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210 lines (151 loc) · 6.12 KB

File metadata and controls

210 lines (151 loc) · 6.12 KB



API SummaryExampleNotesSubproject UsageOriginal SetupResources

API Summary

SynergySQLite (Utilities)

static func escapeLikeString(_ s: String, escapeChar: String) -> String 
static func getProcessInfo() -> [String:String]
static func getSqliteInfo() -> [String:String]

SynergySQLiteDatabase -- database connection

SynergySQLiteDatabase(pathname: String, options: OptionDictionary = [:])

func open()   -> Bool   // true: successful open
func close()  -> Bool   // true: successful open

func isOpen()    -> Bool
func getStatus() -> SynergySQLiteStatus
func hasError()  -> Bool

func importSql(filepath: String)


Use SynergySQLiteQuery manipulating and executing SQL statements.

Note: only the first statement will be executed. Separate multiple statements into multiple SynergySQLiteQuery. ... or :NYI: set up a bind parameter.

SynergySQLiteQuery(db: SynergySQLiteDatabase) 
func statementPrepare(_ sql: String) -> Int // returns Int status
func statementReset()
func statementBind(paramIndex: Int32, paramValue: String) -> Int32
func statementExecute() // creates SynergySQLiteResult()

func getResult() -> SynergySQLiteResult?

func getStatus() -> SynergySQLiteStatus
func hasError()  -> Bool

// executes non-empty query
SynergySQLiteQuery(sql: String, db: SynergySQLiteDatabase)

// :NYI:   
// .bindValue(placeholder, value, type) 
// .bindValue(position, value, type)
// .boundValue(placeholder) 
// .boundValue(position)


Created by SynergySQLiteQuery execution. SynergySQLiteResult is used for reading and formatting results.

public var columnNames: [String]
// :NYI: columnType: [SynergySQLiteResultTypes]
// :???: ponder column type in Query for mapping int to boolean
public var data: [[Any?]]

func toStringTsv(withColumnNames: Bool = true) -> String
// :NYI: toStringJson(withColumnNames: Bool = true)

func getRowData(rowIdx: Int) -> [Any?]


SynergySQLiteStatus provides status and error information.


("select * from employees");
columnCount() // column fields 
columnIndex("name"); // index of column field "name"
columnType("name"), columnType(index)
rowCount() // rows


Boolean values are inserted and returned as 0 or 1.

In Xcode the C header files need to be manually added to the project.


The script 'swift-copy-testresources.swift' is used to copy the test database to a known location to support the tests.


// FILE:
// verify swift path with "which -a swift"
// macOS: /usr/bin/swift 
// Ubuntu: /opt/swift/current/usr/bin/swift 

import Foundation

func copyTestResources() {
    let argv = ProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments
//     for i in 0..<argv.count {
//         print("argv[\(i)] = \(argv[i])")
//     }
    let pwd = argv[argv.count-1]
    print("Executing swift-copy-testresources")
    print("  PWD=\(pwd)")
    let fm = FileManager.default
    let pwdUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: pwd, isDirectory: true)
    let srcUrl = pwdUrl
        .appendingPathComponent("TestResources", isDirectory: true)
    let dstUrl = pwdUrl
        .appendingPathComponent(".build", isDirectory: true)
        .appendingPathComponent("TestResources", isDirectory: true)
    do {
        let contents = try fm.contentsOfDirectory(at: srcUrl, includingPropertiesForKeys: [])
        do { try fm.removeItem(at: dstUrl) } catch { }
        try fm.createDirectory(at: dstUrl, withIntermediateDirectories: true)
        for fromUrl in contents {
            try fm.copyItem(
                at: fromUrl, 
                to: dstUrl.appendingPathComponent(fromUrl.lastPathComponent)
    } catch {
        print("  SKIP TestResources not copied. ")
    print("  SUCCESS TestResources copy completed.\n  FROM \(srcUrl)\n  TO \(dstUrl)")


Subproject Usage

  1. Clone Repository

    git clone [email protected]:VaporExamplesLab/SynergySQLiteFramework.git
  2. Create Xcode project

    cd SynergySQLiteFramework
    # for macOS
    swift package generate-xcodeproj --xcconfig-overrides Package.xcconfig
  3. Verify DEFINES_MODULE = YES in Project Editor > Target > Build Settings.

  4. Drag and drop SynergySQLiteFramework.xcodeproj as subproject to the parent Xcode project.

  5. In the parent Xcode project, Project Editor > Target > Build Phases:

    • + add to Target Dependencies
    • + add to Link Binary With Libraries

Original Setup

Steps taken to initial setup this project.

mkdir SynergySQLiteFramework
cd SynergySQLiteFramework
swift package init
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin [email protected]*:VaporExamplesLab/SynergySQLiteFramework.git
git push -u origin master

# swift build -Xswiftc "-target" -Xswiftc "x86_64-apple-macosx10.13"
swiftbuild # alias

# swift test -Xswiftc "-target" -Xswiftc "x86_64-apple-macosx10.13"
swifttest # alias

# swift package generate-xcodeproj --xcconfig-overrides Configs/Package.xcconfig
swiftxcode # alias
open SynergySQLiteFramework.xcodeproj


SQLite: SQL As Understood By SQLite ⇗
SQLite: Core Functions ⇗
SQLite: PRAGMA Statements ⇗ … SQL extension specific to SQLite. Used to modify the operation of the SQLite library or to query the SQLite library for internal (non-table) data.