diff --git a/utbot-intellij/src/main/resources/META-INF/plugin.xml b/utbot-intellij/src/main/resources/META-INF/plugin.xml
index edf01fe9c0..bc5b08d612 100644
--- a/utbot-intellij/src/main/resources/META-INF/plugin.xml
+++ b/utbot-intellij/src/main/resources/META-INF/plugin.xml
@@ -41,35 +41,47 @@
unit tests with a single action!
- The UTBot engine goes through your code instructions and generates regression tests.
- The engine finds potential problems in your code:
+ Try out the latest release and get even better test generation experience. Check what we've added to UnitTestBot:
- - exceptions
- - hangs
- - overflows
- - and even native crashes
+ - Engine #1261 and solver #1265 performance improvements — supplemented with fixes to make engine run smoother #386 #1228
+ - Enhanced test generation for Kotlin code #1190 #1191 #1200 #1241including support for top-level Kotlin functions #847
+ - Streamlined support for Java streams #1229
+ - Improvements for parameterized test generation #1137 #1221#1231
+ - Fuzzer optimizations for more effective minimization #1129 #1225 along with improved
+ sandboxing #1134
+ - Fixes for generating more accurate test descriptions #1212
+ - Documentation on custom Javadoc tags feature #1085
+ - Plugin UX/UI improvements #1017 #1119 #1059 #1149 #1184 #1186 #1195 #1196 #1209 #1224 #1226
+ - Better SARIF report generation #1223 and a
+ brand-new built-in SARIF report visualizer #1166
- They are not a surprise for you anymore. The engine will find the problems and generate tests for them.
- The engine carefully selects tests to maximize statement and branch coverage. Our credo is to maximize test coverage and minimize tests number.
- You can try the engine online without installation.
- Got ideas? Let us know or become a contributor on our GitHub page
- Found an issue? Please, submit it here.
+ Share your feedback and feel free to join us.