We have a local directory /p/stat/Data with data sets from Devore's "Engineering Statistics" (Devore, used in Statistics 312), Box, Hunter & Hunter's "Statistics for Experimenters" (BHH, used in Statistics 424), and Milliken & Johnson's "Analysis of Messy Data" (MJ); see also Yandell's "Practical Data Analysis". The Devore directory has both portable Minitab worksheets and system specific worksheets. Useful to consult StatLib or the Virtual Library: Statistics for the official lists of datasets maintained by the statistics community. Also, the Internet Scout Toolkit is an excellent source for datasets from many disciplines and organizations.
- Data Stories Podcasts
- Chance Database
- Virtual Library: Statistics: Data Sources
- e-MATH, American Mathematical Society
- Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe (FIZ), home of Zentralblatt and the MATH Database
- Statistics Society of Canada Case Studies 1997 & 1999
- StatLib: Data and Story Library (DASL)
- SSC 2009 Case Studies
- U WI Medical School List of Data Resources
- WI Federal Research Data Center: Public Access Data Products & Tools
- NY City Open Data | I Quant NY
- US Dept Education College Scorecard Data
- UN Data Revolution |
- World Bank Data (Data Catalog)
- Google Flu Tracker
- Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
- Gapminder: Data & Documentation
- Environmental Organization WebDirectory: Databases
- Bristol Centre for Computing in the Social Sciences (BizEd)
- Christmas Bird Counts
- Analyzing Baseball Data with R
- Yahoo! Datasets
- last.fm Music Data | Group Lens (Movie Lens) Datasets
- ML: Machine Learning Datasets | Kaggle Data Competitions | KD Nuggets Dataset List | KDD Cup | HetRec Datasets | UCI Machine Learning Repository