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Processing time series data in Python on CHS Cloud

Rich Signell edited this page Mar 26, 2020 · 10 revisions

Time series processing on CHS Pangeo using Python

  1. Sign up for Pangeo. Get on the TIC, and fill out the Pangeo Service Request Form. Wait for it to be approved. For more info on the process, see the CHS Pangeo Support Page.

  2. Login to [], which will ask you which environment you want to run. Choose the "default environment", which already contains stglib, xarray, pandas, hvplot, and lots of other useful libraries. It will take a few minutes to spin up if you haven't used it for more than a few hours.

  3. Once you are logged in, by default you get the standard Jupyter notebook interface. If you want to switch to the JupyterLab interface, edit the URL, replacing the trailing "tree" with "lab". For example, for me: Jupyter Notebook interface:[email protected]/tree Jupyterlab interface:[email protected]/lab