Individual Data Rights for Digital Contact Tracing and Alerting - amazing project)
This is the website for A framework for developers, funders, etc to judge the individual data rights of a digital contact tracing solution.
Epidemiologists identify DCTA apps as a tool that can help get people treated earlier, and reopen society. For digital contact tracing to be effective, it must have high adoption. However, large scale centralized digital contact tracing can be used for unwanted surveillance. Location-tracking apps have exposed major concerns that these tech solutions will permanently erode the privacy of a large number of the world’s population.
It is now apparent that measures needed to control the damage from COVID-19 will be ongoing and long-term. It is crucially important that the tech solutions rapidly built during this period comply with data privacy regulations and do not set the public up for future exploitation. The solution to these problems is requiring that developers build apps on a foundation of privacy-preservation and interoperability. The Rights are necessary to achieve this end.
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