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Taming Animals

Mr Goh edited this page Oct 3, 2023 · 26 revisions

Begin Taming

To begin to tame the animal, an event listener that would listen out for the "feed event was added to the game. When this event has been triggered, it will enter the main logic for taming. More information about the addition of events and events listener can be found at Event Systems

  public void create() {
    entity.getEvents().addListener("feed", this::feedAnimal);

Taming Logic

  private void feedAnimal() {
      if (isTamed) {

      //Ensures player is holding an item
      if (this.playerInventory.getHeldItem() == null) {
      //If true, ensures that the player's held item has the ItemComponent class.
      if (this.playerInventory.getHeldItem().getComponent(ItemComponent.class) == null) {
      // If so, we can check if player is holding the right item

      if (this.playerInventory.getHeldItem().getComponent(ItemComponent.class).getItemName().equals(favouriteFood)) {

          // Generate RNG number for taming
          double randomDecimal = generateRandomDecimal();

          // Try and tame the animal
          // Check how many times the player has tried to tame the animal
          // If player has already tried enough times, tame the animal (prevents frustration).
          // Use RNG to try and tame the animal
          if (numTimesFed == tamingThreshold || randomDecimal > tamingProbability) {
              isTamed = true;
          else {
//            this.playerInventory.removeItem(this.playerInventory.getHeldItem()); TODO: once inventory works comment it in
          // Remove the food from the players inventory

Tamable Component UML Diagram

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