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"name": "Hello GitHub!",
"tagline": "Beginner's Hi-Five to GitHub and GitHub pages!",
"body": "This is GitHub Pages! You can use GitHub to host some static webpages about yourself! Sounds cool, doesn't it? Learn more about [GitHub pages](https://pages.github.com/).\r\n\r\n## Meet these cool people!\r\n\r\n* [Vamsi Sangam (Me)](http://vamsisangam.com/)\r\n\r\n## Want to see your name above?\r\n\r\nGitHub is all about collaborating together to develop incredible stuff. If you are a beginner, you can start your GitHub career by contributing your name to the above list of my buddies on GitHub. How to do it? Simply follow the steps below -\r\n\r\n1. Go to [my repository](https://github.com/VamsiSangam/hello-github).\r\n2. Fork the repository. Learn about [forking](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/).\r\n3. Clone it into your local machine.\r\n4. Create a new branch, say `edits`. Learn about [branching](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/using-branches/git-branch).\r\n5. Checkout to your new `edits` branch.\r\n6. Add a new HTML which describes yourself. Name this HTML file by your username, eg. `vamsisangam.html`\r\n7. Add a reference to your HTML page in index.html, under the \"Meet these cool people!\" heading.\r\n8. Save changes by `git add` and `git commit`. Learn about [saving changes](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/saving-changes/git-add).\r\n9. Push your changes from your local machine to your repository on GitHub by using `git push`. Learn more about [git push](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/syncing/git-push).\r\n10. Go to your edits branch in your forked repository in GitHub.\r\n11. Create a pull request by clicking on `New Pull Request`. Learn about [creating a pull request](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/).\r\n\r\nNow all that's left is for me to review your code. If everything's cool I'll merge your contributions to my repository and you can see your name live on [vamsisangam.github.io/hello-github/](https://vamsisangam.github.io/hello-github/)!\r\n\r\n## Before you race-off to code!\r\n\r\n* Your name in `index.html` my be put in order. Follow the dictionary order of existing names and find out the appropriate place to put your name.\r\n* Instead of adding a new HTML page you could just skip it and add a reference to your GitHub profile instead, or a link to your personal website (like I did!).\r\n\r\n## Credits\r\n\r\nLiked this idea? Well, all credits to this innovative way to help beginners goes to [muan](https://github.com/muan). This repo is pretty much same as her repo [hello world](https://github.com/muan/hello-world). I am just carrying the idea. Do try to contribute to her repo too!",
"note": "Don't delete this file! It's used internally to help with page regeneration."