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27abdullah edited this page Oct 3, 2023 · 13 revisions


The entities spawner handles periodic spawning of multiple entities within the GameArea. The spawner can be configured in various ways to customise the quantity of entities spawned and the frequency of their spawning.


The EntitiesSpawner class takes a list of EntitySpawner which defines its behaviour.


To set up the EntitiesSpawner, pass it a List<EntitySpawner> containing all the entities that you want to spawned - configure per above section. From there, call setGameAreas(<GameArea to spawn entities on>) on the EntitiesSpawner. The spawner is now set up and can be used to spawn entities instantly or start periodic spawning. To start periodic spawning, call startPeriodicSpawning. To spawn entities without waiting (which you may want to do for the initial spawning when setting up the game) call spawnNow.


This example code takes place in create() of SpaceGameArea.

//Spawning behaviour for passive animals
    List<EntitySpawner> passiveSpawners = new ArrayList<>();
    passiveSpawners.add(new EntitySpawner(1, NPCFactory::createAstrolotl, player,
            0, 1, 0, 0, 10));
    passiveSpawners.add(new EntitySpawner(6, NPCFactory::createChicken, player,
            1, 4, 8, 4, 2));
    passiveSpawners.add(new EntitySpawner(5, NPCFactory::createCow, player,
            1, 3, 12, 4, 1));
    passiveSpawner = new EntitiesSpawner(passiveSpawners);

    //Initial spawns
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