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Stereo Camera Calibration methods - Checker/Charuco approaches. Calibrate from live cameras or stereo pairs of images.

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Stereo Calibration

ROS package for calibrating stereo cameras via Checker or Charuco boards.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

1) ROS Neotic - works in Melodic as well

2) Pull master version of cares_msgs
    a) cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    b) git clone

3) Compile both libraries
    a) cd ~/catkin_ws
    b) catkin_make


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

Clone the package into the catkin directory you are using, presumned here to be "~/catkin_ws"

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone

Build the package with catkin_make in the source directory

cd ~/catkin_src/

Running the tests

Tests to be added


Stereo Calibration Node

This node runs in two modes.

  • First Mode
    • Runs live and will collate images being published live off a pair of stereo cameras.
  • Second mode
    • Load stereo image pairs from a provided source location.

Images and calibration data is saved into a specified folder location (same folder as the stereo pair images). If a folder is not specified the location will default to ~/calibration_images/Y_M_D_H_S.

Subscribed Topics

Left and right image pairs being published by a stereo pair - live calibration. Topic names are all default names (left/right), they can be changed via setting parameters in the launch file and refer to topic names.

  • Image
    • left/image_raw
    • right/image_raw

Published Topics

No information is published.


Run using launch file as below - this will subscribe to the given stereo images and collate images until you press 'e' in the terminal to proceed to calibration.

roslaunch stereo_calibration live_stereo_calibrate_charuco.launch
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!--Save images and calibration data too folder - default "" = ~/calibration_images/M_D/N-->
  <arg name="save_directory" default=""/>

  <!--Image topic names-->
  <arg name="camera_left"  default="left/image_raw"/>
  <arg name="camera_right" default="right/image_raw"/>

  <!--Number of corners-->
  <arg name="board_width"   default="8"/>
  <arg name="board_height"  default="5"/>
  <arg name="square_length" default="45.0"/><!--mm-->
  <arg name="image_width"  default="1936"/>
  <arg name="image_height" default="1216"/>

  <!--Calibration modes-->
  <!--0 Checker-->
  <!--1 Charuco-->
  <arg name="method" default="1"/>

  <!--Difference Threshold-->
  <arg name="threshold" default="25"/><!--px-->

  <!--Charuco marker length if required-->
  <arg name="marker_length" default="23.0"/><!--mm-->

  <!--Dictionary ID-->
  <arg name="dictionary" default="0"/><!--DICT_4X4_50-->

  <node name="stereo_calibration_node" pkg="stereo_calibration" type="stereo_calibration_node" output="screen">
    <param name ="save_directory"  value="$(arg save_directory)"/>

    <param name ="camera_left"  value="$(arg camera_left)"/>
    <param name ="camera_right" value="$(arg camera_right)"/>

    <param name ="board_width"  value="$(arg board_width)"/>
    <param name ="board_height" value="$(arg board_height)"/>
    <param name ="square_length" value="$(arg square_length)"/>

    <param name ="image_width"  value="$(arg image_width)"/>
    <param name ="image_height" value="$(arg image_height)"/>

    <param name ="method" value="$(arg method)"/>

    <param name ="threshold" value="$(arg threshold)"/>

    <param name ="marker_length" value="$(arg marker_length)"/>

    <param name ="dictionary" value="$(arg dictionary)"/>

Run using launch file as below - this will subscribe to the given stereo images and collate images until you press 'e' in the terminal to proceed to calibration.

roslaunch stereo_calibration live_stereo_calibrate_checker.launch
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!--Save images and calibration data too folder - default "" = ~/calibration_images/M_D/N-->
  <arg name="save_directory" default=""/>

  <!--Image topic names-->
  <arg name="camera_left"  default="left/image_raw"/>
  <arg name="camera_right" default="right/image_raw"/>

  <!--Number of corners-->
  <arg name="board_width"   default="9"/>
  <arg name="board_height"  default="6"/>
  <arg name="square_length" default="25.0"/><!--mm-->
  <arg name="image_width"  default="1936"/>
  <arg name="image_height" default="1216"/>

  <!--Calibration modes-->
  <!--0 Checker-->
  <!--1 Charuco-->
  <arg name="method" default="0"/>

  <!--Difference Threshold-->
  <arg name="threshold" default="25"/><!--px-->

  <node name="stereo_calibration_node" pkg="stereo_calibration" type="stereo_calibration_node" output="screen">
    <param name ="save_directory"  value="$(arg save_directory)"/>

    <param name ="camera_left"  value="$(arg camera_left)"/>
    <param name ="camera_right" value="$(arg camera_right)"/>

    <param name ="board_width"  value="$(arg board_width)"/>
    <param name ="board_height" value="$(arg board_height)"/>
    <param name ="square_length" value="$(arg square_length)"/>

    <param name ="image_width"  value="$(arg image_width)"/>
    <param name ="image_height" value="$(arg image_height)"/>

    <param name ="method" value="$(arg method)"/>

    <param name ="threshold" value="$(arg threshold)"/>

Run using launch file as below - this will load the images in the given directory and find the given calibration.

roslaunch stereo_calibration file_stereo_calibrate_charuco.launch
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!--File Path-->
  <arg name="image_path"     default="$(env HOME)/calibration_images/..."/>
  <arg name="save_directory" default="$(arg image_path)"/>

  <!--Number of corners-->
  <arg name="board_width"   default="8"/>
  <arg name="board_height"  default="5"/>
  <arg name="square_length" default="45.0"/><!--mm-->

  <arg name="image_width"  default="1936"/>
  <arg name="image_height" default="1216"/>

  <!--Calibration modes-->
  <!--0 Checker-->
  <!--1 Charuco-->
  <arg name="method" default="1"/>

  <!--Difference Threshold-->
  <arg name="threshold" default="0"/><!--px-->

  <!--Charuco marker length if required-->
  <arg name="marker_length" default="23.0"/><!--mm-->

  <!--Dictionary ID-->
  <arg name="dictionary" default="0"/><!--DICT_4X4_50-->

  <node name="stereo_calibration_node" pkg="stereo_calibration" type="stereo_calibration_node" output="screen">
    <param name ="image_path"      value="$(arg image_path)"/>
    <param name ="save_directory"  value="$(arg save_directory)"/>

    <param name ="board_width"  value="$(arg board_width)"/>
    <param name ="board_height" value="$(arg board_height)"/>
    <param name ="square_length" value="$(arg square_length)"/>

    <param name ="image_width"  value="$(arg image_width)"/>
    <param name ="image_height" value="$(arg image_height)"/>

    <param name ="method" value="$(arg method)"/>

    <param name ="threshold" value="$(arg threshold)"/>

    <param name ="marker_length" value="$(arg marker_length)"/>

    <param name ="dictionary" value="$(arg dictionary)"/>

Run using launch file as below - this will load the images in the given directory and find the given calibration.

roslaunch stereo_calibration file_stereo_calibrate_checker.launch
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!--File Path-->
  <arg name="image_path"     default="$(env HOME)/calibration_images/..."/>
  <arg name="save_directory" default="$(arg image_path)"/>

  <!--Number of corners-->
  <arg name="board_width"   default="9"/>
  <arg name="board_height"  default="6"/>
  <arg name="square_length" default="25.0"/><!--mm-->

  <arg name="image_width"  default="1936"/>
  <arg name="image_height" default="1216"/>

  <!--Calibration modes-->
  <!--0 Checker-->
  <!--1 Charuco-->
  <arg name="method" default="0"/>

  <!--Difference Threshold-->
  <arg name="threshold" default="0"/><!--px-->

  <node name="stereo_calibration_node" pkg="stereo_calibration" type="stereo_calibration_node" output="screen">
    <param name ="image_path"      value="$(arg image_path)"/>
    <param name ="save_directory"  value="$(arg save_directory)"/>

    <param name ="board_width"  value="$(arg board_width)"/>
    <param name ="board_height" value="$(arg board_height)"/>
    <param name ="square_length" value="$(arg square_length)"/>

    <param name ="image_width"  value="$(arg image_width)"/>
    <param name ="image_height" value="$(arg image_height)"/>

    <param name ="method" value="$(arg method)"/>

    <param name ="threshold" value="$(arg threshold)"/>

Stereo Calibration Service

This node/service will run a calibration service- using the cares_msgs/CalibrationService service type on the service topic "stereo_calibration".

Service Msg

The service takes a directory location of stereo pair images and returns a resulting cares_msgs/StereoCameraInfo message. The calibration data is also saved into the image_directory by the calibration service.

string image_directory
cares_msgs/StereoCameraInfo stereo_info


Run using launch file as below - this will setup the calibration service.

roslaunch stereo_calibration service_stereo_calibration.launch
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!--Number of corners-->
  <arg name="board_width"   default="8"/>
  <arg name="board_height"  default="5"/>

  <arg name="square_length" default="45.0"/><!--mm-->

  <arg name="image_width"  default="1936"/>
  <arg name="image_height" default="1216"/>

  <!--Calibration modes-->
  <!--0 Checker-->
  <!--1 Charuco-->
  <arg name="method" default="1"/>

  <!--Difference Threshold-->
  <arg name="threshold" default="0"/><!--px-->

  <!--Charuco marker length if required-->
  <arg name="marker_length" default="23.0"/><!--mm-->

  <!--Dictionary ID-->
  <arg name="dictionary" default="0"/><!--DICT_4X4_50-->

  <node name="stereo_calibration_service" pkg="stereo_calibration" type="stereo_calibration_service" output="screen">
    <param name ="board_width"  value="$(arg board_width)"/>
    <param name ="board_height" value="$(arg board_height)"/>
    <param name ="square_length" value="$(arg square_length)"/>

    <param name ="image_width"  value="$(arg image_width)"/>
    <param name ="image_height" value="$(arg image_height)"/>

    <param name ="method" value="$(arg method)"/>

    <param name ="threshold" value="$(arg threshold)"/>

    <param name ="marker_length" value="$(arg marker_length)"/>

    <param name ="dictionary" value="$(arg dictionary)"/>


Version 1.0


  • Henry Williams





Stereo Camera Calibration methods - Checker/Charuco approaches. Calibrate from live cameras or stereo pairs of images.






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