- Blazor Web Assembly
- SignalR Client
- MudBlazor
- Blazored.LocalStorage
The Monitoring dashboard opens a SignalR Client connection to the Server.
Then, each Api widget listens to that Api's ReceiveMethod for push notifications with the Health Report.
The widgets are rendered based this data.
The web app has a dashboardSettings.json file in the wwwroot folder.
"ServerUrl": "https://localhost:5001/livehealthcheckshub",
"ServerReceiveMethod": "*",
"ServerSecretKey": "f22f3fd2-687d-48a1-aa2f-f2c9181364eb",
"ServerClientId": "LiveHealthChecks.UI",
"Apis": [
"ApiName": "Sample Api",
"ReceiveMethod": "SampleApiHealth"
"ApiName": "Sample Api 2",
"ReceiveMethod": "SampleApi2Health"
Note: You should create a similar json settings file for your own system.
The web app takes over from there.
If you want to receive notifications for all ReceiveMethods in the system, on the same connection,
set the ServerReceiveMethod to * & use the SecretKey set in the Server.
The web app renders the Widgets for each Api specified in the file.
Also, each widget is listening to the SignalR ReceiveMethod of that Api.
When a Health Report for an Api is received from the Server,
that Api's widget only, is refreshed automatically.
The web app also uses the browser's local storage database for storing the Health Reports,
received from the Server.
Also, you can search this data in the Search popup (click on Search button on App bar).
You can click on a row in the table and a View Health Check popup comes up.
This has all the details of the Health Check, including the Health Report JSON.
The user can delete Health Checks from the database.
Click on the App bar Delete icon & a popup will appear.
Filter the Health Checks you want to delete & click Delete button.
You can clone the solution and containerize the Monitoring web app.
It is all configured for containerization using Alpine Linux container & nginx.
Also, SSL supported https.
From the solution directory, run the build:
docker compose build --pull --no-cache
then, deploy container:
docker compose up
Then, open the app in browser, by url: https://localhost:8001
To run the Sample in the Solution, make sure the below projects, are started up, in the specified order.
You can pull an image of the monitoring web app, from Docker Hub.
The command is:
docker pull shantanun/livehealthchecks.ui:latest
This will create the image in your local docker.
Then, you can start up the image in a container, using command:
docker run -t -d --name livehealthchecks.ui -p 8001:443 shantanun/livehealthchecks.ui
You can use this Powershell script, to replace the dashboardSettings.json file, in a docker container.
.\Replace-Dashboard-Settings.ps1 path\to\file\on\your\file\system