diff --git a/_episodes/04_configuring_git.md b/_episodes/04_configuring_git.md
index 8bcd009..2633c57 100644
--- a/_episodes/04_configuring_git.md
+++ b/_episodes/04_configuring_git.md
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ recommended:
- **Windows:**
``` bash
- $ git config --global core.autocrlf false
+ $ git config --global core.autocrlf true
You can read more about this issue
in the Pro Git book.
diff --git a/_episodes/11_undoing_changes.md b/_episodes/11_undoing_changes.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c5b6ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_episodes/11_undoing_changes.md
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+layout: page
+title: "Undoing Changes"
+order: 11
+session: 2
+length: 40
+toc: true
+adapted: false
+## Episode objectives
+At the end of this episode you will know how to unstage file changes you didn't
+mean to stage and how to undo accidental commits.
+## Removing files from the staging area
+We've got quite a bit of outstanding stuff we could add to our cheatsheet
+and good practice guide. Let's make a note of these things in a `TODO.txt`
+file, which we'll put in the root folder of our repository:
+Add note about staging multiple files with `git add` and `git diff`
+Add note to commit good practice about perils of `git add .`
+Add cheatsheet entries for `git rm` and `git mv`
+Add cheatsheet entries for pushing and pulling
+We might as well tick off the first two items, so let's add the following content
+to `Git-cheatsheet.md`:
+## Specifying multiple files
+`git path/to/directory` — Apply `` to all files in and descended
+ from `path/to/directory`
+`git add .` — Stage all changes to files in current directory or descended from
+ current directory.
+`git diff foo/` — Show diffs of all files in directory `foo` or descended from
+ `foo`.
+And we add the following to `Good-practice-guides/Commit-good-practice.md`:
+## Make sure you know what you're committing
+Take care when staging multiple files with e.g. `git add .` that you don't
+stage changes you didn't mean to. Always check what you're committing with
+`git diff` or `git status`.
+We go ahead and stage these, using our recently learnt syntax for staging
+changes to multiple files (our working directory is the repository root
+folder, as usual):
+$ git add .
+Wait! Something doesn't feel right... Let's check the status:
+$ git status
+On branch main
+Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
+Changes to be committed:
+ (use "git restore --staged ..." to unstage)
+ modified: Git-cheatsheet.md
+ modified: Good-practice-guides/Commit-good-practice.md
+ new file: TODO.txt
+Ah, no! We don't want to commit our `TODO.txt` file. This was just to help us
+keep track of our work and it doesn't belong in the repository. Fortunately
+we can remove changes to a file from the staging area. In fact,
+`git status` tells us how to do this. The general command to use is:
+git restore --staged
+So let's use this on our `TODO.txt` file. We run the command, then check that
+the only differences staged are for the cheatsheet and good practice guide
+$ git restore --staged TODO.txt
+$ git diff --name-only --staged
+That's better, now we can go ahead and commit. (Good thing we checked before
+committing the first time round!)
+$ git commit -m "Add material on basic pathspec usage (directories)"
+[main 0984d2b] Add material on basic pathspec usage (directories)
+ 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+)
+## Undoing commits
+What if we'd gone ahead and actually committed our `TODO.txt` file by accident?
+Git offers a couple of ways to address this:
+* _Reverting_: Create a new commit that undoes the old commit
+* _Resetting_: Move `HEAD` back to a previous commit, so that all the later commits are
+ removed from the commit history.
+### Reverting (undo a commit by making a new one)
+Let's suppose we've 'accidentally' made a new commit which puts `TODO.txt` under
+version control, which we want to undo:
+$ git log --oneline -3
+cc01bda (HEAD -> main) Add TODO.txt
+0984d2b Add material on basic pathspec usage (directories)
+92b2ac2 (origin/main, origin/HEAD) Create general good practice guides directory
+The command
+git revert
+can be used to create a new commit that undoes a previous ``. In our
+case, we want to undo the commit where we added `TODO.txt`, i.e. commit
+`cc01bda`. We'll run that shortly, but first we need to make sure to make
+a temporary copy of `TODO.txt` and store it outside the repository. This is
+because the revert will return the repository to the state before we'd added
+`TODO.txt`, which will involve deleting the file. Having done this, we now
+perform the reversion:
+$ git revert cc01bda
+Because `git revert` is actually making a new commit, our text editor pops into
+life for us to write a commit message. It's been pre-populated with a
+helpful message, telling us which commit is being reverted:
+Revert "Add TODO.txt"
+This reverts commit cc01bdaf30a98d5bfaf5e43838d90522695f251e.
+# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
+# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
+# On branch main
+# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/main' by 2 commits.
+# (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
+# Changes to be committed:
+# deleted: TODO.txt
+We could edit this if we wanted to, but the default is fine, so we just close
+the file to complete the commit.
+$ git revert cc01bda
+[main bc9d190] Revert "Add TODO.txt"
+ 1 file changed, 9 deletions(-)
+ delete mode 100644 TODO.txt
+Now our commit history includes our new 'reverting' commit. Note also that
+`TODO.txt` has been deleted.
+$ git log --oneline -4
+bc9d190 (HEAD -> main) Revert "Add TODO.txt"
+cc01bda Add TODO.txt
+0984d2b Add material on basic pathspec usage (directories)
+92b2ac2 (origin/main, origin/HEAD) Create general good practice guides directory
+$ ls
+Git-cheatsheet.md Good-practice-guides/ README.md
+> #### Note on `git revert`
+> The `revert` command will only work if the working tree and staging area have
+> no changes in them.
+### Resetting (move back to a previous commit and lose later ones)
+Reverting a commit is often considered a 'safe' way to undo a commit, because
+the original, offending commit is not actually lost. This way, if we decide we
+_did_ in fact want to make that commit, we can easily recover it (by doing
+`git revert` on it). There is a
+more destructive way to undo commit history that will get rid of the commits.
+The `git reset` command is used to move back our `HEAD` to an earlier commit.
+The default form of the command is:
+git reset
+In effect, this will 'rewind' the commit history back to finish at the given
+``, dropping later commits as if they'd never happened. However, it will
+put all changes since `` in the working tree, giving us a chance to
+work with the files as they currently are before the reset.
+For example, let's create an empty file `foo.txt`. We can do this using
+the `touch` command within the root folder of our repository:
+$ touch foo.txt
+We'll make a commit of this new file and remove it via a reset. First, we make
+the commit:
+$ git add foo.txt
+$ git commit -m "Add foo.txt to practice resetting"
+[main fcecec0] Add foo.txt to practice resetting
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+ create mode 100644 foo.txt
+$ ls
+foo.txt Git-cheatsheet.md Good-practice-guides/ README.md
+Let's now reset the commit history back to how it was before
+we committed `TODO.txt`. We check the log to get the commit identifier,
+perform our reset, then check the status of the repository:
+$ git log --oneline -5
+fcecec0 (HEAD -> main) Add foo.txt to practice resetting
+bc9d190 Revert "Add TODO.txt"
+cc01bda Add TODO.txt
+0984d2b Add material on basic pathspec usage (directories)
+92b2ac2 (origin/main, origin/HEAD) Create general good practice guides directory
+$ git reset 0984d2b
+$ git log --oneline -5
+0984d2b (HEAD -> main) Add material on basic pathspec usage (directories)
+92b2ac2 (origin/main, origin/HEAD) Create general good practice guides directory
+5cf8321 Remove rubbish.txt
+d26a698 Add some rubbish to try out 'git rm'
+910bb79 Add note about '--name-only' option to 'git diff'
+We can see that our new `HEAD`, i.e. our new 'current commit', is what we reset
+to, namely `0984d2b`. What state will our working tree be in? The answer is that it
+will contain the changes that would need to be made to recover the state of
+the repository as it was at `HEAD` just before the reset (at the
+now-removed commit `fcecec0`). In other words, we expect to see just the change
+that adds `foo.txt`. We can verify this with `git status`:
+$ git status
+On branch main
+Your branch is ahead of 'origin/main' by 1 commit.
+ (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
+Untracked files:
+ (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)
+ foo.txt
+nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
+We don't want to keep this `foo.txt` file, so let's just delete it with the
+usual Unix command `rm` to get a nice, clean working tree again.
+$ rm foo.txt
+After all that, we can move that TODO list back into the repository. We'll
+finish by removing the tasks we've completed and add some new tasks, leaving our
+list like so:
+Add cheatsheet entries for `git rm` and `git mv`
+Add cheatsheet entries for pushing and pulling
+Add cheatsheet entries about undoing changes
+> #### Hard reset
+> If you're really sure you don't need to keep the changes from later commits when
+> resetting, then you can automatically discard them by using the `--hard` option:
+> `git reset --hard `. This will set your working tree to the exact same state as
+> the commit you're resetting to. It thus deletes the work you did after
+> ``; be sure that this is what you want before running a hard reset!
+### Warning: pushing after a reset
+Something to be aware of when using `git reset` is that you can't by default push to a
+remote repository if the tip of your local `main` branch is pointing to a commit
+that is behind where the remote repository (`origin/main`) is.
+For example, suppose we had reset our local repository to the commit _before_
+`origin/main`, i.e. commit `5cf8321`, "Remove rubbish.txt". If we then tried to push
+our local repository to the remote one, Git would not complete the request and
+complain to us with the following message:
+$ git push origin
+To https://github.com/jbloggs9999/git-good-practice.git
+ ! [rejected] main -> main (non-fast-forward)
+error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/jbloggs9999/git-good-practice.git'
+hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
+hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.
+hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
+hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
+The main reason for this is to avoid a situation where commit history in the
+remote repository gets lost. This is especially important when collaborating
+with others, which we'll cover in later episodes in this course.
+You can read more on the topic of resetting on
+Atlassian's tutorial.
+## Important note: sensitive data
+The methods for undoing commits discussed here are appropriate when the commit
+you made in error contains changes you didn't want, but don't fundamentally matter
+if they've been recorded in the repository. In fact, even with a reset, it is
+possible to recover the commit, with some advanced Git use that involves
+something called the
+This means that, if you accidentally commit _sensitive data_, such as passwords
+or confidential information, you cannot work on the basis that `git reset` or
+`git revert` has removed the data from the repository. Moreover, if you
+pushed the commits to a remote repository, the information will be stored there.
+In these cases, you need to use specialist tools to remove all traces of the
+sensitive data from the repository. See
+the GitHub documentation for information on this topic.
diff --git a/_episodes/11_ignoring_files.md b/_episodes/12_ignoring_files.md
similarity index 99%
rename from _episodes/11_ignoring_files.md
rename to _episodes/12_ignoring_files.md
index 37130bd..82b8a38 100644
--- a/_episodes/11_ignoring_files.md
+++ b/_episodes/12_ignoring_files.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
layout: page
title: "Ignoring Files"
-order: 11
+order: 12
session: 2
length: 15
toc: true
diff --git a/_episodes/13_local_branches.md b/_episodes/13_local_branches.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21ee8f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_episodes/13_local_branches.md
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+layout: page
+title: "Working with Local Branches"
+order: 13
+session: 2
+length: 40
+toc: true
+adapted: true
+attrib_name: Version Control with Git - Branching
+attrib_link: http://erdavenport.github.io/git-lessons/10-branching.html
+attrib_copywrite: Software Carpentry
+attrib_license: CC-BY 4.0
+attrib_license_link: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
+## Learning objectives
+At the end of this episode you will be able to explain what branches are and how you might use them.
+You will also be able to demonstrate how to create an experimental branch and merge it back into the `main` branch.
+## Repository files
+We've had quite a lot of episodes working on our `git-good-practice` repository.
+We've included here copies of the files that we will build on from this episode
+onwards. If you haven't been following along with all the examples or exercises,
+we suggest updating the files in your repository with the contents of one of
+the following archives:
+* As a Zip archive: git-good-practice.zip.
+* As a Tar archive: git-good-practice.tar.
+You should place the archive contents in your own `git-good-practice` repository
+(note: make sure to preserve the directory structure: the file
+`Commit-good-practice.md` should be placed in the subdirectory
+`Good-practice-guides` of the repository root folder). Then commit the changes
+to `main` and use `git push` to update your remote repository.
+## Concept of branches
+Git branches are a core feature of the Git version control system. They allow you to create multiple lines of
+development within a single repository, allowing you to work on multiple features or fixes simultaneously, without
+affecting the main codebase.
+In simple terms, a branch is a separate series of commits of the codebase that diverges from the main codebase. You can think of
+it as a separate timeline of changes that runs in parallel with the main timeline. Each branch contains a copy of the
+entire codebase, with its own set of changes.
+Git branches are incredibly useful for collaborative development, as they allow multiple developers to work on
+different features or fixes simultaneously, without stepping on each other's toes. They also provide a way to
+experiment with new features or ideas without affecting the stability of the main codebase.
+## Working with local branches
+We're going to add some new content to the cheatsheet, doing this in a new, dedicated
+branch. The content we'll add will be about using branches, so we'll be recording
+what we learn as we go. The material on branches in this episode concerns working
+with _local_ branches: branches that are created in our local repository, rather
+than remotely on GitHub. The next episode will look at remote branches in more
+### Creating branches
+The general way to create a new branch in our local repository is:
+git branch
+where `` is the name of the branch we wish to work on.
+When you create a new branch, you can specify the starting point. By default, if you do not specify a
+starting point, Git will create the new branch at the `HEAD` commit.
+The `HEAD` is a reference to the current commit in the branch you are currently working on. It is essentially a pointer
+to the tip of the branch you have checked out, which can be moved to any commits in the branch.
+When you create a new branch at the current commit, Git creates a new branch pointer that points to the same commit as
+the `HEAD`. This means that the new branch initially has the same code as the current branch, but it is a separate branch
+that can be modified independently.
+It can be helpful to have a dual picture in your mind when it comes to branches,
+thinking of them both as a series of commits and also a pointer to a particular
+> #### Branching off a commit
+> You can create a new branch at any commit in the repository's history. This can be useful if you want to create a new
+> branch based on a specific version of your code, or if you want to experiment with changes from a previous commit
+> without affecting the current branch. Here's how you can create a new branch at any commit:
+> 1. Identify the commit you want to create the branch at: Use the `git log` command to view the commit history of the
+> repository and find the commit identifier of the commit you want to create the new branch at.
+> 2. Create a new branch: Use the `git branch` command with the commit identifier to create a new branch at that commit:
+> ```
+> git branch
+> ```
+> For example, to create a new branch called `experimental-branch` based on a commit with the identifier `abc1234`, you would
+> run:
+> ```
+> git branch experimental-branch abc1234
+> ```
+> This creates a new branch called experimental-branch at the specified commit.
+In our example, we create a new branch
+off of our most recent commit, called `branches-material`:
+$ git branch branches-material
+This will shortly be the branch in which we add new content to the cheatsheet.
+### Viewing branches
+We can view all the local branches we have in our local repository by running:
+git branch --list
+(Equivalently, we could use the short form `-l` for `--list`.)
+In our `git-good-practice` repository, this would show us:
+$ git branch --list
+ branches-material
+* main
+The asterisk (\*) preceding "main" is used to indicate the currently checked out branch in your local repository.
+Another way to find out which branch you have checked out is to run `git status`.
+> #### `main` is just a branch
+> The main branch in Git is simply a branch like any other branch in your repository, created automatically
+> to hold the initial commit of the repository's history.
+> Because the main branch is created automatically and is the default branch, it is often used as the primary branch
+> for a project's development. However, you can choose to rename the main branch or use a different branch as the
+> primary branch if you prefer.
+### Adding commits to a branch
+In order to work on a branch, we need to **checkout** the branch so that any
+new commits we make are added to the branch. The general command for doing this
+git checkout
+> #### Branching off a branch
+> There is nothing stopping us from creating a new branch that starts on a different
+> branch to `main`. For example, suppose you have checked out a branch called `feature-branch`,
+> and you want to create a new branch called `bugfix-branch` on top of `feature-branch`. If
+> you do not specify a starting point for the new branch, Git will create it at the current commit on
+> `feature-branch`, i.e. the commit that `HEAD` is pointing to.
+We now switch to our new branch `branches-material` so that
+our new cheatsheet content will feature in this branch, rather than the branch
+$ git checkout branches-material
+Switched to branch 'branches-material'
+We're now ready to get to work in the branch `branches-material`. We add the
+following content to `Git-cheatsheet.md` on what we just learned about creating
+a branch.
+## Branches
+`git branch ` — Create a new local branch called `` based at the
+ current commit (i.e. at `HEAD`).
+We make a commit with the new change:
+$ git add Git-cheatsheet.md
+$ git commit -m "Add entry about creating branches"
+[branches-material 8124186] Add entry about creating branches
+ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
+We next add an entry to our cheatsheet about checking out a branch:
+`git checkout ` — Check out the branch ``, so that new commits
+ are added to ``.
+Having committed this change, we now view the log to see our new commits:
+$ git log --oneline -5
+51da8da (HEAD -> branches-material) Add entry about checking out a branch
+8124186 Add entry about creating branches
+42a9a32 (origin/main, origin/HEAD, main) Ignore TODO list file
+0984d2b Add material on basic pathspec usage (directories)
+92b2ac2 Create general good practice guides directory
+We can see that the new commits have been added to the branch `branches-material`
+and that we are now working on `branches-material` as indicated by
+`HEAD -> branches-material`. We can also see that commits to `main` stop at
+commit `42a9a32` shown by `origin/main, origin/HEAD, main`.
+We can verify that these new commits are not on the `main` branch by examining
+the log of `main` directly. In general, we can run
+git log [options]
+to view the commit history contained in a specific branch ``, where
+`[options]` are any optional arguments we want to include e.g `--oneline`. In
+our example, we get the following history for the `main` branch:
+$ git log --oneline -5 main
+42a9a32 (origin/main, origin/HEAD, main) Ignore TODO list file
+0984d2b Add material on basic pathspec usage (directories)
+92b2ac2 Create general good practice guides directory
+5cf8321 Remove rubbish.txt
+d26a698 Add some rubbish to try out 'git rm'
+This confirms that the new commits are not on the `main` branch.
+## Merging branches
+Let's now look at how we can incorporate the changes we've made in the
+`branches-material` branch into our `main` branch. In Git parlance, we want
+to **merge** the commit history in `branches-material` into the history of
+the `main` branch.
+Merging is a way to bring together different streams of development and integrate
+them into a cohesive whole. This is the key to using Git for collaboration, as
+it allows multiple developers to work on different
+aspects of a project simultaneously _and then collate their changes_.
+We do this with the `merge` command:
+git merge
+Here, `` is the name of the branch whose commits we want
+to bring _into_ the branch we're currently on.
+In our example, we need to merge the branch `branches-material` into `main`.
+To do this, we need to checkout the branch we want to merge _into_, i.e.
+$ git checkout main
+Switched to branch 'main'
+Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
+Now we can merge `branches-material` into `main`:
+$ git merge branches-material
+Updating 42a9a32..51da8da
+ Git-cheatsheet.md | 9 +++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)
+Let's take another look at the log of `main`:
+$ git log --oneline -5
+51da8da (HEAD -> main, branches-material) Add entry about checking out a branch
+8124186 Add entry about creating branches
+42a9a32 (origin/main, origin/HEAD) Ignore TODO list file
+0984d2b Add material on basic pathspec usage (directories)
+92b2ac2 Create general good practice guides directory
+We can see that the commits from `branches-material` have been added to
+`main`. In fact, Git has just moved `main` to now point to the same commit
+as at the end of the `branches-material`, as seen by the line
+51da8da (HEAD -> main, branches-material) Add entry about checking out a branch
+Our `main` branch now has some commits that have not been pushed to the remote
+repository, so we will now rectify that:
+$ git push
+Username for 'https://github.com': jbloggs9999
+Password for 'https://jbloggs9999@github.com':
+Enumerating objects: 8, done.
+Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.
+Delta compression using up to 8 threads
+Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
+Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 765 bytes | 255.00 KiB/s, done.
+Total 6 (delta 4), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
+remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (4/4), completed with 2 local objects.
+To https://github.com/jbloggs9999/git-good-practice.git
+ 42a9a32..51da8da main -> main
+### Exercise
+Add another commit to the `branches-material` branch about merging branches.
+You may wish to use the following text:
+`git merge ` — Combine the commit history of ``
+ with that of the branch currently checked out.
+Once you've done that, bring the changes into `main` by merging the branch
+`branches-material` into `main`. Finally, push the new commits on `main` to the
+remote repository.
diff --git a/_episodes/14_remote_branches_with_github.md b/_episodes/14_remote_branches_with_github.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62a71bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_episodes/14_remote_branches_with_github.md
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+layout: page
+title: "Remote Branches with GitHub"
+order: 14
+session: 2
+length: 45
+toc: true
+adapted: false
+## Learning objectives
+By the end of this episode you will be able to create remote branches using
+GitHub and track these remote branches locally. You will also learn how to
+merge remote branches using a pull request, as well as how to delete branches
+in your local and remote repositories.
+## Local and remote branches
+Branches can reside in our local repository and/or remote repository, in the
+same way that commits can. An **upstream** branch is one which resides in the
+remote repository and is tracked locally, meaning the local branch is linked to
+the remote branch. Our local repository stores references to any remote branches,
+prepending their names with `remotes/origin/` (or simply `origin/`). It should
+be noted that these remote branches are not updated automatically - we need to
+use `git fetch` to update them.
+### Viewing branches
+We can list _all_ the branches that our local repository is aware of (both
+local branches and remote branches) by using `git branch --all` (or
+just `git branch -a`):
+$ git branch -a
+ branches-material
+* main
+ remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
+ remotes/origin/main
+There are three branches worth noting here, namely `main` (our local version of
+`main`), `remotes/origin/main` (our remote version of `main`) and `branches-material`
+(our newly created local branch). We can safely ignore
+`remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main` for the time being.
+As we have only created `branches-material` locally, it does not have a remote
+counterpart, unlike `main`. Using GitHub, we can verify there is no remote branch
+called `branches-material`. The necessary steps are as follows:
+- **Step 1** Navigate to your repository on GitHub.
+- **Step 2** Click on _branch(es)_, above the list of files on the left-hand side,
+ as indicated in the following screenshot:
+- **Step 3** Click on _All branches_, located to the left of the green _New branch_
+ button on the right-hand side of the screen — this will display a list of all
+ the branches in your remote repository. `branches-material` will be missing
+ from this list.
+## Working with remote branches
+So far, we've seen how to create a local branch, commit to it and merge it into
+another branch (e.g. into `main`). This branch didn't have an upstream branch
+in the remote repository. We're now going to look at the case where we
+use GitHub to create a branch in the _remote repository_, which we then
+bring into our local repository to work with. This approach takes advantage of
+useful functionality provided by GitHub, promoting collaborative working. We
+will look at an alternative workflow that doesn't rely on the features GitHub
+provides in a later episode.
+Now, let's add some material to the cheatsheet relating to working with remote
+branches, using GitHub to drive this development. The basic flow for doing this
+will be the following:
+* Create a remote branch on GitHub that will receive our additions to the
+ cheatsheet.
+* Work on the cheatsheet locally, then push the changes up to the remote branch.
+* Use GitHub to merge the work into the `main` branch in the remote repository,
+ using a pull request.
+In order to do this, we need to do the following:
+* Create a remote branch on GitHub.
+* Update our local repository from the remote repository, so that we have a
+ reference to the newly created remote branch.
+* Create a local branch that is set up to track the remote one.
+* Add new commits to the local branch corresponding to our work on the
+ cheatsheet.
+* Push these commits to the upstream remote branch.
+* Merge the remote branch into the remote `main` branch, using
+ a pull request on GitHub.
+* Update our local repository to reflect this change to the remote repository.
+### Create a remote branch on GitHub
+In GitHub, the following steps allow you to create a new remote branch:
+- **Step 1** Navigate to your repository on GitHub.
+- **Step 2** Click on the dropdown, located to the left of _branches_, on the
+ left-hand side of the screen.
+- **Step 3** Select the branch you would like to create a branch from. (For this
+ course, this will typically be `main`. If it is `main`, this step
+ becomes redundant.)
+- **Step 4** Click on the dropdown again and type in the name of your new branch
+ where it says _Find or create a branch..._.
+- **Step 5** Click on _Create branch: new-branch from 'base-branch'_, where
+ _new-branch_ is the name of your new branch and _base-branch_ is the name of
+ the branch you are branching off of (e.g. `main`).
+In our example `git-good-practice` repository, let's suppose we've just created a
+new remote branch called `remote-branches-material`, which is based on top of
+`main`. Our local repository doesn't have any knowledge of this new branch, as
+can be seen by listing the branches:
+$ git branch -a
+ branches-material
+* main
+ remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
+ remotes/origin/main
+### Fetch the remote branch
+In order to update our local repository so that it has knowledge of the new
+remote branch, we use the following command from within our local repository:
+git fetch
+(Like with `git push` and `git pull`, we can instead run `git fetch origin` to
+be explicit about the reference to the remote repository.)
+We won't go into too much detail about exactly what `git fetch origin` is doing. For
+our purposes, we use it to inspect the remote repository for information about
+any new branches, or commits that have been made in remote branches, that our
+local repository doesn't yet know about.
+In our example, after running `git fetch` in our `git-good-practice`
+repository, we see that information about the new remote `remote-branches-material`
+has been retrieved:
+$ git fetch
+Username for 'https://github.com': jbloggs9999
+Password for 'https://jbloggs9999@github.com':
+From https://github.com/jbloggs9999/git-good-practice
+ * [new branch] remote-branches-material -> origin/remote-branches-material
+$ git branch -a
+ branches-material
+* main
+ remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
+ remotes/origin/main
+ remotes/origin/remote-branches-material
+However, this has only created a reference to the remote branch, indicated
+by `remotes/origin/remote-branches-material` in the above output. We still need
+to create a _local_ branch that will track the remote branch.
+### Create a new tracking local branch
+In order to create a local version of the
+`origin/remote-branches-material` branch where we can add commits, we can
+perform the following checkout:
+$ git checkout remote-branches-material
+Switched to a new branch 'remote-branches-material'
+branch 'remote-branches-material' set up to track 'origin/remote-branches-material'.
+You may be surprised by this: after all, we've asked Git to checkout a branch
+that doesn't actually exist! Fortunately, Git is smart enough to realise that
+what we want to do is set up a new local branch that tracks the `origin/remote-branches-material`
+remote branch. So it automatically creates a new local branch — called `remote-branches-material` — that
+will track `origin/remote-branches-material`, and checks out this new local branch for us. We
+can verify this by listing all the branches again:
+$ git branch -a
+ branches-material
+ main
+* remote-branches-material
+ remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
+ remotes/origin/main
+ remotes/origin/remote-branches-material
+### Add content to the local branch and push
+We are now set to add our new material to `Git-cheatsheet.md` about remote
+branches. We modify the start of the subsection _Branches_ so that it now reads as
+## Branches
+`git branch ` — Create a new branch called ``
+ based at the current commit (i.e. at `HEAD`).
+`git checkout ` — Check out the branch ``, so that new commits
+ are added to ``.
+- Can also be used to create and checkout a new local branch `` that
+ tracks an existing remote branch `origin/`.
+`git merge ` — Combine the commit history of ``
+ with that of the branch currently checked out.
+Having included this addition, we commit to our local `remote-branches-material` branch.
+> #### Markdown syntax
+> Unordered lists are denoted by using a hyphen (`-`) or an asterisk (`*`),
+> followed by a space, with the text in the list item following. Example:
+> ```
+> - Foo
+> - Bar
+> - Baz
+> ```
+> renders as:
+> - Foo
+> - Bar
+> - Baz
+> Text that flows over multiple lines in the source file, yet belongs to a single
+> list item, should respect the indenting. For example:
+> ```
+> * list entry with
+> new line
+> * the quick brown fox jumps over the
+> lazy dog
+> ```
+> renders as:
+> * list entry with
+> new line
+> * the quick brown fox jumps over the
+> lazy dog
+We're now in the position where our local branch
+`remote-branches-material` is ahead of the remote branch
+`origin/remote-branches-material` that it tracks, as can be seen from
+the log on `remote-branches-material`:
+$ git log --oneline -3
+5125372 (HEAD -> remote-branches-material) Add note about creating local tracking branches
+3b918f2 (origin/remote-branches-material, origin/main, origin/HEAD, main, branches-material) Add entry about merging branches
+51da8da Add entry about checking out a branch
+In order to update an upstream remote branch with new commits in the local
+tracking branch, we can use `git push` (or `git push origin`), like we did when working with
+the `main` branch in the episode
+[Pushing to and Pulling From the Remote Repository]({{ site.url }}/10_pushing_and_pulling/index.html).
+Note however that this will push the commits _on the currently checked out branch_ to its upstream
+remote branch. So, in general, if you have a local branch `` that tracks a
+remote branch `origin/`, then in order to push `` to `origin/` we
+need to first checkout ``.
+> #### Alternative: specify the branch explicitly
+> Alternatively, if you have a local branch `` that tracks a remote branch
+> `origin/`, then you can run `git push origin ` from any local branch
+> to push commits from `` to `origin/`.
+In our example, we're already on the branch `remote-branches-material` that we want to push,
+so we can just go ahead and do `git push`:
+$ git push
+Username for 'https://github.com': jbloggs9999
+Password for 'https://jbloggs9999@github.com':
+Enumerating objects: 5, done.
+Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
+Delta compression using up to 8 threads
+Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
+Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 438 bytes | 219.00 KiB/s, done.
+Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
+remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
+To https://github.com/jbloggs9999/git-good-practice.git
+ 3b918f2..5125372 remote-branches-material -> remote-branches-material
+The last line of the `git push` message shows that we've successfully updated the remote
+branch with the new commit.
+## Merge remote branch into remote `main`
+Once we have pushed our changes to the remote branch, we can merge said remote
+branch into remote `main` by means of a pull request on GitHub. We can create and
+complete a pull request (PR) as follows:
+- **Step 1** Navigate to your repository on GitHub.
+- **Step 2** Click on the _Pull requests_ tab (third tab from the left).
+- **Step 3** Click on the green _New pull request_ button on the right-hand side
+ of the screen.
+- **Step 4** Ensure `main` has been chosen as _base_ and choose your remote branch,
+ which in this case is `remote-branches-material`, as _compare_.
+- **Step 5** Click on the green _Create pull request_ button.
+- **Step 6** GitHub will generate a title based on the name of the branch you
+ are comparing, but this can be changed. You are also welcome to add a
+ description where it says _Leave a comment_.
+- **Step 7** Click on the green _Create pull request_ button.
+- **Step 8** Click on the green _Merge pull request_ button, located near the
+ bottom of the page.
+## Pull changes into our local repository
+We have just merged our branch into `main` in the remote repository. To see
+the changes made to `main` in our local repository, we need to pull them from
+the remote repository.
+To update `main`, we first check it out:
+$ git checkout main
+Switched to branch 'main'
+Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
+There's an important point to make about the output here. It is stated that
+`Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.`. This doesn't mean there aren't changes on the remote to
+pull in. Instead, it means that Git is not aware of any extra commits in
+`origin/main` compared to `main` _since last `fetch`ing from the remote repository_.
+So, let us fetch updates from the remote repository:
+$ git fetch
+Username for 'https://github.com': jbloggs9999
+Password for 'https://jbloggs9999@github.com':
+remote: Enumerating objects: 1, done.
+remote: Counting objects: 100% (1/1), done.
+remote: Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
+Unpacking objects: 100% (1/1), 667 bytes | 83.00 KiB/s, done.
+From https://github.com/jbloggs/git-good-practice
+ 3b918f2..86ebbee main -> origin/main
+We can see that our local repository is now aware of the change to the remote
+`origin/main` branch by checking the status again:
+$ git status
+On branch main
+Your branch is behind 'origin/main' by 2 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.
+ (use "git pull" to update your local branch)
+nothing to commit, working tree clean
+In the
+[Pushing to and Pulling From the Remote Repository]({{ site.url }}/10_pushing_and_pulling/index.html)
+episode, we mentioned that `git pull` can be used to retrieve updates from the
+remote repository. To be more precise, `git pull` is used to bring in commits
+_in a remote branch into a corresponding local branch_. In general, if you have
+a remote branch that has commits not yet in a local tracking
+branch ``, then run the following command _with `` checked out_
+to update `` with these new commits:
+git pull
+(or, to be explicit about the remote repository, `git pull origin`).
+> #### `pull` automatically `fetch`es
+> `git pull` actually performs a two step process on a branch
+> ``. First, it runs a `git fetch` to retrieve all new commits,
+> branches, etc. from the remote repository. Then,
+> it merges the changes that have been fetched into the `origin/` into
+> ``. As a result, we did not in fact need to use the `git fetch` command
+> before using `git pull` above.
+We pull the changes to `origin/main` into our local `main` branch:
+$ git pull
+Username for 'https://github.com': jbloggs9999
+Password for 'https://jbloggs9999@github.com':
+Updating 3b918f2..86ebbee
+ Git-cheatsheet.md | 3 +++
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
+We can now see from the log that our changes are fully reflected in `main`:
+$ git log --oneline -5
+86ebbee (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) Merge pull request #1 from jbloggs9999/remote-branches-material
+5125372 (origin/remote-branches-material, remote-branches-material) Add note about creating local tracking branches
+3b918f2 (branches-material) Add entry about merging branches
+51da8da Add entry about checking out a branch
+8124186 Add entry about creating branches
+## Cleaning up
+All the work we've done in our branches has been incorporated into `main` (both
+locally and in the remote repository). So, to clean up the state of the repository,
+we going to delete the branches `branches-material` and `remote-branches-material`,
+including the remote version of `remote-branches-material`, since these
+no longer serve any purpose.
+> ### Good practice: deleting old branches
+> It is good practice to delete branches that are no longer required. This makes
+> navigating a repository easier and makes it clear what work is still ongoing
+> compared to work that has been finished.
+### Deleting branches from a local repository
+The general commands for deleting branches are as follows:
+* For deleting _local_ branches: `git branch -d `
+* For deleting _remote_ branches: `git branch -d -r `
+In both cases, note that you can specify more than one branch by separating the
+branch names by a space.
+There are a couple of important things to note about deleting branches:
+* You can't delete a branch you currently have checked out. So make sure you
+ checkout a different branch before deletion e.g. do deletions from `main`.
+* Deleting branches removes the commits contained in those branches which don't
+ feature in other branches. So, before deleting a branch, be sure that the
+ changes you want to keep have been merged into another branch e.g. `main`.
+We delete our local branches:
+$ git branch -d branches-material remote-branches-material
+Deleted branch branches-material (was 3b918f2).
+Deleted branch remote-branches-material (was 5125372).
+Then we delete our remote branch reference `origin/remote-branches-material`:
+$ git branch -r -d origin/remote-branches-material
+Deleted remote-tracking branch origin/remote-branches-material (was 5125372).
+> ### Force deletion
+> Git may stop you from deleting a branch, because it can't verify that
+> all the commits in the branch have been merged into a corresponding remote
+> branch or another local branch. This is a protection
+> mechanism to stop you from potentially losing changes. If you encounter this but
+> are sure you want to proceed with the deletion, you can force the deletion
+> by using `-D` instead of `-d` in the commands above.
+Our local repository is now looking cleaner with regards to the branches we have:
+$ git branch -a
+* main
+ remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
+ remotes/origin/main
+Note also that the references to the non-`main` branches have disappeared from
+the log (note that the _commits_ have _not_ disappeared, however, because these
+are part of `main`):
+$ git log --oneline -5
+86ebbee (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) Merge pull request #1 from jbloggs9999/remote-branches-material
+5125372 Add note about creating local tracking branches
+3b918f2 Add entry about merging branches
+51da8da Add entry about checking out a branch
+8124186 Add entry about creating branches
+### Deleting branches from the remote repository via GitHub
+Finally, we need to delete the remote branch `remote-branches-material` from the
+remote repository in GitHub. The necessary steps are as follows:
+- **Step 1** Navigate to your respository on GitHub.
+- **Step 2** Click on _branches_, above the list of files on the left-hand side.
+- **Step 3** Click on _All branches_, located to the left of the green _New branch_
+ button on the right-hand side of the screen.
+- **Step 4** Identify the branch to be deleted and click on the appropriate
+ _bin icon_ on the right-hand side of the screen. If you hover over the icon,
+ it will show a message stating _Delete chosen-branch_, where _chosen-branch_
+ is the name of the branch to be deleted.
diff --git a/_episodes/15_collaborating_with_branches.md b/_episodes/15_collaborating_with_branches.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfce603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_episodes/15_collaborating_with_branches.md
@@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
+layout: page
+title: "Collaborating with Branches"
+order: 15
+session: 2
+length: 60
+toc: true
+adapted: false
+## Learning objectives
+By the end of this episode you will have learned about a simple strategy
+for using branches to collaborate with others on a shared codebase, called
+feature branching. You will also have worked through an example of how this
+strategy works in practice.
+## Collaborating with others
+So far, we've only been using Git and GitHub as a solo developer. But the real
+power of version control systems is realised when collaborating with other
+developers on a shared project. Branching in Git provides the means for multiple
+people in a way that allows them to work concurrently and bring their work together
+in a controlled, transparent way. If you're using GitHub to host your remote
+repository, then pull requests provide a way to communicate to others about
+your changes.
+The key thing to remember when collaborating with Git is that, while there may
+only be a single remote repository, _every developer has their own local repository_ that
+is linked to the remote repository. The corollary to this is:
+* each developer is responsible for pushing the work from their local repository
+ to the remote one; and
+* each developer needs to pull in work that others have contributed to the
+ remote repository into their local repository.
+It's important that this is done promptly and regularly so that any changes
+are not missed by you or others.
+There are different strategies and philosophies on how branches can be used
+for collaboration. For this course, we're going to discuss a simple strategy
+called _feature branching_.
+## Feature branching
+A **feature** in this context is any piece of work that adds to the
+software's overall development, whether this be a new piece of functionality, a
+bug fix, some documentation, etc. In feature branching, new features are
+developed in their own, dedicated **feature branches** that branch off the
+`main` branch. When the feature is ready to be shared with others, the feature
+branch is merged back into `main`.
+The `main` branch and feature branches take on different roles:
+* **The `main` branch**: This includes code changes that you want to share with
+ each other, or that are ready for release into the world. You should consider
+ it the 'neat' version of your work. As a general rule, _code only makes it into
+ `main` through merging a feature branch. You don't commit directly to `main`._
+* **Feature branches**: These are branches where you work on code to develop
+ features, so will contain 'work in progress' until they're ready to merge
+ back into `main`.
+A common scenario you will come across when working on a feature branch is
+where `main` gets updated through someone else merging a feature branch they're
+working on. When it comes to you merging your feature branch into `main`, the
+golden rule is to make sure you merge any changes to `main` _into_ your
+feature branch _before_ merging your feature branch into `main`. This ensures
+you are adding your work to the latest version of the 'common' codebase and
+resolve any issues in your feature branch:
+* It gives you a chance to check that the changes you are making are consistent
+ with other peoples' work. Some changes made by others may pass under the radar
+ when merging e.g. different naming of functions / variables to what your
+ code relies on, deletion or moving of code your work relies on, etc.
+* It also gives you a chance to resolve any _merge conflicts_ that may arise
+ when you try to merge your work into the common codebase (about which more in
+ the [Merge Conflicts]({{ site.url }}/16_merge_conflicts/index.html) episode).
+An example of feature branching is depicted below:
+### Creating feature branches
+We will be creating feature branches using the workflow described in the previous
+episode, [Remote Branches with GitHub]({{ site.url }}/14_remote_branches_with_github/index.html):
+feature branches will be created remotely on GitHub and then fetched in for us
+to work on locally.
+### Protocol for merging feature branches into `main`
+Below we give steps for merging a feature branch `foo-feature` into `main`. We
+assume `foo-feature` exists both as a remote branch in the remote repository and
+also a local tracking branch in our local repository.
+1. Create a pull request on GitHub corresponding to the merge of `foo-feature`
+ into `main`.
+2. Pull any changes to `main` on the remote repository into your local version
+ of `main` (using `git pull` on your local `main` branch).
+ a) If `main` was unchanged by the pull then go to step 2,
+ otherwise go to step b) below.
+ b) If `main` got updated by the pull, then merge `main` into `foo-feature`
+ in your local repository before continuing, by using `git merge`.
+ If there are merge conflicts, these MUST be resolved and the merge into
+ `foo-feature` completed before continuing to step c) below (see the later
+ episode on [merge conflicts]({{ site.url }}/16_merge_conflicts/index.html)
+ for details on how to do this). Also take the
+ opportunity to make sure this merge hasn't introduced any problems into
+ the codebase (e.g. inconsistencies in naming, etc.)
+ c) Pull the remote `main` into your local `main` again to be
+ sure no further changes were made while you were performing the merge in
+ step b). If the branch wasn't updated then proceed
+ to step 3 below, otherwise curse your luck and go back to step b).
+3. Push the commits in your local `foo-feature` branch to the corresponding
+ remote branch.
+4. Complete the pull request on GitHub to merge the `foo-feature` branch
+ into `main` on the remote.
+5. Pull the changes to `main` from the remote repository into your local repository.
+ Optional, but recommended: delete the feature branch `foo-feature` from GitHub
+ and from your remote repository (including the reference `origin/foo-feature`
+ to the remote branch).
+## Example: Joe Bloggs and Jane Doe
+We're now going to assume that Joe Bloggs and Jane Doe are two people collaborating
+on the `git-good-practice` repository. They will work with the same
+remote repository, created under Joe's account, but will each have their own
+associated local repositories. They're going to use the _feature branch_
+strategy, discussed in the previous section, to add:
+* Material to the cheatsheet about fetching remote branches from a remote
+ repository.
+* A new file documenting good practice when collaborating together.
+In order for two people to work on the same remote repository on GitHub, they
+each need to be listed as collaborators on the repository.
+> ### Collaborators on a GitHub repository
+> If you are the owner of a repository on GitHub, you can invite collaborators
+> to work on the repository using the
+> instructions in the GitHub documentation.
+### Exercise
+At this point in the course, we encourage participants to pair up and work
+together on a common repository, taking the roles of Joe and Jane.
+So, find a partner to work with. Have one of you invite the other as a collaborator
+on your repository. The collaborator should then clone the other person's
+repository using the above instructions, so that you are both working on a
+common remote repository. In what follows, one of you should play the role of
+Joe Bloggs and the other of Jane Doe.
+> #### Solo work
+> If you are working through these course notes by yourself then try imagining
+> you are two different developers collaborating on the repository together. We
+> suggest you clone a fresh copy of the remote repository to a new local repository
+> on your computer, while keeping your original local repository. This will
+> help you simulate the scenario of collaborators each having their own local
+> repository.
+## Creating the branches
+Joe and Jane begin by creating remote branches on GitHub for their work, creating
+these at the same time:
+* **Joe** creates a remote branch called `fetching-material`, which will contain
+ material about fetching from a remote repository.
+* **Jane** creates a remote branch called `collaboration-good-practice`, which
+ will contain work on good practice while collaborating.
+Next, Joe and Jane need to each create a local branch
+that will track their remote branch.
+### Joe's local branch
+Joe fetches references to the new branches in the remote repository, then
+creates a new local branch to track his remote `fetching-material` branch (and
+also checks out this new local branch):
+$ git fetch
+Username for 'https://github.com': jbloggs9999
+Password for 'https://jbloggs9999@github.com':
+From https://github.com/jbloggs9999/git-good-practice
+ * [new branch] collaboration-good-practice -> origin/collaboration-good-practice
+ * [new branch] fetching-material -> origin/fetching-material
+$ git checkout fetching-material
+Switched to a new branch 'fetching-material'
+branch 'fetching-material' set up to track 'origin/fetching-material'.
+Notice that the fetch creates references to _both_ of the new remote branches,
+`fetching-material` and `collaboration-good-practice`, which Joe and Jane created on
+GitHub a moment ago. In contrast, Joe only has a local branch corresponding
+to his remote `fetching-material` branch, since this is the branch he performed
+the `git checkout` on:
+$ git branch -a
+* fetching-material
+ main
+ remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
+ remotes/origin/collaboration-good-practice
+ remotes/origin/fetching-material
+ remotes/origin/main
+### Jane's local branch
+Jane runs the analogous commands in her local repository, in this case creating
+a local tracking branch for her `collaboration-good-practice` remote branch
+$ git fetch
+Username for 'https://github.com': janedoe9999
+Password for 'https://janedoe9999@github.com':
+From https://github.com/jbloggs9999/git-good-practice
+ * [new branch] collaboration-good-practice -> origin/collaboration-good-practice
+ * [new branch] fetching-material -> origin/fetching-material
+$ git checkout collaboration-good-practice
+Switched to a new branch 'collaboration-good-practice'
+branch 'collaboration-good-practice' set up to track 'origin/collaboration-good-practice'.
+$ git branch -a
+* collaboration-good-practice
+ main
+ remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
+ remotes/origin/collaboration-good-practice
+ remotes/origin/fetching-material
+ remotes/origin/main
+## Working on the feature branches
+### Joe's `fetching-material` feature branch
+Joe adds the following content to `Git-cheatsheet.md`:
+## Syncing with a remote repository
+`git fetch origin` — Retrieve references to new remote branches, and/or commits
+ that are contained in remote branches, from the remote
+ repository (referred to as `origin`).
+He then commits it on his (local) `fetching-material` branch:
+$ git add Git-cheatsheet.md
+$ git commit -m "Add entry about fetching from a remote"
+[fetching-material 1d026a8] Add entry about fetching from a remote
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
+Checking the status, Joe confirms that his local `fetching-material` branch is 1 commit
+ahead of the associated remote branch:
+$ git status
+On branch fetching-material
+Your branch is ahead of 'origin/fetching-material' by 1 commit.
+ (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
+nothing to commit, working tree clean
+In order to back up his work and give Jane a preview of what he's been doing,
+Joe pushes the changes to his local `fetching-material` branch to the remote
+$ git push
+Username for 'https://github.com': jbloggs9999
+Password for 'https://jbloggs9999@github.com':
+Enumerating objects: 5, done.
+Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
+Delta compression using up to 8 threads
+Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
+Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 494 bytes | 123.00 KiB/s, done.
+Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
+remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
+To https://github.com/jbloggs9999/git-good-practice.git
+ 86ebbee..1d026a8 fetching-material -> fetching-material
+The history on Joe's `fetching-material` branch now looks like this:
+$ git log --oneline -5
+1d026a8 (HEAD -> fetching-material, origin/fetching-material) Add entry about fetching from a remote
+86ebbee (origin/main, origin/collaboration-good-practice, origin/HEAD, main) Merge pull request #1 from jbloggs9999/remote-branches-material
+5125372 Add note about creating local tracking branches
+3b918f2 Add entry about merging branches
+51da8da Add entry about checking out a branch
+### Jane Doe and her `collaboration-good-practice` feature branch
+Jane creates a new file called `Collaboration-good-practice.md` in the
+`Good-practice-guides` directory (which she includes as a stand-alone commit)
+and adds the following content about the above feature branch strategy:
+# Best practice for collaboration
+## A basic feature branch strategy
+A basic way to collaborate on a common repository is to use *feature branching*.
+A *feature* in this context is any piece of work that adds to of the
+software's overall development, whether this be a new piece of functionality, a
+bug fix, some documentation, etc. In feature branching, new features are
+developed in their own, dedicated *feature branches* that branch off the
+`main` branch. When the feature is ready to be shared with others, the feature
+branch is merged back into `main`.
+Like Joe, she then also pushes the new commits on her local
+`collaboration-good-practice` to the associated remote branch,
+$ git push origin
+Username for 'https://github.com': janedoe9999
+Password for 'https://janedoe9999@github.com':
+Enumerating objects: 10, done.
+Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
+Delta compression using up to 8 threads
+Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
+Writing objects: 100% (8/8), 1.04 KiB | 353.00 KiB/s, done.
+Total 8 (delta 2), reused 1 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
+remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 1 local object.
+To https://github.com/jbloggs9999/git-good-practice.git
+ 86ebbee..b9df491 collaboration-good-practice -> collaboration-good-practice
+Having done this, her `collaboration-good-practice` history looks as follows:
+$ git log --oneline -5
+b9df491 (HEAD -> collaboration-good-practice, origin/collaboration-good-practice) Add material on feature branching
+687cf02 Start good practice guide on collaboration
+86ebbee (origin/main, origin/fetching-material, origin/HEAD, main) Merge pull request #1 from jbloggs9999/remote-branches-material
+5125372 Add note about creating local tracking branches
+3b918f2 Add entry about merging branches
+Let us take a moment to point out that, at this point, `origin/fetching-material`
+hasn't been updated in Jane's local repository, and neither has
+`origin/collaboration-good-practice` been updated in Joe's local repository.
+This is because they haven't yet fetched updates to the corresponding remote
+branches from the remote repository. This underlines the
+fact that the information about remote branches only
+gets updated in local repositories when you tell Git to retrieve updates from
+the remote, via `git fetch` or `git pull`.
+## Merging
+## First to the pass: Joe
+Joe finishes his work before Jane does and so gets to work on merging his
+feature branch into the `main` branch. Following the strategy that was discussed
+in the episode [Remote Branches with GitHub]({{ site.url }}/14_remote_branches_with_github/index.html),
+he creates a pull request associated to the merge.
+Having done this, he checks that Jane hasn't
+merged any work into the remote `main` branch. He could do this by examining
+the history of `main` on GitHub, or by checking out `main` and
+pulling in any changes from the remote:
+$ git checkout main
+Switched to branch 'main'
+Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
+$ git pull
+Username for 'https://github.com': jbloggs9999
+Password for 'https://jbloggs9999@github.com':
+remote: Enumerating objects: 10, done.
+remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
+remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
+remote: Total 8 (delta 2), reused 8 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
+Unpacking objects: 100% (8/8), 1.02 KiB | 17.00 KiB/s, done.
+From https://github.com/jbloggs9999/git-good-practice
+ 86ebbee..b9df491 collaboration-good-practice -> origin/collaboration-good-practice
+Already up to date.
+Recall that `Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.` after the
+checkout in the above output only means that Git is not aware of any extra commits in
+`origin/main` compared to `main` since the last `fetch` or `pull`. In this
+case, the `git pull` command confirms that the local `main` branch was already up to date with
+the remote repository's `main` branch. It also shows that then new commits in the
+`origin/collaboration-good-practice` that Jane's working on have been fetched.
+Since his `main` branch is fully up to date with
+the remote version, Joe goes ahead and performs the merge of his feature branch
+into `main` on GitHub, by completing the pull request. He then updates his local
+`main` branch with the merged changes:
+$ git pull
+Username for 'https://github.com': jbloggs9999
+Password for 'https://jbloggs9999@github.com':
+remote: Enumerating objects: 1, done.
+remote: Counting objects: 100% (1/1), done.
+remote: Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
+Unpacking objects: 100% (1/1), 654 bytes | 93.00 KiB/s, done.
+From https://github.com/jbloggs9999/git-good-practice
+ 86ebbee..4e209e9 main -> origin/main
+Updating 86ebbee..4e209e9
+ Git-cheatsheet.md | 7 +++++++
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
+### Jane: merging after changes to `main`
+Jane is ready to merge her `collaboration-good-practice` feature branch into
+`main`, so she creates a pull request linked to the remote feature branch.
+As the feature branch protocol recommends, she checks to see whether her local
+`main` branch is up-to-date with the remote repository:
+$ git checkout main
+Switched to branch 'main'
+Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
+$ git pull origin
+Username for 'https://github.com': janedoe9999
+Password for 'https://janedoe9999@github.com':
+remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done.
+remote: Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
+remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
+remote: Total 4 (delta 3), reused 2 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
+Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), 974 bytes | 27.00 KiB/s, done.
+From https://github.com/jbloggs9999/git-good-practice
+ 86ebbee..4e209e9 main -> origin/main
+ 86ebbee..1d026a8 fetching-material -> origin/fetching-material
+Updating 86ebbee..4e209e9
+ Git-cheatsheet.md | 7 +++++++
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
+(Again, she could also have done this by looking at the history of `main` on
+GitHub.) Jane finds that there have been changes made to the `main` branch while
+she was working on her feature branch, as indicated by the line
+ 86ebbee..4e209e9 main -> origin/main
+Therefore, she merges her now updated `main` branch into her feature branch, to
+ensure her feature branch includes the latest changes. (Note that she does
+this _locally_, rather than on GitHub.)
+$ git checkout collaboration-good-practice
+Switched to branch 'collaboration-good-practice'
+Your branch is up to date with 'origin/collaboration-good-practice'.
+$ git merge main
+Merge made by the 'ort' strategy.
+ Git-cheatsheet.md | 7 +++++++
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
+She also then pushes her updated feature branch to the
+remote repository, so that her local and remote branches are synchronised.
+$ git push
+Username for 'https://github.com': janedoe9999
+Password for 'https://janedoe9999@github.com':
+Enumerating objects: 4, done.
+Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
+Delta compression using up to 8 threads
+Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
+Writing objects: 100% (2/2), 325 bytes | 325.00 KiB/s, done.
+Total 2 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
+remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (1/1), completed with 1 local object.
+To https://github.com/jbloggs9999/git-good-practice.git
+ b9df491..ee1617c collaboration-good-practice -> collaboration-good-practice
+Having done this, she now effectively starts the protocol for merging a feature
+branch into `main` again. First she checks there haven't been any further updates
+to `main`:
+$ git checkout main
+Switched to branch 'main'
+Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
+$ git pull
+Username for 'https://github.com': janedoe9999
+Password for 'https://janedoe9999@github.com':
+Already up to date.
+Having seen there are no further updates, she goes to GitHub and completes
+the associated pull request, thus merging her remote
+`collaboration-good-practice` feature branch into `main` in the remote
+repository. Then she pulls down the new, merged changes from `origin/main` into
+her local `main` branch:
+$ git pull
+Username for 'https://github.com': janedoe9999
+Password for 'https://janedoe9999@github.com':
+remote: Enumerating objects: 1, done.
+remote: Counting objects: 100% (1/1), done.
+remote: Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
+Unpacking objects: 100% (1/1), 648 bytes | 108.00 KiB/s, done.
+From https://github.com/jbloggs9999/git-good-practice
+ 4e209e9..785f6f8 main -> origin/main
+Updating 4e209e9..785f6f8
+ Good-practice-guides/Collaboration-good-practice.md | 11 +++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 Good-practice-guides/Collaboration-good-practice.md
+## Finishing up
+The merged changes added to `main` by Jane won't feature in Joe's local
+repository until he pulls them into his local `main` branch. Having seen on
+GitHub that Jane has completed her pull request, he duly makes sure his local
+repository has these changes (making sure he's on `main` to begin with):
+$ git status
+On branch main
+Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
+nothing to commit, working tree clean
+$ git pull
+Username for 'https://github.com': jbloggs9999
+Password for 'https://jbloggs9999@github.com':
+remote: Enumerating objects: 5, done.
+remote: Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
+remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
+remote: Total 3 (delta 2), reused 1 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
+Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), 829 bytes | 48.00 KiB/s, done.
+From https://github.com/jbloggs9999/git-good-practice
+ 4e209e9..785f6f8 main -> origin/main
+ b9df491..ee1617c collaboration-good-practice -> origin/collaboration-good-practice
+Updating 4e209e9..785f6f8
+ Good-practice-guides/Collaboration-good-practice.md | 11 +++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 Good-practice-guides/Collaboration-good-practice.md
+Both Joe and Jane now have completely up-to-date local repositories.
+## Viewing a graph of history
+Feeling satisfied about a successful collaboration, Joe and Jane decide to take
+a look at what they've just accomplished. One nice way to view history in the
+repository when multiple branches are involved is to use the `--graph` option with `git log`.
+This will pictorially represent the inter-relationships of the branches that
+are involved in the commit history:
+git log [options] --graph
+Note: you may find it clearest to use this with the `--oneline` option.
+From within Joe's repository, the output of the graph looks like the following
+(viewing only the last 7 commits):
+Let's go through this output in more detail:
+* The commit `86ebbee` ("Merge pull request #1 ...") is where Joe and Jane
+ started their work.
+* The vertical line represents the `main` branch, that we're currently on. After
+ the starting commit, there are two more commits, `4e209e9` and `785f6f8`, that
+ show where the feature branches where merged into `main` on the remote.
+* We can see the commit on Joe's feature branch by following the purple line:
+ the commit is `1d026a8`, where `origin/fetching-material` currently points. (It's
+ also where the local branch `fetching-material` points, which we see because we
+ are viewing Joe's local repository.) The feature branch got merged into main
+ at commit `4e209e9` ("Merge pull request #2 from jbloggs9999/fetching-material")
+* Jane's feature branch commits start at `687cf02` ("Start good practice guide on
+ collaboration") and continue along the yellow line. Note that commit
+ `ee1617c` (where `origin/collaboration-good-practice` currently points) is
+ where Jane merged her `main` branch into `collaboration-good-practice` locally,
+ after pulling in Joe's merged changes to `main`. Note also the red line connecting
+ `main` to this commit, indicating Jane's merge.
+* Finally, the latest commit `785f6f8` ("Merge pull request #3 from jbloggs9999/collaboration-good-practice")
+ is the commit where Jane's feature branch got merged into main on the remote.
+## Cleaning up
+At this point, Joe and Jane can delete their feature branches, both from the
+local repository and the remote repository. There is no risk of losing work,
+because everything has been merged into `main`, both locally and on the
+remote repository. After doing this, the log of recent history looks
+like this:
+$ git log --oneline -7
+785f6f8 (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) Merge pull request #3 from jbloggs9999/collaboration-good-practice
+ee1617c Merge branch 'main' into collaboration-good-practice
+4e209e9 Merge pull request #2 from jbloggs9999/fetching-material
+b9df491 Add material on feature branching
+687cf02 Start good practice guide on collaboration
+1d026a8 Add entry about fetching from a remote
+86ebbee Merge pull request #1 from jbloggs9999/remote-branches-material
diff --git a/_episodes/16_merge_conflicts.md b/_episodes/16_merge_conflicts.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c5b650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_episodes/16_merge_conflicts.md
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+layout: page
+title: "Merge Conflicts"
+order: 16
+session: 2
+length: 30
+toc: true
+adapted: false
+## Learning objectives
+By the end of this episode, you will understand what a merge conflict and how
+these can be resolved, by working through a small example. You will also learn
+some general tips that can help you manage or avoid conflicts when collaborating
+with others on a common codebase.
+## What a merge conflict is and how it can arise
+Let's suppose we have two branches, `branch-a` and `branch-b`, with `branch-b`
+branching off of `branch-a` at commit `C`. As
+commits get added to these two branches after `C`, it's possible that a particular file
+will be modified on both branches in ways that are incompatible. For example:
+* The same line in a file might get edited on both `branch-a` and `branch-b`
+ in different ways.
+* Some material may be added to a file on one branch while the file is deleted on
+ the other branch.
+In cases such as these, when we try to merge `branch-b` back into `branch-a`,
+Git has no way of determining which edits are the 'correct' version to take forward: from
+its point of view, it has no reason to say why one set of edits should be
+preferred over the other. In this case, Git will say that the file contains a
+**merge conflict** (or just a **conflict**), and it will require us
+to further specify how the conflict should be **resolved**.
+In this episode, we're going to add some material to the cheatsheet in our
+`git-good-practice` repository about pushing and pulling
+branches, but in such a way as to engineer a merge conflict. We'll then look at
+how we could resolve it.
+## Cooking up a conflict
+We'll start a new feature branch called `pushing-pulling` off of our last
+commit to `main`. We create this on GitHub as a remote branch and then create
+a local tracking branch:
+$ git fetch
+Username for 'https://github.com': jbloggs9999
+Password for 'https://jbloggs9999@github.com':
+From https://github.com/jbloggs9999/git-good-practice
+ * [new branch] pushing-pulling -> origin/pushing-pulling
+$ git checkout pushing-pulling
+Switched to a new branch 'pushing-pulling'
+branch 'pushing-pulling' set up to track 'origin/pushing-pulling'.
+Let's now add the following content to `Git-cheatsheet.md`:
+`git push origin` — Transfer commits in the current local branch to the
+ corresponding upstream branch in the remote repository.
+`git pull origin` — Bring commits from an upstream branch in the remote
+ repository into the current local branch.
+We commit these changes to the `pushing-pulling` feature branch and then push
+them up to the upstream remote branch. Our log on `pushing-pulling` now looks
+like the following:
+$ git log --oneline -3
+991a78b (HEAD -> pushing-pulling, origin/pushing-pulling) Add entries on 'git push' and 'git pull'
+785f6f8 (origin/main, origin/HEAD, main) Merge pull request #3 from jbloggs9999/collaboration-good-practice
+ee1617c Merge branch 'main' into collaboration-good-practice
+Let's now suppose that, while we were working on our `pushing-pulling` feature
+branch, someone else pushed a commit to `main` that worked on the same section
+of the `Git-cheatsheet.md` file. To emulate this scenario, we'll switch to the
+`main` branch, commit the following addition to our cheatsheet (note how the
+order of the `git push` and `git pull` entries has swapped around) and push
+those changes up to the remote `main` branch:
+`git pull origin` — Bring commits from an upstream branch in the remote
+ repository into the current local branch.
+`git push origin` — Transfer commits in the current local branch to the
+ corresponding upstream branch in the remote repository.
+After doing that, our log looks like the following (note that we use the `--all`
+option to view commits on all branches and display the log as a graph by using
+the `--graph` option):
+$ git log --oneline --graph --all -3
+* 23e5d3a (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) Add material about pulling and pushing branches
+| * 991a78b (origin/pushing-pulling, pushing-pulling) Add entries on 'git push' and 'git pull'
+* 785f6f8 Merge pull request #3 from jbloggs9999/collaboration-good-practice
+Let's now switch back to the feature branch and try merging `main` into it. If
+we do that, we get the following output:
+$ git checkout pushing-pulling
+Switched to branch 'pushing-pulling'
+Your branch is up to date with 'origin/pushing-pulling'.
+$ git merge main
+Auto-merging Git-cheatsheet.md
+CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in Git-cheatsheet.md
+Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
+This message may look scary, but don't panic! In the next section, we'll look at
+how to resolve this conflict.
+## Resolving the conflict
+Before doing anything else, let's look at the current state of things with
+`git status`:
+$ git status
+On branch pushing-pulling
+Your branch is up to date with 'origin/pushing-pulling'.
+You have unmerged paths.
+ (fix conflicts and run "git commit")
+ (use "git merge --abort" to abort the merge)
+Unmerged paths:
+ (use "git add ..." to mark resolution)
+ both modified: Git-cheatsheet.md
+no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
+Git is actually giving us quite a lot of helpful information here:
+* Firstly, it's reminding us that we're on the branch `pushing-pulling` (we'll need to
+ keep this in mind).
+* Secondly, it's indicating that we're in the middle of a merge
+ (`You have unmerged paths.`) and that there are conflicts that need resolving.
+ It has listed out the files where conflicts have arisen
+ (`both modified: Git-cheatsheet.md`). Note that we only have one file with
+ conflicts in our example, but there could be multiple files more generally.
+* It's also giving us a clue (albeit somewhat vaguely) about how to complete
+ the merge. For each file with conflicts, we need to:
+ 1. Modify the file to fix the conflicts i.e. write in what we want the file
+ to contain going forward.
+ 2. Stage the fixed file with `git add` (this will 'mark the file as resolved')
+ Then we need to commit our staged changes with `git commit`. This will complete
+ the merge process.
+* Finally, it's saying that if we want to abort and go back to how things
+ were just before running `git merge`, we can use the command
+ ```
+ git merge --abort
+ ```
+Let's now fix the conflicts within `Git-cheatsheet.md`. If we open up the file
+in a text editor, we will see the following content towards the end of the file,
+around the place where we added content about pushing and pulling:
+## Syncing with a remote repository
+`git fetch origin` — Retrieve references to new remote branches, and/or commits
+ that are contained in remote branches, from the remote
+ repository (referred to as `origin`).
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+`git push origin` — Transfer commits in the current local branch to the
+ corresponding upstream branch in the remote repository.
+`git pull origin` — Bring commits from an upstream branch in the remote
+ repository into the current local branch.
+`git pull origin` — Bring commits from an upstream branch in the remote
+ repository into the current local branch.
+`git push origin` — Transfer commits in the current local branch to the
+ corresponding upstream branch in the remote repository.
+>>>>>>> main
+Git has injected some text into our file to describe the conflicting changes
+that need to be resolved.
+> ### Understanding the representation of conflicts
+> The content between the markers `<<<<<<< HEAD` and `=======` contains the changes
+> that were made on the current branch i.e. the changes as they are at `HEAD`.
+> In contrast, the content between the markers `=======` and `>>>>>>> main`
+> represents the changes that have been made on the incoming branch, which in example
+> above is `main`. (Of course, in the general case the incoming branch could be a
+> different branch, in which case the name of this branch will be used in the third
+> marker.)
+In order to fix this conflict, we simply need to edit this text so that it contains
+only what we want to keep, just like we'd edit any other file. This gives us
+complete freedom to modify the conflicted region in any way we choose. In this case,
+we need to make a choice:
+* Do we stick with the version we added to our feature branch (i.e. the `HEAD`
+ version), where `git push` comes before `git pull`?
+* Do we go for the version that appears on the `main` branch, which has
+ the two commands the other way around?
+* Or do we keep some combination of the two sets of changes?
+In our example, we only want to keep one set of changes, although it's simply
+a matter of taste which we go for. Let's go for the second option, i.e. the
+version as it is on `main`. All we therefore need to do is:
+* Delete all the content corresponding to the `HEAD` change, i.e. delete the
+ content between the `<<<<<<< HEAD` and `=======` markers.
+* Delete the lines corresponding to the merge conflict markers: `<<<<<<< HEAD`, `=======` and
+ `>>>>>>> main`.
+Having done that, and having saved our changes to `Git-cheatsheet.md`, the
+content of `Git-cheatsheet` looks like this:
+## Syncing with a remote repository
+`git fetch origin` — Retrieve references to new remote branches, and/or commits
+ that are contained in remote branches, from the remote
+ repository (referred to as `origin`).
+`git push origin` — Transfer commits in the current local branch to the
+ corresponding upstream branch in the remote repository.
+`git pull origin` — Bring commits from an upstream branch in the remote
+ repository into the current local branch.
+> ### Resolving a conflict
+> Exactly how you resolve a conflict depends on the
+> context. Sometimes you will want to accept incoming changes, other times
+> you'll want to keep the version on the current branch, and yet other times
+> you may want to combine the changes in some way.
+> ### Multiple conflicts in a file
+> If a file has multiple locations where there are conflicts then each one of
+> these needs to be resolved. You can find them by doing a search for
+> `<<<<<<< HEAD` or similar.
+We've now fixed our cheatsheet file to the version we'd like to keep going
+forward from the merge. The next step is to stage the changes, just like
+`git status` told us before:
+$ git add Git-cheatsheet.md
+Let's now check the status again:
+$ git status
+On branch pushing-pulling
+Your branch is up to date with 'origin/pushing-pulling'.
+All conflicts fixed but you are still merging.
+ (use "git commit" to conclude merge)
+Changes to be committed:
+ modified: Git-cheatsheet.md
+Git is telling us that we're still in the middle of a merge but that there are
+no outstanding files with conflicts left to resolve
+(`All conflicts fixed but you are still merging.`) It also tells us that our
+`Git-cheatsheet.md` file has changes to commit. This is as we'd expect, because
+in resolving the conflict we opted for changes that differ to those we'd made
+on our current branch. (If we'd instead opted to keep the version that was made
+on our current branch, we wouldn't have seen any changes staged for committal.)
+> ### Multiple conflicted files
+> In general, you may have multiple files with conflicts when you merge.
+> In this case, work through each file in turn, resolving the conflicts and staging
+> the changes until all files have been addressed.
+Since there are no more
+conflicts to resolve, we can now go ahead and commit our changes to complete
+the merge.
+$ git commit
+Note how we do this without providing a message at the command line, so that
+our text editor fires up for a commit message, with the following pre-loaded
+Merge branch 'main' into pushing-pulling
+# Conflicts:
+# Git-cheatsheet.md
+# It looks like you may be committing a merge.
+# If this is not correct, please run
+# git update-ref -d MERGE_HEAD
+# and try again.
+# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
+# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
+# On branch pushing-pulling
+# Your branch is up to date with 'origin/pushing-pulling'.
+There's no problem in keeping this default message. We'll point out here that
+some people like to additionally uncomment the list of conflicted files, to make
+explicit that there were merge conflicts that had to be resolved. We'll just
+keep the default message, saving and closing our text editor to complete the
+$ git commit
+[pushing-pulling c3d8b18] Merge branch 'main' into pushing-pulling
+This completes the merging process. We can see the result of our merge on the
+commit history of the `pushing-pulling` branch by looking at the commit graph:
+$ git log --oneline --graph -4
+* c3d8b18 (HEAD -> pushing-pulling) Merge branch 'main' into pushing-pulling
+| * 23e5d3a (origin/main, origin/HEAD, main) Add material about pulling and pushing branches
+* | 991a78b (origin/pushing-pulling) Add entries on 'git push' and 'git pull'
+* 785f6f8 Merge pull request #3 from jbloggs9999/collaboration-good-practice
+Note that this graph is taken from the point of view of the `pushing-pulling`
+branch, so it appears as the left-most vertical line of commits. Notice how
+the merge of `main` into `pushing-pulling` is depicted at the most recent
+From here, we can complete our feature branching protocol by pushing the changes
+to our remote `pushing-pulling` branch and then closing a suitable pull request
+on GitHub to merge the remote `pushing-pulling` branch into `main`. If we
+hadn't resolved the merge conflict locally first, then GitHub would tell us
+that there are merge conflicts that need resolving before closing the pull request.
+Because we've resolved the conflict locally, GitHub will happily allow the pull
+request to be closed.
+### Resolving conflicts in VS Code
+Many text editors and IDEs have capabilities that help you view and resolve
+merge conflicts, or can be given these capabilities through third party extensions or plugins.
+Below we look at how the merge conflict in the previous section could have been
+resolved using the VS Code editor.
+In the screenshot below, notice first how the left-hand _Explorer_ pane has
+the `Git-cheatsheet.md` file highlighted in red, with an exclamation mark next to it.
+This is how VS Code marks files that have conflicts in them. Looking now at
+the open `Git-cheatsheet.md` file, we see that VS Code has highlighted the places
+where there is a conflict to resolve.
+In addition to this, you can jump between unresolved conflicts using the arrows
+in the top right-hand corner of the editor pane:
+To support the resolution of the conflicts themselves, VS Code provides some
+shortcut options above the conflict. These represent methods for resolution that
+apply in the majority of cases in practice:
+* _Accept Current Change_: Use the change arising from the current branch,
+ i.e. as at `HEAD`.
+* _Accept Incoming Change_: Use the change from the incoming branch.
+* _Accept Both Changes_: Include both changes, in the order they appear.
+* _Compare Changes_: View the differences between the changes in a side-by-side
+ view.
+Clicking on one of these options will apply the specified resolution, ready to
+be saved. (The screenshot below shows the result from applying the
+_Accept Incoming Change_ option.)
+## General advice on merge conflicts and collaboration
+There's no silver bullet, or special branching strategy, for avoiding merge
+conflicts. _The only way to avoid conflicts is to communicate with each other._
+You want to avoid the situation where two people work on the same part of a file
+in different branches, since this will cause a conflict when merging
+the branches back into `main`.
+The best way to avoid conflicts is to ensure different branches work on
+different files as much as possible. Admittedly, this is not always possible or
+practical. If you need to work on a file which may also be in the process of being
+edited in another branch, then you should flag this with collaborators
+and agree a way forward which integrates both sets of changes.
+It's also good practice to make sure everyone is aware when a feature branch
+has been merged into `main` on the remote repository. This ensures everyone can
+update their local repositories and make sure their work builds on top of the
+latest version of the common codebase. GitHub can be set up so that collaborators
+on a repository are notified when a new pull request is closed.
+Finally, if you get a conflict when trying to merge `main` into a feature branch
+and the incoming changes affect the correctness of what you're doing, then
+have a call with the person whose work has caused the conflict, to discuss the
+problem and agree how you will resolve the conflict to move forward.
diff --git a/_episodes/12_wrapup.md b/_episodes/17_wrapup.md
similarity index 99%
rename from _episodes/12_wrapup.md
rename to _episodes/17_wrapup.md
index 9129459..07155ae 100644
--- a/_episodes/12_wrapup.md
+++ b/_episodes/17_wrapup.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
layout: page
title: Wrap up
-order: 12
+order: 17
session: 2
length: 5
toc: true