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File metadata and controls

71 lines (59 loc) · 3.3 KB


A very simple, yet nice CLI interface toolkit for Truffle Framework development.

(Note: this toolkit uses the excellent new NPX feature of NPM to save you from a useless global install. Don't be shy. The format is npx )


Run npm i -D inside your Truffle Framework project.


npx tnt help, npx tnt -h..................Opens the help menu.
npx tnt version, npx tnt -v...............Check the version.
Network Extraction / Injection
npx tnt extractNetworks, npx tnt eN.......Extracts relevant network data from your build/contracts repository. Storing it in networks.json.
npx tnt injectNetworks, npx tnt iN........Injects the stored data from the networks.json file into the build/contracts ABI files via merge (it will overwrite conflicts, be warned)
Gas Benchmarking

The Gas Benchmarking module is created to give you more accurate gas cost representation stats, through injecting gas collection stats into your tests and outputting the data.

  1. Require the Gas Testing module from TNT suite. ...const testGas = require('').testGas

  2. In your Truffle Test files, where you wish to include gas collection. Perform these two steps:

  • Create an array holding all the artifacts that you would like to include in the testing.
    • const testThese = [artifact1, artifact2, artifact3, artifact4]
  • Include these hooks in your tests (once per contract)
    • before(testGas.createGasStatCollectorBeforeHook(testThese))
    • after(testGas.createGasStatCollectorAfterHook(testThese))
  1. Create a JSON file holding a mapping (preferably topologically sorted) of your contract heirarchy you want benchmarked in the format shown below:
    "Event": ["CategoricalEvent", "ScalarEvent"],
    "StandardMarket": ["StandardMarketWithPriceLogger"],
    "Market": ["StandardMarket"],
    "MarketMaker": ["LMSRMarketMaker"],
    "Oracle": [
    "StandardToken": ["EtherToken", "OutcomeToken"],
    "Token": ["StandardToken"]
  • ( The first index holds the contract for gas measurements, the second index holds its inheritance tree. This list should be topologically sorted for maximum benchmarking efficiency. )
  1. Execute this command:
npx tnt measureGas -f <path to .json mapping file>

This will generate benchmarks for your function gas usage, derived from your test cases. The stats are stored at build/gas/gas-stats.json by default, but may be modified with the -o option:

npx tnt measureGas -f <path to .json mapping file> -o <path to your desired gas-stats location>

The gas measurement tool will run truffle test by default, but if you'd like to use a different testing command, you may specify it via the --test-command option:

npx tnt measureGas -f <path to .json mapping file> --test-command 'npm test'

(Pro-Tip: If you are having errors with compiling, npx will attempt to use the local Truffle install, make sure your compiler versions are the same, if you are normally using a global Truffle install. )