- A potent greenhouse gas, methane is responsible for about one third of all global warming that results from human activities. Methane also traps more heat than carbon dioxide and has a relatively shorter lifeline in our atmosphere. This makes finding and limiting methane emissions one of the best opportunities for reducing climate change. Locating and mapping U.S. sources of methane emissions can provide insights into emission trends and improve national and state-level estimates. Detailed maps also allow for more direct comparisons of methane emissions, thereby helping to improve the information used to track progress towards collective climate goals.
+ A potent greenhouse gas, methane is responsible for about one third of all global warming that results from human activities. Methane also traps more heat than carbon dioxide and has a relatively shorter lifetime in our atmosphere. This makes finding and limiting methane emissions one of the best opportunities for reducing climate change. Locating and mapping U.S. sources of methane emissions can provide insights into recent emission trends and improve national estimates. Detailed maps also allow for more direct comparisons of methane emissions from inventories and those calculated from atmospheric observations, thereby helping to improve the information used to track progress towards our collective climate goals.
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