+Qheat: float
+- Qcool: float
Power demand for cooling [W]
+(Currently only sensible but this needs to be split into
+sensible and latent heat components)
+- Qmetabolic_sensible: float
Sensible heat flux from people in building [W]
+- Qmetabolic_latent: float
Latent heat flux from people in building [W]
+- Qtotal_water_tank: float
Power demand for heating water [W]
+- qhwtDrain: float
Energy in water drained from building to sewers [W]
+- EnergyExchange: list
Stores all surface energy exchanges of the timestep calculation
+to allow QF,B and Qs to be calculated. In order:
+Transmitted insolation through window [W] (Qsw_transmitted_window)
+Absorbed insolation by window (Qsw_absorbed_window) [W]
+Absorbed insolation by wall (Qsw_absorbed_wallroof) [W]
+Convective heat transfer indoor air and internal mass (Qconv_indair_to_indoormass) [W]
+Indoor wall surfaces radiative exchange (Qlw_net_intwallroof_to_allotherindoorsurfaces)
+Indoor window surface radiative exchange (Qlw_net_intwindow_to_allotherindoorsurfaces)
+Ground floor internal radiative exchange (Qlw_net_intgroundfloor_to_allotherindoorsurfaces)
+Internal appliance gains (Q_appliance) [W]
+Ventilation heat transfer (Q_ventilation) [W]
+Indoor wall convective heat transfer (Qconv_indair_to_intwallroof) [W]
+Indoor window convective heat transfer (Qconv_indair_to_intwindow) [W]
+Indoor floor convective heat transfer (Qconv_indair_to_intgroundfloor) [W]
+Additional system Heating Energy - loss due to efficiency (Qloss_efficiency_heating_air) [W]
+Wall heat conduction, inside to outside (Qcond_wallroof) [W]
+Window heat conduction, inside to outside (Qcond_window) [W]
+Floor heat conduction, inside to outside (Qcond_groundfloor) [W]
+Conducted heat to the ground (Qcond_ground) [W]
+Outside wall radiative heat transfer (Qlw_net_extwallroof_to_outair) [W]
+Outside window radiative heat transfer (Qlw_net_extwindow_to_outair) [W]
+Outside wall convective heat transfer (Qconv_extwallroof_to_outair) [W]
+Outside window convective heat transfer (Qconv_extwindow_to_outair) [W]
+Heat and associated system energy ejected by cooling system
+of building [W]
+Heat storage flux (QS), [W]
+Heat storage flux of fabric (QS_fabric), [W]
+Heat storage flux of indoor air (QS_air), [W]
+- sigma: float
Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W m-2 K-4]
+- height_building: float
Height of building (z-axis) [m]
+- Afootprint: float
Floor plan area of buliding [m2]
+- wallExternalArea: float
External wall area [m2]
+- ratioInternalVolume: float
Ratio of internal to external volume [-]
+- ratio_window_wall: float
Window to wall ratio
+- thickness_wallroof: float
Wall and roof thickness (not separate) [m]
+- thickness_groundfloor: float
Ground floor thickness [m]
+- depth_ground: float
Depth of ground considered for calculating QF,B to ground [m]
+- thickness_window: float
Thickness of all windows [m]
+- conv_coeff_intwallroof: float
Internal convection coefficient for walls and roof [W m-2 K-1]
+- conv_coeff_indoormass: float
Convection coefficient for internal mass [W m-2 K-1]
+- conv_coeff_intgroundfloor: float
Convection coefficient for floors [W m-2 K-1]
+- conv_coeff_intwindow: float
Convection coefficient for internal window surface [W m-2 K-1]
+- conv_coeff_extwallroof: float
Initial convection coefficient for walls and roof [W m-2 K-1]
+- conv_coeff_extwindow: float
Initial convection coefficient for external surface of windows
+[W m-2 K-1]
+- conductivity_wallroof: float
Effective conductivity of walls and roofs, calculated as
+Ltotal / (Ln / kn) for n components of the wall/roof [W m-1 K-1]
+- conductivity_groundfloor: float
Effective conductivity of the ground floor, calculated as
+Ltotal / (Ln / kn) for n components of the wall/roof [W m-1 K-1]
+- conductivity_window: float
Effective conductivity of windows, calculated as
+Ltotal / (Ln / kn) for n components of the wall/roof [W m-1 K-1]
+- conductivity_ground: float
Conductivity of external ground [W m-1 K-1]
+- density_wallroof: float
Density of the walls and roof [kg m-3]
+- density_groundfloor: float
Density of the ground floor [kg m-3]
+- density_window: float
Density of the windows [kg m-3]
+- density_indoormass: float
Density of the internal mass [kg m-3]
+- density_air_ind: float
Density of the indoor air [kg m-3]
+- cp_wallroof: float
Specific heat capacity of walls and roof [J K-1 kg-1]
+- cp_groundfloor: float
Specific heat capacity of ground floor [J K-1 kg-1]
+- cp_window: float
Specific heat capacity of windows [J K-1 kg-1]
+- cp_indoormass: float
Specific heat capacity of the internal mass [J K-1 kg-1]
+- cp_air_ind: float
Specific heat capacity of indoor air [J K-1 kg-1]
+- emissivity_extwallroof: float
Emissivity of walls and roof external surface
+- emissivity_intwallroof: float
Emissivity of walls and roof internal surface
+- emissivity_indoormass: float
Emissivity of internal mass surface
+- emissivity_extwindow: float
Emissivity of windows external surface
+- emissivity_intwindow: float
Emissivity of windows internal surface
+- windowTransmissivity: float
Transmissivity of windows
+- windowAbsorbtivity: float
Absorbtivity of windows
+- windowReflectivity: float
Reflectivity of windows
+- wallTransmisivity: float
Transmissivity of walls
+- wallAbsorbtivity: float
Absorbtivity of walls
+- wallReflectivity: float
Reflectivity of walls
+- BVF_extwall: float
Building view factor of external walls
+- GVF_extwall: float
Ground view factor of external walls
+- SVF_extwall: float
Sky view factor of external walls
+- occupants: float
Number of occupants present in building
+- metabolic_rate: float
Metabolic rate of building occupants [W]
+- ratio_metabolic_latent_sensible: float
Latent-to-sensible ratio of metabolic energy release of occupants
+- appliance_power_rating: float
Power demand of single appliance [W]
+- appliance_totalnumber: int
Number of appliances present
+- appliance_usage_factor: float
Number of appliances in use
+- maxheatingpower_air: float
Maximum power demand of heating system [W]
+- heating_efficiency_air: float
Efficiency of heating system
+- maxcoolingpower_air: float
Maximum power demand of cooling system [W]
+- coeff_performance_cooling: float
Coefficient of performance of cooling system
+- Vair_ind: float
Volume of air (volume of building multiplied by factor that
+accounts for internal mass [m3]
+- ventilation_rate: float
Ventilation rate (air changes per second) [m3 s-1]
+- Awallroof: float
Area of walls [m2]
+- Vwallroof: float
Volume of walls [m2]
+- Vgroundfloor: float
Volume of ground floor [m3]
+- Awindow: float
Total area of windows [m2]
+- Vwindow: float
Total volume of windows [m3]
+- Vindoormass: float
Total volume of internal mass [m3]
+- Aindoormass: float
Total surface area of internal mass, assuming that internal mass is
+a cube [m3]
+- h_i: list
Internal convection coefficients, in order: wall and roof, internal
+mass, floor, windows [W m-2 K-1]
+- h_o: list
External convection coefficients, in order: wall and roof,
+window [W m-2 K-1]
+- k_eff: list
Effective conductivities, in order: wall and roof, ground floor,
+windows, external ground [W m-1 K-1]
+- rho: list
Densities, in order: wall and roof, ground floor, windows, internal
+mass [kg m-3]
+- Cp: list
Specific heat capacities, in order: wall and roof, ground floor,
+windows, internal mass, indoor air [J K-1 kg-1]
+- emis: list
Emissivities, in order: external wall and roof surfaces, internal wall
+and roof surfaces, internal mass, external window surface, internal
+window surface
+- wiTAR: list
Window properties, in order: transmissivity, absorbtivity, reflectivity
+- waTAR: list
Wall properties, in order: transmissivity, absorbtivity, reflectivity
+- viewFactors: list
View factors, in order: building, ground, sky
+- occupantData: list
Occupant data, in order: number of occupants, metabolic rate [W],
+latent-to-sensible ratio
+- Tair_ind: float
Indoor air temperature [K]
+- Tindoormass: float
Indoor mass temperature [K]
+- Tintwallroof: float
Wall indoor surface temperature [K]
+- Textwallroof: float
Wall outdoor surface temperature [K]
+- Tintwindow: float
Window indoor surface temperature [K]
+- Textwindow: float
Window outdoor surface temperature [K]
+- Tintgroundfloor: float
Ground floor indoor surface temperature [K]
+- Textgroundfloor: float
Ground floor outdoor surface temperature [K]
+- Ts: list
Heating and Cooling setpoint temperatures, respectively [K]
+- initTs:list
Initial heating and cooling setpoint temperatures, respecitively [K]
+- HTsAverage: np.ndarray
Heating set points from current and two previous time steps [K]
+- HWTsAverage: np.ndarray
Hot water set points from current and two previous time steps [K]
+- Twater_tank: float
Water temperature in hot water tank [K]
+- Tintwall_tank: float
Hot water tank internal wall temperature [K]
+- Textwall_tank: float
Hot water tank external wall temperature [K]
+- thickness_tankwall: float
Hot water tank wall thickness (m)
+- Tincomingwater_tank: float
Temperature of water coming into the water tank [K]
+- Vwater_tank: float
Volume of water in hot water tank [m3]
+- Asurf_tank: float
Surface area of hot water tank (cylinder h= 1.5) [m2]
+- Vwall_tank: float
Wall volume of hot water tank [m2]
+- setTwater_tank: float
Water Tank setpoint temperature [K]
+- init_wtTs: float
Initial water tank setpoint temperature [K]
+- Twater_vessel: float
Water temperature of water held in use in building [K]
+- Tintwall_vessel: float
Hot water vessel internal wall temperature [K]
+- Textwall_vessel: float
Hot water vessel external wall temperature [K]
+- thickness_wall_vessel: float
Hot water vessel wall thickness [m]
+- Vwater_vessel: float
Volume of water held in use in building [m3]
+- Awater_vessel: float
Surface area of hot water in vessels in building [m2]
+- Vwall_vessel: float
Wall volume of hot water vessels in building [m3]
+- flowrate_water_supply: float
Hot water flow rate from tank to vessel [m3 s-1]
+- flowrate_water_drain: float
Flow rate of hot water held in building to drain [m3 s-1]
+- single_flowrate_water_supply: float
Hot water flow rate for a single use fo hot water [m3 s-1]
+- single_flowrate_water_supply: float
Flow rate of hot water draining held in building to drain for
+a single use of hot water [m3 s-1]
+- cp_water: float
Specific heat capacity of hot water [J kg-1 K-1]
+- cp_wall_tank: float
Specific heat capacity of hot water tank wall [J kg-1 K-1]
+- cp_wall_vessel: float
Specific heat capacity of vessels containing hot water in use in
+building [J K-1 kg-1]
+- density_water: float
Density of hot water in use [kg m-3]
+- density_wall_tank: float
Density of hot water tank wall [kg m-3]
+- density_wall_vessel: float
Density of vessels containing hot water in use [kg m-3]
+- BVF_tank: float
Water tank - building wall view factor
+- MVF_tank: float
Water tank - building internal mass view factor
+- conductivity_wall_tank: float
Effective wall conductivity of the hot water tank [W m-1 K-1]
+- conv_coeff_intwall_tank: float
Effective internal wall convection coefficient of the hot water
+tank [W m-2 K-1]
+- conv_coeff_extwall_tank: float
Effective external wall convection coefficient of the hot water
+tank [W m-2 K-1]
+- emissivity_extwall_tank: float
Effective external wall emissivity of the hot water tank
+- conductivity_wall_vessel: float
Effective conductivity of vessels containing hot water in use in
+building [W m-1 K-1]
+- conv_coeff_intwall_vessel: float
Effective internal wall convection coefficient of the vessels holding
+hot water in use in building [W m-2 K-1]
+- conv_coeff_extwall_vessel: float
Effective external wall convection coefficient of the vessels holding
+hot water in use in building [W m-2 K-1]
+- emissivity_extwall_vessel: float
Effective external wall emissivity of hot water being used within
+- maxheatingpower_water: float
Maximum power demand for water haeting system [W]
+- heating_efficiency_water: float
Efficiency of hot water system
+- minVwater_vessel: float
Minimum volume of hot water in use [m3]
+- minHeatingPower_DHW: float
Minimum power demand of hot water system [W]
+- HeatingPower_DHW: float
Current power demand of water heating system [W]
+- HWPowerAverage: np.ndarray
Water heating set points from current and two previous time steps [K]