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sci wms on geoport

Rich Signell edited this page Aug 26, 2015 · 8 revisions

sci-wms is running on geoport at

The best way to install sci-wms would have been with with Docker, but unfortunately the OS and kernel version on geoport is too old to run Docker.

So sci-wms is running in a custom conda environment called sci-wms, which contains the requirements for sci-wms. This can be activated by typing:

source activate sci-wms

Once the environment is activated, the requirements that sci-wms depends on can be updated by doing: conda install sci-wms because the conda sci-wms package is really just a meta-package that installed the required packages that sci-wms depends on. Unfortunately it's not possible to install sci-wms itself, as sci-wms has a deploy script with a lot of complex stuff going on so it was not possible to simply package it as a conda module.

To update to the latest sci-wms, follow the instructions here:

sudo supervisorctl  stop sciwms  # as rsignell, who has sudo rights
sudo su - usgs
cd /home/usgs/python/sci-wms
git pull
source deactivate
source activate sci-wms
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="" python migrate  # takes a while
exit  #return to rsignell, who has sudo rights
sudo supervisorctl start sciwms

The log files are in
