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Game Screens

Anastasia Laczko edited this page May 30, 2021 · 11 revisions


The game contains several screen which which implement hte libgdx ScreenAdapter interface. GDXGame contains functionality for transitioning between these screens as it implements the libgdx Game interface, and these transitions can be triggered by the current screen.

Within the base game, there are 3 screens: Main Menu Screen, Main Game Screen, and Settings Screen. The starting screen is the Main Menu Screen.


Add a new screen

Create a new class which implements ScreenAdaptor, e.g. NewScreen.

In GDXGame Add NEW_SCREEN to ScreenType and modify newScreen.

  private Screen newScreen(ScreenType screenType) {
    switch (screenType) {
      case NEW_SCREEN:
        return new NewScreen(this);

  public enum ScreenType {

Switch screen

Behind the Scenes

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