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Docker Usage

File metadata and controls

119 lines (69 loc) · 2.81 KB

Docker Instructions


# The command below should display installed docker version
$ docker version
Client: Docker Engine - Community
 Version:           18.09.2

# The command below should display installed docker-compose version
$ docker-compose version
docker-compose version 1.23.2, build 1110ad0
  • Download the latest source code
$ git clone --branch dev --single-branch

$ cd GTAS # All docker commands below should be executed inside this directory

Configure Local Folders

By default, GTAS will read messages from __data/gtas_in and archive them in __data/gtas_out after parsing/loading it. The folders location can be updated in the .env file.


Build and Run GTAS

Run WebApp and Scheduler

From under the top directory, issue the command below.

docker-compose up -d

This will spin up containers:

Run web applicaton only

From under the top directory, issue the command below.

docker-compose up -d webapp

This will spin up containers:

Run The Scheduler (Parser/Loader) only

docker-compose up -d scheduler

This will spin up containers:

Run all services except tomcat

docker-compose up -d mariahost elasticsearch activemq  kibana logstash

This will spin up containers: