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ROS Bridge Docker (Noetic <-> Galactic)

Running this Docker container will spawn a ros_bridge node to generate mappings for messages between ROS1 and ROS2.

*** This branch bridges ROS1 noetic with ROS2 galactic. If you need to bridge ROS1 noetic to ROS2 humble, see the noetic-humble branch.


  • A topic is being published on side A. The message type of this topic should be known inside the Docker container (list below).
  • At least one subscriber listening for the topic on side B. You will most likely have to make a dummy script for testing.

Steps to Start the ROS Bridge

  1. Source bash_utils:
    source bash_utils
  2. Build the ROS bridge:
  3. Start the ROS bridge:
  4. Verify the node is running:
    ros2 node list
    You should see the ros_bridge node listed.
  5. When done, stop the ROS bridge:


  • There is no need to perform any actions inside the Docker container's shell.
  • The ros_bridge can be started before or after the topics are being published. As long as the prerequisites are met, messages will be correctly bridged between ROS1 and ROS2.

Message Types

  • std_msgs (default with ROS)
  • nav_msgs
  • sensor_msgs
  • tf2_msgs


Feel free to create a branch for custom message types for your project. There are comments for you to follow in the source code.