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Tom-Strooper edited this page Oct 2, 2023 · 44 revisions



15 years ago, humanity fled earth due to a world-ending calamity. Ever since, the remainder of the survivors have been aboard a ship bound for Alpha Centauri. Upon arrival, a ship called the Mothership has been searching the solar system for habitable planets. The player was a scout, looking at the habitability of one particular planet. However, an unforeseen massive solar flare fried the ship’s electronics as the player character was entering the upper atmosphere, causing them to crash down onto the surface of the planet.

The story is split into 3 acts:

  • Act I (Max 5 Days) - The player is trying to gain Jarrael’s trust after crash landing and destroying their work
  • Act II (Max 10 Days) - The player is attempting to make contact with the rest of humanity after gaining Jarrael’s trust
  • Act III (15 Days) - The player is attempting to increase the oxygen content of the atmosphere enough to allow humanity to live on the planet

Note the duration of each act should be revised by Sprint 4, since the game’s current duration is probably too long for what content is currently in the game (assuming 2 in-game days for Act I, 2 in-game days for Act II, and 14 in-game days for Act III, we have ~3.2 hours of real-world playtime).

Alien NPC (called Jarrael until further discussions with Studio)

The Alien NPC (a.k.a., Jarrael), was an engineer of the Karreshiq people, who was send to the site where the player crash landed to cultivate crops and repair the atmosphere of the planet.

Jarrael is initially hostile towards the player, as the crash landing caused much of Jarrael’s work to be destroyed. However, after the player gains their trust and tells Jarrael of the situation, Jarrael feels sympathy towards the player’s plight, having experienced something similar with their own people. This leads Jarrael to help the player repair the ship’s radio device to let them regain contact with the Mothership, and eventually to help the player increase the oxygen content of the atmosphere to make it liveable for humanity.

Alien NPC’s Civilisation (called Karreshiq until further discussions with Studio)

The Karreshiq were an advanced species of humanoid creatures which hopped between solar systems every few millenia. Long ago, they made contact with the human race on Earth, but were driven out after some unspecified disagreements. They made their new homes on a planet in Alpha Centauri, where the player eventually crash lands. However, an event known to the Karreshiq as The Night of the Black Sun wiped out a majority of their people, and greatly damaged the atmosphere of their planet.

Implementation Details

The storyline of the game will be told in 3 Acts, which are represented mechanically through in-game mandatory Quest class instances.

These mandatory quests (a.k.a., main quests) are completed by completing other story quests. Story quests are non-mandatory quests which do not expire. Story quests are automatically accepted after completing another quest (e.g., in Act I, the quest to harvest crops is automatically made active after the player completes the quest to plant crops). Main quests are automatically accepted after an AutoQuest (a special type of quest whose reward is automatically collected when the player accepts the quest) completes, signalling the beginning of the next Act.

As rewards for completing story quests and main quests, the player is presented with one of a variety of screens. These screens are summarised in the next section.


These screens will display sprites and possibly small animations, along with text and a skip button. The text displayed on these screens will be used to convey storyline information to the player.

Introduction Screen

This screen introduces the game, and has an image of the planet coming into frame on a space background. It displays the following text:

15 years ago, humanity fled earth due to a world-ending calamity.

The MOTHERSHIP was the largest vessel of human life which fled Earth, leading the last survivors of your people to ALPHA CENTAURI.

Upon arrival, the MOTHERSHIP had been sending explorers to search the solar system for habitable planets.

You were meant to be one such individual.

As you descend into the upper atmosphere, a powerful SOLAR SURGE fries your ship’s electronics.

You plummet onto the planet’s surface…

Intro Text

{SLOWER}{WAIT=0.5}15 years ago, humanity fled earth due to a world-ending calamity.

{WAIT}The {COLOR=#3ABE88}MOTHERSHIP{COLOR=WHITE} was the largest vessel of human life which fled Earth, leading the last survivors of your people to {COLOR=#3ABE88}ALPHA CENTAURI{COLOR=WHITE}.

{WAIT}Upon arrival, the {COLOR=#3ABE88}MOTHERSHIP{COLOR=WHITE} had been sending explorers to search the solar system for habitable planets.

{WAIT}You were meant to be one such individual.

{WAIT=1}As you descend into the upper atmosphere, a powerful {COLOR=#3ABE88}SOLAR SURGE{COLOR=WHITE} fries your ship’s electronics.

{WAIT=1}You plummet onto the planet’s surface…

Alien NPC Dialogue Screen

This screen will just have a picture of the alien npc along with the dialogue necessary. This screen helps to progress the story of the game by giving the alien a personality and also introducing the story behind various quests. Mosts Quests will have dialogue upon collection of their reward, and will be unique to the Quest.

Radio Communications Screen

This screen will appear once in the middle of the game when the player successfully makes communication with the rest of humanity. It is functionally identical to the Alien NPC Dialogue Screen, although may be visually distinct.

Lose Screen

This screen would appear when the player lost the game through failing a main quest (one of the 3 main story quests for Act I, II or III), or running out of oxygen. The text displayed includes a reason for the loss. Here is the displayed text:

Despite your best efforts <REASON>

Humanity has been lost to the ages.

Game Over

<REASON> is replaced with some reason for the loss. The text for each reason is shown in the next section.

Lose Screen Text

{SLOW}Despite your best efforts, <REASON>

{WAIT}Humanity has been lost to the ages.


The reason text for each cause of loss are:

  • Oxygen supply reaching 0:
your oxygen supply dwindles,
and so does humanity's hope for survival.
  • Failure of the Act I main quest:
you failed to gain the Alien's trust in time,
and so you were removed from the crash landing site.
  • Failure of the Act II main quest:
you failed to contact the rest of humanity in time,
leaving you stranded and alone on an Alien world.
  • Failure of the Act III main quest:
you failed to make the planet liveable for humanity,
leading what remains of the human race to their doom.

If an invalid reason is provided, then the text Error Unknown Reason for Defeat will be displayed in place of a reason.

Win Screen

This screen will show a message saying that the player has won, and will have a button to return the player to the main menu. Here is the displayed text:

After all of your valiant efforts, humanity has landed on the planet, a place they may yet get to call home.

“Impressive, Human!” Jarrael exclaims.

You have aided in humanity’s escape from earth and have ensured their survival in ALPHA CENTAURI, for the time being…

Win Screen Text

{SLOW}{WAIT}After all of your valiant efforts, humanity has landed on the planet, a place they may yet get to call home.

{WAIT}"Impressive, Human!" Jarrael exclaims.

{WAIT}You have aided in humanity's escape from earth and have ensured their survival in {COLOR=#3ABE88}ALPHA CENTAURI{COLOR=WHITE}, {WAIT}for the time being...

Act I

This act of the game serves as both an introduction to the story and the basic mechanics of the game.

The main quest for this act is An Agreement, which is triggered by an AutoQuest whose reward is collected as soon as the player spawns in (see First Contact).

First Contact

This is an AutoQuest which is accepted as soon as the player spawns in.


Type: AutoQuest

Rewards: Dialogue Screen (see next section), Shovel Item, Clearing Your Mess and An Agreement Quests Accepted


As you come to consciousness, you notice a towering ALIEN CREATURE with what you can only describe as a vicious scowl standing over you. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!! CLEAR THIS MESS UP AT ONCE, OR THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES!!!”

As you come to consciousness, you notice a towering {COLOR=#76428A}ALIEN CREATURE{COLOR=WHITE} with what you can only describe as a vicious scowl standing over you. {SHAKE}"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!! {WAIT}CLEAR THIS MESS UP AT ONCE, OR {COLOR=RED}THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES{COLOR=WHITE}!!!"{ENDSHAKE}

Clearing Your Mess

This is a ClearDebrisQuest which is accepted upon collecting the reward from First Contact. The player needs to clear the debris spawned around the crashed space ship and talk to the Alien NPC to get the next quest (Sowing Your First Seeds).


Type: ClearDebrisQuest

Task: Clear 15 ShipDebris entities using the Shovel Item (received in First Contact)

Rewards: Dialogue Screen, Hoe Item, Cosmic Cob Seed Item (x6), Sowing the First Seeds Quest Accepted


“Good. But your “landing” has completely destroyed my crops! Take this HOE and these SEEDS and start replanting the crops you so viciously destroyed!”

"Good. But your {WAIT}"landing"{WAIT} has {SHAKE}completely{ENDSHAKE} destroyed my crops! {WAIT}Take this {COLOR=#76428A}HOE{COLOR=WHITE} and these {COLOR=#76428A}SEEDS{COLOR=WHITE} and start replanting the crops you so viciously destroyed!"

Sowing Your First Seeds

This is a PlantInteractionQuest (with interaction type PLANT_CROP) which is accepted upon collecting the reward from Clearing Your Mess. The player needs to plant 6 of the cosmic cob seeds given to the player in Clearing Your Mess, and talk to the Alien NPC to get the next quest (Reaping Your Rewards).


Type: PlantInteractionQuest (using interaction type PLANT_CROP)

Task: Plant 6 Cosmic Cob Seeds on crop tiles created using the Hoe (seeds given in Clearing Your Mess)

Rewards: Dialogue Screen, Scythe Item, Watering Can Item, Reaping your Rewards Quest Accepted


“Impressive. I see that you can follow basic instructions. I understand that you probably didn’t intend to crash here. I will let you stay, as long as you can prove yourself worthy of staying. I have a few more tasks for you to repair my work area, and only then might I consider helping you.”

"Impressive. {WAIT}I see that you can follow basic instructions. {WAIT}I understand that you probably didn't {WAIT}intend{WAIT} to crash here. {WAIT}I will let you stay, as long as you can prove yourself worthy of staying. {WAIT}I have a few more tasks for you to repair my work area, and only then might I consider helping you."

Reaping Your Rewards

This is a PlantInteractionQuest (with interaction type HARVEST_CROP) which is accepted upon collecting the reward from Sowing Your First Seeds. The player needs to tend to and eventually harvest the 6 cosmic cob given to the player in Sowing Your First Seeds, and talk to the Alien NPC to get the next quest (Making Friends).


Type: PlantInteractionQuest (using interaction type HARVEST_CROP)

Task: Tend to the 6 Cosmic Cob plants using the Watering Can and harvest them with the Scythe

Rewards: Dialogue Screen, Sprinkler Item, Sprinkler Pump Item, Making Friends Quest Accepted


“Good job. You have proven capable of tending to crops. But in isolation, that means nothing. Now prove to me that you can use the fruits of your labour for the benefit of this planet. You may have noticed some COW LIKE CREATURES roaming about - show me you can gain their trust.” You are suspicious that this ANGRY ALIEN CREATURE knows of cows…

"Good job. {WAIT}You have proven capable of tending to crops. {WAIT}But in isolation, that means nothing. {WAIT}Now prove to me that you can use the fruits of your labour for the benefit of this planet. {WAIT}You may have noticed some {COLOR=#76428A}COW LIKE CREATURES{COLOR=WHITE} roaming about - show me you can gain their trust." {WAIT}You are suspicious that this {COLOR=#76428A}ANGRY ALIEN CREATURE{COLOR=WHITE} knows of cows...

Making Friends

This is a TameAnimalsQuest which is accepted upon collecting the reward from Reaping Your Rewards. The player needs to tame an animal using the cow food collected from harvesting the cosmic cob as in Reaping Your Rewards, and talk to the Alien NPC to get the next quest (Fertilising Fiesta).


Type: TameAnimalsQuest

Task: Tame 1 animal (Cow) using the harvested Cosmic Cob

Rewards: Dialogue Screen, Fertilising Fiesta Quest Accepted


“You are beginning to understand… Treat this planet well, and it will treat you well in return.” Memories of a shattered Earth and a sky alight cloud your vision. You snap back to now. “You may have noticed the KIND OFFERINGS our fauna provide. Maybe you could try to use them?”

"You are beginning to understand... {WAIT}Treat this planet well, and it will treat you well in return." {WAIT}Memories of a shattered Earth and a sky alight cloud your vision. {WAIT}You snap back to now. {WAIT}"You may have noticed the {COLOR=#76428A}KIND OFFERINGS{COLOR=WHITE} our fauna provide. {WAIT}Maybe you could try to use them?"

Fertilising Fiesta

This is a FertiliseCropTilesQuest which is accepted upon collecting the reward from Making Friends. The player needs to use the fertiliser from a tamed cow to fertilise a crop tile, and talk to the Alien NPC to get the next quest (Aliens Attack).


Type: FertilisingFiesta

Task: Fertilise a crop tile using Fertiliser dropped from a tamed cow

Rewards: Dialogue Screen, Space Snapper Seed Item (x2), Weapon Item, Fence Item, Gate Item, Triggers a wave of hostile enemies to spawn, Triggers passive hostile enemy spawning, Aliens Attack Quest Accepted


“It seems like you’re getting the hang of this. There’s only one more thing you must do, before I know to trust you. Some of our wildlife are not so kind. In particular, there are 3 HOSTILE CREATURES we consider pests. Take this WEAPON, and defend our work. I will also give you this SPACE SNAPPER SEED. When grown, the SPACE SNAPPER will happily munch on any creatures nearby, even non-hostile creatures.”

“It seems like you’re getting the hang of this. There’s only one more thing you must do, before I know to trust you. Some of our wildlife are {COLOR=RED}not so kind{COLOR=WHITE}. In particular, there are 3 {COLOR=#76428A}HOSTILE CREATURES{COLOR=WHITE} we consider pests. Take this {COLOR=#76428A}WEAPON{COLOR=WHITE}, and defend our work. I will also give you this {COLOR=#76428A}SPACE SNAPPER SEED{COLOR=WHITE}. When grown, the {COLOR=#76428A}SPACE SNAPPER{COLOR=WHITE} will happily munch on any creatures nearby, even non-hostile creatures.”

Aliens Attack

This is a ManageHostilesQuest which is accepted upon collecting the reward from Fertilising Fiesta. The player needs to kill 5 hostile creatures using either a fully grown Space Snapper plant or the Weapon (both gained in Fertilising Fiesta), and talk to the Alien NPC.


Type: ManageHostilesQuest

Task: Defeat 5 hostile alien creatures by letting them be eaten by fully grown Space Snapper plants or by using your Weapon

Rewards: Dialogue Screen, Hammer Plant Seed Item, Aloe Vera Seed Item


“Impressive. I see you’ve inherited your species’ aggressive tendencies. Now that you’ve shown you can be trusted, there is more I must reveal to you. Come back and speak to me when you are ready. In the mean time, take these seeds - the ALOE VERA plant produces a nectar which can heal you, and the HAMMER PLANT heals nearby creatures and plants when fully grown.”

"Impressive. {WAIT}I see you've inherited your species' aggressive tendencies. {WAIT}Now that you've shown you can be trusted, there is more I must reveal to you. {WAIT}Come back and speak to me when you are ready. In the mean time, take these seeds - the {COLOR=#76428A}ALOE VERA{COLOR=WHITE} plant produces a nectar which can heal you, and the {COLOR=#76428A}HAMMER PLANT{COLOR=WHITE} heals nearby creatures and plants when fully grown."

An Agreement

This is a MainQuest which is accepted upon collecting the reward from First Contact. The player needs to complete Clearing Your Mess, Sowing Your First Seeds, Reaping Your Rewards, Making Friends, Fertilising Fiesta and Aliens Attack, and talk to the Alien NPC to get the next quest (Connection).


Type: MainQuest

Duration: 5 Days

Task: Complete and collect the rewards for Clearing Your Mess, Sowing Your First Seeds, Reaping Your Rewards, Making Friends, Fertilising Fiesta and Aliens Attack

Rewards: Dialogue Screen, Light Item, Chest Item, Connection Quest Accepted.


For the first time since your landing, the ALIEN CREATURE’s vicious scowl fades. “I apologise for my initial hostility. My name is Jarrael. I am- was a member of the Karreshiq people. I was sent here for a special purpose, after The Night of the Black Sun. Our people had interacted with your civilization many millennia ago, but we found a home here after we were driven out. So imagine my shock when you came crashing down from the sky. What happened?” You begin to explain your predicament to Jarrael…

For the first time since your landing, the {COLOR=#76428A}ALIEN CREATURE{COLOR=WHITE}’s vicious scowl fades. {WAIT}“I apologise for my initial hostility. {WAIT}My name is Jarrael. {WAIT}I am- {WAIT}was a member of the Karreshiq people. {WAIT}I was sent here for a special purpose, after {COLOR=RED}The Night of the Black Sun{COLOR=WHITE}. {WAIT}Our people had interacted with your civilisation many millennia ago, but we found a home here after we were {COLOR=RED}driven out{COLOR=WHITE}. {WAIT}So imagine my shock when you came crashing down from the sky. {WAIT}What happened?” {WAIT}You begin to explain your predicament to Jarrael…

Act II

This act of the game serves as an introduction to Ship Repairs, but generally gives the player more freedom to do as they wish.

The main quest for this act is Making Contact, which is triggered by an AutoQuest whose reward is collected as soon as the player completes An Agreement from Act I (see Connection).


This is an AutoQuest which is accepted upon collecting the reward from An Agreement.


Type: AutoQuest

Rewards: Dialogue Screen, Deadly Nightshade Seed Item (x3), Making Contact and Home Sick Quests Accepted


As you finish explaining your crash landing, you warn Jarrael that if you aren’t able to make contact with your people within 5 DAYS, they will leave this planet’s orbit, making reaching them again nearly impossible. “Hmm… This is indeed a grave issue. I will need some time to think of a possible solution. In the mean time, I have a favour to ask. The NIGHTSHADE produces BERRIES which are damaging to fleshy creatures such as you, but they are a delicacy to our people. A more appropriate name for you might be “DEADLY NIGHTSHADE”. Here are some SEEDS. Come back to me when you have harvested them, and I should have thought of a solution by then.”

As you finish explaining your crash landing, you warn Jarrael that if you aren't able to make contact with your people within {COLOR=#3ABE88}5 DAYS{COLOR=WHITE}, they will leave this planet's orbit, making reaching them again nearly impossible. {WAIT}"Hmm... {WAIT}This is indeed a grave issue. {WAIT}I will need some time to think of a possible solution. {WAIT}In the mean time, I have a favour to ask. {WAIT}The {COLOR=#76428A}NIGHTSHADE{COLOR=WHITE} produces {COLOR=#76428A}BERRIES{COLOR=WHITE} which are damaging to fleshy creatures such as you, but they are a delicacy to our people. {WAIT}A more appropriate name for you might be "{COLOR=#76428A}DEADLY NIGHTSHADE{COLOR=WHITE}". Here are some {COLOR=#76428A}SEEDS{COLOR=WHITE}. {WAIT}Come back to me when you have harvested them, and I should have thought of a solution by then."

Home Sick

This is a PlantInteractionQuest (with interaction type HARVEST_CROP) which is accepted upon collecting the reward from Connection. The player needs to tend to and eventually harvest the 3 deadly nightshade given to the player in Connection, and talk to the Alien NPC to get the next quest (Ship Repairs).


Type: PlantInteractionQuest (using interaction type HARVEST_CROP)

Task: Tend to and harvest 3 Deadly Nightshade plants

Rewards: Dialogue Screen, Ship Part Item (x3), Ship Repairs Quest Accepted


Jarrael takes the BERRIES you harvested, and consumes them. “Ah… It reminds me of our life here before The Night of the Black Sun”. Jarrael’s eyes seem to trail off for a moment, before focussing again. “I’ve thought of a solution to your issue. Your SHIP is in need of repair, that much is clear. I don’t think we will be able to get it space-worthy in time, but maybe I could work on repairing your SHIP’s radio communications device. Take a few SHIP PARTS that you cleaned up when we first met, and see if you can make a start.”

Jarrael takes the {COLOR=#76428A}BERRIES{COLOR=WHITE} you harvested, and consumes them. {WAIT}"Ah... It reminds me of our life here before {COLOR=RED}The Night of the Black Sun{COLOR=WHITE}". {WAIT}Jarrael's eyes seem to trail off for a moment, before focussing again. {WAIT}"I've thought of a solution to your issue. {WAIT}Your {COLOR=#76428A}SHIP{COLOR=WHITE} is in need of repair, that much is clear. {WAIT}I don't think we will be able to get it space-worthy in time, but maybe I could work on repairing your {COLOR=#76428A}SHIP{COLOR=WHITE}'s radio communications device. {WAIT}Take a few {COLOR=#76428A}SHIP PARTS{COLOR=WHITE} that you cleaned up when we first met, and see if you can make a start."

Ship Repairs

This is a ShipRepairQuest which is accepted upon collecting the reward from Home Sick. The player needs to use the 3 ship parts given in Home Sick to repair the ship, and talk to the Alien NPC to get the next quest (Bringing It All Together).


Type: ShipRepairQuest

Task: Repair the Ship using the 3 Ship Parts given in Home Sick

Rewards: Dialogue Screen, Ship Part Item, Bringing It All Together Quest Accepted


“Well done. Now I can get started on repairing your radio. Keep repairing the SHIP, and come to me when you have added enough SHIP PARTS.”

"Well done. {WAIT}Now I can get started on repairing your radio. {WAIT}Keep repairing the {COLOR=#76428A}SHIP{COLOR=WHITE}, and come to me when you have added enough {COLOR=#76428A}SHIP PARTS{COLOR=WHITE}."

Bringing It All Together

This is a ShipRepairQuest which is accepted upon collecting the reward from Ship Repairs. The player needs to use ship parts found by digging up special tiles in-game to repair the ship, and talk to the Alien NPC.


Type: ShipRepairQuest

Task: Add 17 Ship Parts to the Ship

Rewards: Dialogue Screen


“Nice work. The SHIP is fully repaired - the radio should be working now. Come speak to me when you are ready to attempt to make contact with your people.”

"Nice work. {WAIT}The {COLOR=#76428A}SHIP{COLOR=WHITE} is fully repaired - the radio should be working now. {WAIT}Come speak to me when you are ready to attempt to make contact with your people."

Making Contact

This is a MainQuest which is accepted upon collecting the reward from Connection. The player needs to complete Home Sick, Ship Repairs and Bringing It All Together, and talk to the Alien NPC to get the next quest (An Imminent Threat).


Type: MainQuest

Duration: 10 Days

Task: Complete and collect the rewards for Home Sick, Ship Repairs and Bringing It All Together

Rewards: Dialogue Screen, An Imminent Threat Quest Accepted


Jarrael ushers you into your SHIP, where your radio device currently sits. A faint crackle emanates from the radio as it turns on. You tune it to the MOTHERSHIP’s frequency. A distant voice is transmitted from the radio, “Hello? Hello? Is this STATIC? The SOLAR SURGE which caused your crash wiped out some of our life support systems. We predict an increase in SOLAR SURGE activity over the next 15 days. We need to be able to land on your planet and survive without life support, or humanity may be lost!” STATIC begins to take over the radio, as a powerful SOLAR SURGE hits you…

Jarrael ushers you into your {COLOR=#76428A}SHIP{COLOR=WHITE}, where your radio device currently sits. {WAIT}A faint crackle emanates from the radio as it turns on. {WAIT}You tune it to the {COLOR=#3ABE88}MOTHERSHIP{COLOR=WHITE}'s frequency. {WAIT}A distant voice is transmitted from the radio, {WAIT}"Hello? {WAIT}Hello? {WAIT}Is this {SHAKE}STATIC{ENDSHAKE}? The {COLOR=#3ABE88}SOLAR SURGE{COLOR=WHITE} which caused your crash wiped out some of our life support systems. {WAIT}We predict an increase in {COLOR=#3ABE88}SOLAR SURGE{COLOR=WHITE} activity over the next 15 days. {WAIT}We need to be able to land on your planet and survive without life support, or {COLOR=RED}humanity may be lost{COLOR=WHITE}!" {SHAKE}STATIC{ENDSHAKE} begins to take over the radio, as a powerful {COLOR=#3ABE88}SOLAR SURGE{COLOR=WHITE} hits you...


This act of the game finishes introducing all in-game mechanics to the player, and gives them the freedom to do as they wish, with only 1 overall goal remaining (to increasing oxygen to 95% by day 15).

The main quest for this act is Weather the Storm, which is triggered by an AutoQuest whose reward is collected as soon as the player completes Making Contact from Act II (see An Imminent Threat).

An Imminent Threat

This is an AutoQuest which is accepted upon collecting the reward from An Agreement.


Type: AutoQuest

Rewards: Dialogue Screen, Atomic Algae Seed Item (x3), Air and Algae, Stratospheric Sentinel and Weather the Storm Quests Accepted, and 4 severe SolarSurges are queued (one immediately, one in 5 days, one in 10 days, and one in 13 days)


You let out a cry of desperation, as the fate of humanity now rests in your hands. Jarrael puts a hand on your shoulder. “I have an idea. I was sent here to cultivate a very special type of plant, the ATOMIC ALGAE. It is a very strong photosynthesiser, and we were going to use it to reverse the negative affects of The Night of the Black Sun. If you plant and cultivate enough of them, you should be able to manifestly increase the oxygen content of our atmosphere, and make the planet survivable for your kind. I believe I only have a few SEEDS to spare, so make sure you treat them well.”

You let out a cry of desperation, as the fate of humanity now rests in your hands. {WAIT}Jarrael puts a hand on your shoulder. {WAIT}"I have an idea. {WAIT}I was sent here to cultivate a very special type of plant, the {COLOR=#76428A}ATOMIC ALGAE{COLOR=WHITE}. {WAIT}It is a very strong photosynthesiser, and we were going to use it to reverse the negative affects of {COLOR=RED}The Night of the Black Sun{COLOR=WHITE}. {WAIT}If you plant and cultivate enough of them, you should be able to manifestly increase the oxygen content of our atmosphere, and make the planet survivable for your kind. {WAIT}I believe I only have a few {COLOR=#76428A}SEEDS{COLOR=WHITE} to spare, so make sure you treat them well."

Air and Algae

This is a PlantInteractionQuest (with interaction type PLANT_CROP) which is accepted upon collecting the reward from An Imminent Threat. The player needs to plant 3 of the atomic algae seeds given to the player in An Imminent Threat, and talk to the Alien NPC.


Type: PlantInteractionQuest (using interaction type PLANT_CROP)

Task: Plant 3 Atomic Algae Seeds

Rewards: Dialogue Screen, Atomic Algae Seed Item (x2)


“Keep at it. If your people are to survive the coming SOLAR SURGES, you will need to ensure the relative oxygen content of atmosphere is above 95% on the day they land. I have found a few more seeds to spare. Come to me on the day of your people’s arrival when the oxygen is high enough, and I can help you signal them for landing. Good luck!”

"Keep at it. {WAIT}If your people are to survive the coming {COLOR=#3ABE88}SOLAR SURGES{COLOR=WHITE}, you will need to ensure the relative oxygen content of atmosphere is above 95% on the day they land. {WAIT}I have found a few more seeds to spare. {WAIT}Come to me on the day of your people's arrival when the oxygen is high enough, and I can help you signal them for landing. {WAIT}Good luck!"

Stratospheric Sentinel

This is an OxygenLevelQuest which is accepted upon collecting the reward from An Imminent Threat. The player needs to get the oxygen level of the game area up to above 95% after 14.5 days from the collection of the An Imminent Threat quest’s reward, and talk to the Alien NPC.


Type: OxygenLevelQuest

Task: Get the OxygenLevel of the game area up to above 95% after 14.5 days from the collection of the An Imminent Threat quest’s reward

Rewards: Dialogue Screen


“Well done! You have your people one more chance at survival. Come with me, let us use your ship to signal the others for landing. I hope our people can help each other rebuild what we each have lost.”

"Well done! {WAIT}You have your people one more chance at survival. {WAIT}Come with me, let us use your ship to signal the others for landing. {WAIT}I hope our people can help each other rebuild what we each have lost."

Weather the Storm

This is a MainQuest which is accepted upon collecting the reward from An Imminent Threat. The player needs to complete Air and Algae and Stratospheric Sentinel, and talk to the Alien NPC to win the game.


Type: MainQuest

Duration: 15 Days

Task: Complete and collect the rewards for Air and Algae and Stratospheric Sentinel

Rewards: Win Screen is Triggered (Game Over)

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