Proposes a General Data Model to Describe how resources (and waste) flow in a city-region.
- Any socio-economic activity happening within an urban/regional system need, use and interact with a set of support systems.
- Physical support systems such as the road and electricity network
- Institutional support system as the set of laws and regulations that determine how a system should behave
- Socio-cultural support system that determine how the citizens interact with the system
- Resources (and secondary ones) can be:
- Generated
- Used
- Transformed
- Stored
- Generation: Every time there is a process, a by-product is generated. Waste means any substance or object which the holder discards or intends or is required to discard. It has no value. It cannot purchase or sold.
- Transformation: By various means any waste or part of it can be transformed into a resource that can be re-introduced in the market for its use. Storage: When ever waste materials are stored over time.
- Usage: After upgrading a by-product, it could be used by another or the same industry.
- Transport: Every time a waste material is moved from one container to another, there is need for transportation
- Containers: Is the physical object or place that contains the waste
- Support systems: Are the geographical and socio-economic systems that allow and determine activities in the territory