Meta Package for tools to use our Barrett Wam Arm in simulation and with hardware.
Simulation tools were developed to improve and/or debug software packages used in demos and/or grasping experiments.
First, launch Gazebo.
roslaunch barrett_wam_arm_control barrett_wam_arm_control.launch
roslaunch barrett_wam_arm_sim empty_world.launch
Launch TF Publisher.
roslaunch tf_publisher tf_publisher_sim.launch
Afterwards, RGB-D images were played back from the ARL AffPose Dataset. A 6-DoF pose was used to command the robot using trac ik in simulation.
roslaunch trac_ik barrett_trac_ik_arl_affpose_simple.launch
Launch for ArUco Demo Video
- Main ArUco script:
First, ensure that the Barrett WAM arm is calibrated.
Launch the WAM node.
roslaunch wam_node wam_node.launch
Launch ZED camera.
roslaunch zed_ros_wrapper zed.launch
Launch ArUco Node.
roslaunch aruco_ros single.launch
Launch Trac IK.
roslaunch trac_ik aruco_demo.launch