from the script run earlier.

Import actual spend data into production

  • setup your user account to belong to the correct Organisation i.e. the Partner Organisation
  • connect to prod:
cf login
cf ssh beis-roda-prod
  • run a rails console
bin/rails console
  • locate your account
me = User.find_by(email: YOUREMAIL)
  • locate the organisation id you want
Organisation.all.pluck(:name, :id)
  • update your user
me.update(organisation_id: ORGANISATION_ID)

Import completed

  • zip the csv file used and attach to the Trello card
  • move the Trello card to 'ready for review'
  • let the team know in Slack that the import is complete:

🐬 Onboarding data complete for 🐬