- 远山是一款灵感来源于只此青绿,以中国传统颜色青色为主色系的typroa主题
- 字体使用充满古风韵味的寒蝉锦书宋,使其与整个主题风格更加匹配
- YuanShan is a Typroa theme inspired by Poetic Dance: The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting, based on the traditional Chinese color cyan
- The font uses a special Simsun full of ancient charm to make it more in line with the overall theme style
- 目前只做了简单的修改,没有修改和添加任何功能
- 目前只在Windows系统下经过测试,无法保证在Mac和Linux下的效果
- 拉取本仓库
- 将assets文件夹中的内容复制到typroa主题文件夹下
- 在typroa中切换主题为
Yuan Shan