: relative clause modifier
connects a clause to a noun phrase.
+Usually the verb is marked by the relative particle a but this may be omitted in speech.
+ +1 Thàinig thig VERB V-s Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _
+2 nighean nighean NOUN Ncsfn Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing 1 nsubj _ _
+3 a a PART Q-r PartType=Vb|PronType=Rel 4 nsubj _ _
+4 bha bi VERB V-s Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 2 acl:relcl _ _
+5 a' ag PART Sa _ 6 case _ _
+6 frìthealadh frìtheal NOUN Nv VerbForm=Vnoun 4 xcomp:pred _ _
+7 is is CCONJ Cc _ 8 cc _ _
+8 dh'iarr iarr VERB V-s Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 1 conj _ _
+9 Màiri Màiri PROPN Nn-fn Case=Nom|Gender=Fem 8 nsubj _ _
+10 cupa cupa NOUN Ncsmn Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 8 obj _ _
+11 ti ti NOUN Ncsfg Case=Gen|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing 10 nmod _ SpaceAfter=No
+‘The girl who was serving came and Màiri ordered a cup of tea.’ (f01_089)
+ +19 facal facal NOUN Ncsmn Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 17 obj _ _
+20-21 den _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+20 de de ADP Sp _ 22 case _ _
+21 an an DET Tds Definite=Def|Number=Sing|PronType=Art 22 det _ _
+22 chànain cànan NOUN Ncsfd Case=Dat|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing 19 nmod _ _
+23 anns an ADP Sp _ 25 case _ _
+24 an an PART Qq PartType=Vb|PronType=Int 25 mark:prt _ _
+25 robh bi VERB V-s--d Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 22 acl:relcl _ _
+26 ise i PRON Pp3sf-e Form=Emp|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 25 nsubj _ _
+27 cho cho ADV Rg AdvType=Man 28 advmod _ _
+28 fileanta fileanta ADJ Ap _ 25 xcomp:pred _ SpaceAfter=No
+‘a word of the language in which she was so fluent’ (f01_097)
+ +Related deprels
+ +-
for the analogous case where the head is an adverb or possibly an adjective or adverb.
+ csubj:cleft
for where a relative clause is part of a cleft sentence.
+ csubj:cop
for where a relative clause is part of a different sort of sentence including a copula.
+ +acl:relcl in other languages: + +[ab] + +[bej] + +[cop] + +[cs] + +[de] + +[el] + +[en] + +[fi] + +[fr] + +[ga] + +[hy] + +[id] + +[it] + +[no] + +[pa] + +[pcm] + +[pt] + +[qpm] + +[ru] + +[sv] + +[swl] + +[u] + +[urj] + +[vi] + + + +