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Training/Evaluating CoNLL-2000 POS tagging and Chunking Code

This repository is a configuration of ELMO-BiLSTM-CNN-CRF implementation.

Before you can training the models, you need: Original CoNLL-2000 shared task data, perturbed data (See VIPER); and Pretrained ELMO and Visual ELMO embeddings (See AllenNLP_Modifications);

It is advised to create cache for the embeddings before you run the experiments:

         python -datasetName $DATASET \
		-tokenColumnId 0 \
		-cuda_device 0 \
		-elmo_options 'pretrained/elmo_options.json' \
		-elmo_weights 'pretrained/elmo_weights.hdf5' \
		-pkl_path '$SAVEDIR/cached.pkl'

Then to train a Part-Of-Speech Tagger:

         python -datasetName $DATASET \
		-tokenColumnId 0 \
		-cuda_device 1 \
	        -elmo_options 'pretrained/elmo_options.json' \
	        -elmo_weights 'pretrained/elmo_weights.hdf5' \
		-model_save $MODEL \
		-pkl_path '$SAVEDIR/cached.pkl'

And evaluate it with, where 'testSetting' is the prefix for the results file for easier analysis.

         python -datasetName $DATASET \
		-testFile '$TESTFILE' \
		-testSetting 'ATP01_org_'$id'.txt' \
		-model_save $MODEL \
		-result_save $RESULT \
		-cuda_device 0 \
		-task 'pos'

Similarly, to train a Chunker after caching:

	  python -datasetName $DATASET \
		-tokenColumnId 0 \
		-cuda_device 0 \
	        -elmo_options 'pretrained/elmo_options.json' \
	        -elmo_weights 'pretrained/elmo_weights.hdf5' \
		-model_save $MODEL \
		-pkl_path 'embeddings/cached.pkl'

And to evaluate the chunker:

	  python -datasetName $DATASET \
		-testFile '$TESTFILE' \
		-testSetting 'CTP01_simple_'$id'.txt' \
		-model_save $MODEL \
		-result_save $RESULT \
		-cuda_device 0 \
		-task 'chunking'

For convenience, we also provide two example scripts, that creates the cache, trains the models and evaluates them on various perturbed test data. $DATASET refers to the training/development data directory, and $MODEL is the output folder to save the trained models. The pretrained embeddings should be supplied under the 'pretrained' folder. Finally, the perturbed test data should be saved with the pattern: 'data/conll2000_data/perturbed/%ratio/%filename' to run the scripts.