- Linked List Array Discussion 3
- Lab3: Unit Testing with JUnit, Debugging ---- [Pending]
- Project 1A: Data Structures
- Lecture 6
- Lecture 7
Week 4
Lecture 8: Inheritance, Implements
Lecture 9: Extends, Casting, Higher Order Functions
Lecture 10: Subtype Polymorphism vs. HoFs
Interitance Discussion 4
Lab 4: Project 1A Peer Code Review
Project 1B: Testing and HoFs
Project 1 Gold: Autograding ---- [Pending]
Week 5
- Lecture 11: Exceptions, Iterators, Object Methods
- Lecture 12: Coding in the Real World, Review
- Lecture 13: Asymptotics I
- Discussion 5
- Lab5: Randomized Comparision Tests and Timing Tests
- HW1: Java Syntax and Sound Synthesis
Week 6
- Lecture 14: Disjoint Sets
- Lecture 15: Asymptotics II
- Lecture 16: ADTs, Sets, Maps, BSTs
- Discussion 6
- Lab6: Disjoint Sets
- HW2: Percolation